Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 427: critically ill

Zheng Kui was a little tired after a busy day. The farm work in the countryside didn\'t seem tiring, but he couldn\'t stop once he did it, but he didn\'t feel that this kind of life was bad, instead, he felt fulfilled.

Of course, all of this is based on Zheng Kui knowing that he is only here to experience life. He is not worried that he will stay in this small mountain village all his life, and he is not worried that he really needs to worry about having enough food every day.

Zheng Kui is still very clear about this.

I have to say that Zheng Kui has indeed grown a lot after experiencing Lin Xinxin\'s incident.

Zheng Kui wouldn\'t even think about a question like this before, but now he can calmly analyze something.

Zheng Kui didn\'t know how long he would stay here. He also made sure that he really liked the girl Yuan Xiaohua, but he was worried about gain and loss, and he didn\'t know how to tell Yuan Xiaohua.

Maybe it\'s fine now?

Another half a month passed. Zheng Kui was following Yuan Xiaohua to sell eggs in the city that day. Today, he was lucky and sold very well.

At noon, the two of them just drank cold water, ate flatbread, and didn\'t even have pickles, so they dealt with it like this, and Zheng Kui was already used to it.

But in the afternoon, a man from the same village ran over panting and found them.

"Xiaohua, hurry back and have a look, your mother is ill." People from the same village said anxiously.

Yuan Xiaohua stood up abruptly, "What\'s wrong with my mother?"

"Your mother went to work in the field at noon today, and then fell ill. You should go back and have a look." The man was a little hesitant to speak.

What he didn\'t say was that the reason why he came so anxiously was that he wanted Yuan Xiaohua to go back and see her mother\'s last face.

When he came, Yuan Ma had never woken up, and it seemed that she was dying.

Yuan Xiaohua became anxious all of a sudden, and ignored the egg stall, and ran straight to the house, and Zheng Kui hurriedly followed.

As for the stall, Zheng Kui didn\'t care at all, but fortunately there were people from the same village to help look at it and bring it back.

Yuan Xiaohua\'s physical strength was not bad, but she couldn\'t run fast for a long time, and she was anxious, so her speed quickly slowed down.

"I\'m carrying you on my back." Zheng Kui knew her mood and immediately said when she saw that she had no strength.

Yuan Xiaohua was not polite to Zheng Kui at this time, and climbed directly onto Zheng Kui\'s back.

This was the first time Zheng Kui had such close contact with Yuan Xiaohua, and he was a little stunned for a while, but soon after Yuan Xiaohua\'s urging, he regained his spirits.

Zheng Kui speeded up and ran to the house, which originally took more than two hours, but arrived in less than an hour.

However, Zheng Kui was also very tired, and even with his physical strength, he couldn\'t support it for a long run.

At this time, a lot of people were standing in Yuan Xiaohua\'s house, and when they saw her coming, they all gave way.

"Xiaohua, go see your mother, hey."

Yuan Xiaohua\'s eyes were red when she heard this, and after rushing in, she saw her mother lying on the bed with a weak face.

"I... I\'m fine, don\'t worry." Yuan Ma said with a strong smile.

"Mom, didn\'t I tell you not to work in the fields? Why are you still working? It\'s such a hot day, you..." Yuan Xiaohua was so anxious that tears fell.

"Cough, cough, it\'s okay, I\'ll rest for a while." Yuan Ma comforted.

But at this time no one took her words seriously, Yuan Xiaohua was even more anxious.

"Mom, let\'s go to the hospital." Yuan Xiaohua was about to lift Yuan Ma over there.

Yuan Ma didn\'t move, "If I go to any hospital, I will suffer. If I really fail, it will also be my life."

"Mom! What time is it, you are still stubborn." Yuan Xiaohua couldn\'t help shouting.

Yuan Ma looked at her anxious daughter and smiled gently, "Xiaohua, don\'t be anxious, that is, Mom may not see the day you get married."

Logically, Yuan Xiaohua should have been married long ago in the countryside. After all, she is 19 years old this year, and she is a big girl in the countryside.

But their family was already difficult, and if Yuan Xiaohua got married, there would be a shortage of labor in the family, so Yuan Xiaohua never got married.

In addition, there are few people who are close to each other. There is a younger brother in the family who will not talk about it, and there is a medicine jar, which many people avoid.

"Actually, that\'s fine. I\'m gone, and there\'s one less drag at home."

Father Yuan had been silent all the time, but when he heard the words, he suddenly said, "Go to the hospital."

He finally made a decision, and he also understood that his family\'s hard-earned wealth in the past few years might not be enough to pay for medical treatment. ,

Even if it is cured, it is estimated that Yuan Ma will not be able to do heavy work.

"The head of the family..." Yuan Ma wanted to say something, but Yuan Dad had already made a decision at this time.

"Don\'t talk about it, anyway, go to the hospital and talk about it." Dad Yuan said firmly.

Immediately went out to find a trolley, at this time Zheng Kui played a role again, and was used as an animal to pull the trolley.

Zheng Kui didn\'t care about this, and first took it to the town health clinic~www.novelhall.com~ But here is just a bottle of hanging water, so that Yuan Ma is not uncomfortable, but this is only a temporary solution. cure.

In the end, at Yuan Xiaohua\'s insistence, the family took Yuan Ma to the county hospital again, which was already their blood.

When I arrived at the county hospital, the doctor here prescribed some water and medicine after examination.

"Doctor, what\'s wrong with my mother?" Yuan Xiaohua asked nervously.

The doctor sighed, "Your mother is the root cause of an old disease, and it can\'t be cured in the county, and it\'s hard to say even in the city.

In addition, I also told you directly, you also need to be mentally prepared, in this case, maybe at any time..."

He didn\'t continue to say the rest, but everyone could understand that Yuan Xiaohua\'s face was desperate.

Seeing the expression on Yuan Xiaohua\'s face, Zheng Kui\'s heart hurt again, and then he took a deep breath and asked the doctor, "Doctor, can I go to the capital to cure my aunt?"

"Jingcheng? It\'s hard to say, because I don\'t know very well, but if I can cure her disease, I have to go to the capital.

To put it a bit harsher, don\'t mind, at least going to the capital has a better chance of surviving, which can make her last for a few more years, but the cost... hey. "The doctor sighed at the end.

Yuan Xiaohua was dumbfounded. In fact, this was equivalent to sentenced Yuan Ma to death. Even the county hospital could not treat them, let alone go to the capital.

"Do you believe me?" Zheng Kui looked at Yuan Xiaohua seriously.

Yuan Xiaohua smiled bitterly and said, "Of course I believe you."

"Then we\'ll take Auntie to the capital." Zheng Kui said firmly.

Yuan Xiaohua looked at his serious expression, and the smile on her face became more and more bitter, "How to get there? All the money we have added up, it is estimated that we can\'t even pay for the fare, let alone cure the disease."