Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 424: Collect tatters

"This, and this, forget it, let\'s have a share of these. Today, our fifth family treats guests." Zheng Shan started ordering food in Mingfeng Tower, making the fifth fifth and the others glared at Zheng Shan, and almost had their eyes wide open. stared.

"Master Xiong, how much does it cost?" The fifth asked carefully to stop Xiong Youxi.

The other three girls on the side also looked at Xiong Youxi with anticipation, hoping to get an answer that would make them feel at ease.

You Xiong looked at the fifth man with a smile. This is your own store, but since the boss said it was paying the bill, he was not polite.

"A total of four hundred and twenty-one, count you four hundred." Xiong Youxi reported the price.

The old five suddenly seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak, and said in a trembling voice: "Can you return the food?"

Xiong Youxi shrugged and looked at Zheng Shan, meaning that you are happy.

The old fifth closed his eyes and did not dare to look at the ingredients, for fear that he would not be able to hold back tears.


In the evening, the old Zheng family came, as well as the Xu Lin family. After all, the money was also shared by Xu Lin, and the four girls shared the meal money equally.

Zheng Shan looked at the entangled appearance of the fifth one, and said angrily: "I made so much money, and now it\'s only 100 yuan per person, I see how distressed you are."

"You think everyone is you, and you really are, why are you spending so much money?" Zheng Lan couldn\'t stand it anymore.

Although their family is rich now, they are reluctant to eat like this!

Four hundred dollars!

In the past, it was their family\'s salary for several months, but now it\'s gone!

Although it wasn\'t her money, Zheng Lan was also distressed!

Not only her, but Zhong Huixiu was even more distressed. When she heard so much money, she could not wait to refund it directly, but Xiong Youxi had already done it when it was delivered.

Zheng Shandao: "I haven\'t asked them to buy drinks yet."

The fifth one pretended that he didn\'t understand Zheng Shan\'s suggestion. He had so much money, and it was impossible for them to spend money.

Zheng Lan gave Zheng Shan an angry look, and didn\'t bother to talk to him anymore. She felt that she was not in the same world as her younger brother when it came to spending money.

"Don\'t feel bad for them, don\'t forget, these money are all the wool they harvest from your house." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

The fifth and the others make so much money entirely by relying on ultra-low prices, otherwise how could they make so much money.

Let\'s put it this way, some people even buy from them, buy more from them, and then sell them elsewhere, and they make a lot of money.

This shows how low their prices are.

When Zheng Lan heard what Zheng Shan said, she suddenly felt a little less distressed. It seemed to be true. During this period of time, their family put a lot of money into it.

"Dad, Mom, you eat more, don\'t give Zheng Lao San." Lao Wu served his parents with dishes and courteousness.

Especially for my mother, she is very attentive.

There is no reason, it\'s just that the simple mother wants to collect her money, and the fifth wants her to dispel this idea.

The Zheng family\'s yard suddenly became lively. In fact, if you want to do the math, it\'s not very expensive if there are so many people.

Of course, no matter what, it is also a high consumption in this era.

"Why hasn\'t the fourth child come back?" Zheng Weijun and Zheng Shan had a drink and then asked.

The fourth child has been out for a long time, and he doesn\'t mean to come back at this time.

"I called back yesterday and said everything was fine, but I don\'t want to come back for the time being." Zheng Shan said casually.

As long as people are fine, Zheng Shan has nothing to worry about.

Now even my mother is not so worried. After all, the fourth child will call back in three days at most.

The fourth child didn\'t dare not to call. First, he was afraid that his family would be worried, and secondly, he was afraid that if he didn\'t call for a long time, Zheng Shan would come over directly.

"Don\'t worry about his affairs. You should take good care of your taxi company. How is the situation now?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Weijun was suddenly pulled off the topic and began to vomit bitterness, and Zheng Shan just listened with a smile on the side, and he didn\'t give any advice at this time.

Don\'t look at what Zheng Weijun said is so bad, but in fact, the taxi company has become much better.

At least it\'s better than when the fourth man managed it.

"By the way, I asked him to put him in the name of our company. He now has three taxis in his hand." Zheng Weijun said.

Zhong Xiangbei has now started to work alone, but only under the name of the taxi company.

"Okay, you got three cars in such a short time?" Zheng Shan was a little surprised.

Zheng Weijun smiled bitterly and said, "He owns one, and the other two belong to a few of his friends. I agreed to accept it for his sake."

"You can do it yourself." Zheng Shan didn\'t want to get involved in these things.

Zheng Weijun said: "I didn\'t say anything. This kid is a bit of a conscience. The other two are also forced to. They are all the brothers who came out with him. If you don\'t help, it will be dishonest."

"There were still people who asked him to join him, but they were all rejected by him, and they all gave me the list."

Zheng Weijun wanted to laugh when he talked about this. Because of Zhong Xiangbei\'s affairs, many people wanted to join Zhong Xiangbei, but there was no way. Zhong Xiangbei didn\'t need to pay other money. If they could join Zhong Xiangbei, they would There will be more money in your hands, and you will be able to rely on the company. Of course, some people are tempted by such a good thing.

It\'s just that they think too much. Zhong Xiangbei is embarrassed to help friends. How could they really harm the interests of Lao Zheng\'s family for some money? Not only did they reject them, but they also gave Zheng Weijun the list of these people.

Eat and drink in the evening, except for the fifth one, the rest of the people are very happy, and the other three girls don\'t care so much about money.

Zheng Shan drank a lot, and when he woke up again, it was noon the next day, and Hao Wu was eating here.

"What are you going to do next? Do you want to give you a stall? You can just get the goods from my brother-in-law, which is similar to the fifth one." Zheng Shan took a mouthful of porridge~www.novelhall.com~ which surprised Zheng Shan What\'s more, Hao Wu shook his head and refused: "No need, I have found a job."

"What work?" Zheng Shan asked curiously.

Hao Wudao: "I\'ve been looking for junk collection for a while, and found that collecting junk is a lot of money."

"Isn\'t that tiring, how good is it to set up a stall." Zheng Shan advised.

Hao Wu said: "That won\'t work. Brother-in-law owes the fifth to the fifth. I can\'t do this. If it was at the normal price, I wouldn\'t sell it. It\'s better to pick up junk."

Zheng Shandao: "Just ask him to lower it for you."

"That doesn\'t work either. I want to make money, not to cheat relatives." Hao Wu has his own insistence.

Zheng Shan talked for a long time, but he didn\'t agree.

"Brother Shan, don\'t worry, I can eat enough every day now, which is already very good." Hao Wu grinned, he was actually very satisfied.