Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 428: car

At this time, Yuan Xiaohua no longer had any hope in her heart. It was a day to live.

As for Zheng Kui\'s proposal to go to the capital for treatment, she just took it as a joke, thinking that Zheng Kui\'s head was confused, maybe it was because of concern.

Looking at Yuan Xiaohua\'s sad face, Zheng Kui took a deep breath and said seriously, "I have money."

"How much money do you have? Don\'t make trouble here, okay? I\'m very upset now, let me be quiet for a while." Yuan Xiaohua couldn\'t help saying.

How could she not know how much Zheng Kui has? She still gave Zheng Kui all the money. Can it add up to two yuan?

Although Zheng Kui never asked for money for helping with work, Yuan Xiaohua would give some after every egg sold.

"I\'m really rich, I can still take out hundreds of thousands." Zheng Kui said anxiously.

Yuan Xiaohua rolled her eyes when she heard this, if she believed this, she would be a pure fool.

"Hundreds of thousands, do you know how big a number hundreds of thousands are? Can you count?" Yuan Xiaohua said angrily.

Immediately, he stopped paying attention to Zheng Kui and began to comfort his mother on the hospital bed.

Yuan Ma actually knew it, and at this moment forced a smile, "Let\'s go, don\'t waste money here."

Dad Yuan was silent when he heard the words, and finally nodded.

If it can be treated and the family can afford it, then Dad Yuan will definitely treat it, but in this situation, let alone whether it can be cured or not, even if it can be cured, their family can\'t afford it at all. .

Seeing that the family was about to leave, the doctor who came to check the condition didn\'t say much, but only warned some precautions.

In such a situation, the doctor has to see countless times in a year, and it will not be as ignorant as when he first entered the hospital.

Sometimes it\'s not that people in the family want to give up treatment, but that reality forces them to.

"You wait for me, I\'ll find a car." Zheng Kui was sweating profusely when he saw that his family didn\'t believe him. At this time, he finally remembered that he had a car.

As long as the car is driven over, people in the Yuan family will definitely believe it.

Zheng Kui ran out quickly, and then...then got lost, he didn\'t know where he had parked the car.

Or maybe he forgot where he lived in the first place.

Although he and Yuan Xiaohua often go to the county seat, they are only in the suburbs and rarely come in to hang out.

Fortunately, the county seat was not very big at this time, Zheng Kui ran quickly, and after half an hour, he finally found the car.

"Hey, hey, your things are still in the room, and you have to pay for the other room fee." The owner of the hotel hurried out.

He has been paying attention to this car all this time. If it wasn\'t for the car here, he would have thrown all Zheng Kui\'s things away.

"How much?" Zheng Kui asked.

"I\'ll give you a little cheaper, 100 yuan." This is the accommodation fee for more than a month.

Zheng Kui didn\'t have the heart to chat with the boss. He went upstairs to take the things away, and then took out a stack of money from it. He didn\'t count it carefully, and threw it directly to the boss.

The boss was dumbfounded when he saw him like this. Did Zheng Kui put all the money in the room? Did he miss something?

Zheng Kui got in the car, started the car, and quickly went to the hospital.

At this time, Yuan Xiaohua\'s family had already packed everything and were putting Yuan Ma on the scooter.

"Where\'s Dakui?" Dad Yuan didn\'t see a figure after watching it for a long time, didn\'t he say he came down to get the car?

Yuan Xiaohua looked around and didn\'t see Zheng Kui, waited for a while, then looked at her mother again, and finally said, "Leave him alone, anyway, if he can find him, I\'ll pull the car. "

"I\'m coming, just take good care of your mother," said Dad Yuan.

Just as they were about to set off, a car was rushing towards them, and the two quickly dodged.

But to their great surprise, the car stopped in front of them.

"Xiaohua, uncle, auntie, get in the car, I\'ll take you to the capital." Zheng Kui opened the car door and came out.

Yuan Xiaohua was completely dumbfounded, as if she didn\'t know Zheng Kui.

Not only her, but Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother. At this time, although Zheng Kui was still wearing his original clothes, for some reason, after he got out of the car, they felt a little different.

"Are you Zheng Kui?" Yuan Xiaohua asked uncertainly.

Zheng Kui said: "It\'s me, how long have I been out, why don\'t you even know me?"

"Are you really Dakui?" Dad Yuan couldn\'t help but ask.

"Uncle, is there anything on my face? Don\'t know me anymore?" Zheng Kui touched his head inexplicably.

Seeing this familiar action, Yuan Xiaohua was finally convinced that it was really Zheng Kui.

"You... Where did this car come from? Did it steal it?" Yuan Xiaohua\'s tone was trembling.

Although it is an interrogative sentence, she seems to have determined it. After all, Zheng Kui gave her the impression that she was just a homeless person.

Zheng Kui said, "This is my car."

"Your car? Where did you get your car?" Yuan Xiaohua didn\'t believe it, not only she didn\'t believe it~www.novelhall.com~ even Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother didn\'t believe it.

Zheng Kui explained: "To be precise, it\'s the car my brother gave me."

"Your brother? When did you have a brother? Are you not an orphan?" Yuan Xiaohua said in a short tone.

Zheng Kui scratched his head and said, "I never said I was an orphan, did I?"

"You...I..." Yuan Xiaohua was at a loss for words, it seemed that Zheng Kui really didn\'t say that he was an orphan.


"Oh, nothing to worry about, get in the car first, I\'ll take you to see a doctor in the capital, and I\'ll explain it to you on the way." Zheng Kui said and carried Yuan Ma into the back of the car.

Yuan Xiaohua quickly supported her, her head was a little dizzy now.

But in the end, Zheng Kui did not go to the capital, but returned to the village first, which was Yuan Ma\'s request.

She is the fastest sober one. If what Zheng Kui said is true, then some things will be unclear, and she will not just agree to get on the bus and go to the capital.

When they returned to the village, the people in the village looked at them in amazement.

A group of children were walking around the car. They had never seen such a car before, and they were very curious.

When she got home, Yuan Xiaohua finally came back to her senses, looked at Zheng Kui seriously and said, "Who are you?"

"I\'m Zheng Kui." Zheng Kui said with some guilty conscience.

Yuan Xiaohua said angrily, "Then you have been lying to us all the time?"

"It\'s not a lie to you, it\'s you who think I\'m homeless." Zheng Kui whispered sophistry, he felt extremely guilty in the face of Yuan Xiaohua\'s anger.

"But you didn\'t say that you actually have a car. I hope you can explain it to me clearly." Yuan Xiaohua said loudly.

As soon as she said these words, some onlookers exploded. Is the car outside Zheng Kui\'s?