Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 423: dinner

Zheng Shan has no intention of continuing to inspect other places. The situation in other places is estimated to be the same as here, or even worse than here.

Now he has lifted the restrictions on talent training for Bai Yi and the others, and gave them another half a year, which should be able to solve some problems.

"Do you have any plans for recruiting talents?" Zheng Shan asked.

Bai Yidao: "I mainly want to recruit some talents from Xiangjiang and Wanwan, and a small part from Europe and the United States.

In addition, these places in Singapore are places that need to be considered. "

"It\'s mainly to attract some Chinese. After all, the culture is the same. Although it may take a long time to leave home, as long as it is properly cultivated, the sense of identity is still there."

"In addition, the gap between them and the employees below will be smaller, and some motivated employees can also learn more from them."

"Of course, the most important thing is that the brand of our Xishui supermarket is here. I believe that as long as we give a suitable price, they will be very happy to come here." Bai Yi said this with pride on his face look.

Zheng Shan looked at her chatting, and said amusedly, "Have you been thinking about this for a long time?"

"No." Bai Yi subconsciously denied it, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, I sometimes think about it that way."

"Okay, that\'s it for the time being. In the next six months, you should rectify it." Zheng Shan said.

Immediately, he said to brother Xia Lai: "After you go back, notify Du Yougao, Shi Zhen and the others, and ask them to rectify the internal situation of the company. After half a year, I will choose to conduct random inspections. Once a major problem is found, no one will be able to eat and walk away. ."

This time is also to give them a chance, but also to cultivate their ability.

The worse things are now, the more they\'ll get when they fix it, and it\'ll also allow them to reorganize the company.

Whether it\'s the Phoenix Company or Xishui Supermarket, they\'re expanding too fast, so fast that they may not even be aware of it themselves.

Taking Xishui Supermarket as an example, Bai Yi may not really know how many Xishui supermarkets there are in the mainland.

Brother Xia Lai took it seriously.

"Brother, since you\'re not going out, I\'ll go around by myself," the fourth said.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s okay, I\'ll follow you, this time there is no goal, just wander around."

"No need, I\'ll go around by myself." The fourth child refused.

Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Kui and finally agreed, letting him go out for a walk by himself.

"You can go out and transfer by yourself, but for three days at most, you have to give a phone number at home, understand?" Zheng Shan said.

Zheng Kui said: "Don\'t worry, brother, I\'m such an adult, I still know this."

"That\'s fine, I\'ll leave the car to you, just drive around by yourself." Zheng Shan said.

"Okay, then I\'m welcome."


In the end, Zheng Shan and Brother Xia Lai returned to the capital, while Bai Yi stayed in Jinmen to deal with the follow-up.

The fourth child drove around for a walk.

Since the last time he came back, Zheng Kui\'s heart has been a little confused, just taking advantage of this time to relax.

But after Zheng Shan went back, he was really nagged by his mother.

"Why did you let him go out alone? If something happens, I\'ll see what you will do." Zhong Huixiu was a little anxious.

Although she didn\'t know about Pengcheng, the last time the fourth child smuggled out of the country had brought a huge psychological shadow to her.

Before the fourth child, no matter whether she went to Pengcheng or wherever, at least she had a letter and knew where it was, so that she could feel at ease.

Now that I don\'t know where the fourth child will go, Zhong Huixiu\'s heart is suddenly at a loss.

Zheng Shandao: "Mom, the fourth child is so old, it\'s time for you to go out by yourself. It\'s not the same thing that you look at him like this every day, and he calls back every day, so you can rest assured."

"It\'s not that you don\'t know that his brain is not good. What if he is deceived outside?" Zhong Huixiu said.

Zheng Shandao: "He\'s not very smart, but he\'s not really stupid. Also, did you arrange your son like this?"

"I can\'t tell you clearly, I\'d better find him a partner and let him settle down." Zhong Huixiu muttered.

Zheng Shan shrugged and said, "I have no objection to this."


After dinner in the evening, Yan Qingqing came home from the laboratory. When she entered the bedroom, she was surprised to see Zheng Shan, "Why are you back?"

Zheng Shan talked about what happened in Jinmen, and finally said: "Give them some time to deal with it by themselves. If I put too much pressure on them now, I\'m also a little afraid that they will have some shadows in their hearts, no matter what they do at that time. If you\'re all tied up, that\'s not good."

These things are not deliberately done by Bai Yi and others, so Zheng Shan is willing to give them a chance.

"I don\'t understand these things about you, so you don\'t need to tell me this." Yan Qingqing folded her hair, and immediately started working at the desk.

Zheng Shan looked at her cheeks who were working hard under the lamp, and suddenly lost her mind.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Yan Qingqing looked up at Zheng Shan as if he had noticed something.

Zheng Shan said with a smile, "I was fascinated by my daughter-in-law."

"It will coax people." Although Yan Qingqing often heard Zheng Shan\'s love words, she still blushed at this time.

Seeing her like this, Zheng Shan couldn\'t help it.

"You can work anytime. Let\'s go to bed now."

"No, I still have a lot of work to do, hey, hey, don\'t hug me."

"Little lady, stop screaming, no one will come to save you even if you scream."


Time passed quickly, and the summer vacation was over in the blink of an eye. On this day, Zheng Shan watched the fifth and fourth girls, and Hao Wu counting the money.

Yesterday was their last day to set up a stall. From today, they will finish their summer homework within three days.

Although everyone keeps saying what they have done~www.novelhall.com~, as long as they are not fools, they all know that they are just coaxing people.

Seeing each and everyone counting money like a money fan, Zheng Shan was speechless, even his mother-in-law Fu Meiyi.

"How much did you earn?" Zheng Shan asked while nibbling on the seeds.

The old five said happily: "A total of 8,353 yuan and two-thirds cents."

"So much?" Zheng Shan was a little surprised.

Is this a bit more money?

"Of course, don\'t look at who is doing business, your sister and I are geniuses in business!" The fifth was proud.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Don\'t you invite the whole family to have a big meal that night? Everyone helped."

The old fifth\'s face suddenly became bitter, but she was not too embarrassed to refuse. Although she was stingy, she would not save the money she should spend.