Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 425: Yuan Xiaohua

Hao Wu began to collect the **** here, and Zheng Shan did not stop him, but his impression of Hao Wu became extremely good.

Hao Wu has some of his own three views, or more appropriate cognition, which may be related to his experience.

Come to go to relatives, eat at relatives\' house for a few days, and stay for a few days is nothing, Hao Wu thinks it should be.

But if he wants to live in relatives\' house for a long time, eat relatives\' house, or lose relatives\' money to make his own money, then in his heart, this is wrong.

Zheng Shan will visit when he has nothing to do for the past two days. He finds that Hao Wu is very used to it. He gets up early every morning and rides a broken tricycle to collect the junk. At night, he goes back home and puts some things in different categories. Put it away.

Fortunately, the yard that Zheng Shan gave him was big enough to put so many things.

Hao Wu sold some of the bottles and jars the next day. The rest, like other things, were saved and bought together. If there were some electrical appliances, they would have to be repaired first. If you can fix it well, you can sell more, if you can\'t fix it, you can sell less, and things are gradually on the right track.


That night, Zheng Shan was on the phone with the fourth child, and now my mother is too lazy to talk to the fourth child.

In addition, knowing that he is safe and fine, he is too lazy to worry about it.

"When are you coming back? Haven\'t you finished your mind after being outside for so long?" Zheng Shan asked.

The fourth child has been out for more than a month now. It looks like two months, which is long enough in his opinion.

The fourth said: "I don\'t want to go back for the time being, just wait, I\'ll be fine when I go back anyway."

"Why are you all right? You don\'t care about your garage?" Zheng Shan said angrily, is he playing wild outside?

The fourth smiled and said: "I don\'t need me at all about the repair shop. I actually know it very well."

"Then you can\'t stay outside all the time, why? You\'re not going to come back." Zheng Shan said.

The fourth said, "No, wait a while longer."

"Forget it, I\'m too lazy to talk about you, just pay attention to yourself. Don\'t be arrogant outside. If you have any difficulties, just tell them at home." Zheng Shan saw his firm attitude and stopped persuading him.

At this moment, Zheng Shan vaguely heard a shout from the other end of the phone, "Zheng Kui, are you okay? Why did it take so long to buy a packet of salt?"

Before Zheng Shan could ask, Zheng Kui whispered, "Brother, I still have something to do. I\'ll hang up first, and I\'ll call you in two days."

"Hey... this kid, hang up so fast!" Zheng Shan put down the phone with a funny smile, and then remembered the voice he heard vaguely just now.

It can be heard from the voice that it is the voice of a young woman. Shouldn\'t this kid be in love?

If this is the case, Zheng Shan will be happy, which proves that the fourth child has really come out of Lin Xinxin\'s affairs.

In fact, it\'s not that the fourth child doesn\'t understand, maybe he has already noticed something, and he just deceived himself before.

And when Lin Xinxin showed his true colors again, the fourth child was actually completely awakened.

I\'ve been in a bad mood for so long, a large part of it is just because of depression or melancholy. As for Lin Xinxin\'s feelings, there must be still, but definitely not as many as before.

Maybe it\'s just some remnants of the first love.


Zheng Kui hung up the phone, hurriedly took a packet of salt, paid the bill, and went out. At this time, a girl in a floral cloth was looking around not far away.

When I saw Zheng Kui coming out, I looked at the salt in Zheng Kui\'s hand, and suddenly said angrily: "I asked you to buy coarse salt, how did you buy fine salt, how expensive is fine salt?"

"Ah, ooh, I got it wrong, I\'ll change it now." After speaking, Zheng Kui went to the canteen again and replaced the fine salt with coarse salt.

When she came back again, the little girl didn\'t look at him anymore, but was selling her own eggs to those who came to buy eggs.

Zheng Kui didn\'t say much, just squatted on the side and watched quietly.

The little girl\'s name is Yuan Xiaohua. It was he who met a girl a month ago. At that time, he was wandering around and unknowingly walked to the countryside.

At this time, Yuan Xiaohua was being robbed. Yuan Xiaohua would pick two large boxes of eggs to sell every few days, so she had been targeted for a long time.

When Zheng Kui encountered such a thing, of course, he rushed to help without even thinking about it, and several hooligans were knocked down by him a few times.

After that, the two got to know each other, but Zheng Kui lied. For some reason, when he saw Yuan Xiaohua, he subconsciously didn\'t tell the truth, saying that he was a wanderer.

Fortunately, because he was wandering around for so many days, he changed his original clothes and bought some clothes by himself.

Zheng Kui has never struggled with what to wear.

At that time, he was wearing sackcloth and was tanned a little, so Yuan Xiaohua didn\'t suspect anything.

I don\'t know if this girl is really innocent or stupid, but she brought Zheng Kui home like this.

At first, the Yuan family was a little wary of Zheng Kui, but gradually, everyone realized that Zheng Kui, a foolish boy, was not enough.

So slowly I let go of my guard.

In addition, Zheng Kui has nothing else, he is not lacking in silly strength, and it is very agile to help.

Although there was a lot to eat, the Yuan family didn\'t really drive him away, it was considered a temporary shelter for him.

Yuan Xiaohua would come to the county town every few days to sell eggs to increase some income in the village.

These two baskets of eggs are not from the Yuan family, but they have accumulated in a village for a few days. Originally, they could only sell them to traders who went to the countryside to collect eggs. Pick it out and sell it, you can sell it for a lot of money.

And Zheng Kui happened to have a lot of strength, and Zheng Kui was very good at fighting, so he naturally became Yuan Xiaohua\'s porter and bodyguard.

Zheng Kui is also very happy about this, and has no complaints at all.

Yuan Xiaohua doesn\'t belong to that kind of amazing person, especially her skin~www.novelhall.com~ After all, she is a rural person and often works in the fields. Her skin is rough, but she is very attractive.

Zheng Kui looked a little fascinated.

"Are you hungry? I have two more biscuits here. You should eat it first. The sales are not very good today. It will take a while before they are sold out." Yuan Xiaohua turned to look at Zheng after her work. Kui.

Zheng Kui hurriedly said: "I\'m not hungry, if you are hungry, you can eat first."

"I don\'t know your appetite yet, eat it, I\'ll eat it later." Yuan Xiaohua rolled her eyes at Zheng Kui and stuffed the two cakes into Zheng Kui\'s hand.

Zheng Kui took one cake with a smirk, and gave the other to Yuan Xiaohua, "I\'m enough for one, you can eat it too."

"Okay, let\'s eat together." Yuan Xiaohua thought about it and didn\'t refuse.

Zheng Kui bit the hard multi-grain cake. Compared with the meals he ate at home, he hadn\'t eaten such cakes for a long time.

But Zheng Kui was very happy to eat, and he was not picky at all, as if he was eating something delicious.