Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 422: remove restrictions

Feng Xiang was choked by Zheng Shan\'s words and was speechless.

After Zheng Shan finished speaking, he just looked at him without any anger. In fact, this kind of situation is very common now, and Zheng Shan is also mentally prepared.

For people like Feng Xiang, when they were in state-owned enterprises, it became a habit to take cards, and it was normal to take some company things home.

In addition, Xishui Supermarket is so profitable. As a city manager, he is in charge of everything, and it seems that it has become inevitable to move his mind.

"Okay, let\'s not waste time. If you want to reflect, you should reflect on it in the prison. By the way, and the helpers who have explained you, don\'t try to hide it." Zheng Shan was a little bit when he spoke. Down-hearted.

"Don\'t end up being locked up for more than ten years because you just need to go in for three or five years. You will have nowhere to regret it."

Originally, Feng Xiang really had such thoughts. You don\'t say anything about your feelings. Why should I confess my accomplices? It\'s better to stay here and make Zheng Shan a little disgusting.

But Zheng Shan\'s words hit his heart, thinking that he would be sentenced for so many years for covering up those people, but they were so handsome outside, and he couldn\'t accept it just in his heart.

"I said it all!" Feng Xiang was gnashing his teeth when he said this, but no one paid any attention to him.

Zheng Shan directly called the police and asked the police to take him away, and the next thing was just handed over to the police.

"What are you going to do?" Zheng Shan asked this question again.

Bai Yi seemed a little confused at this time, she didn\'t know how to deal with it.

Just from what happened to Feng Xiang, it can be seen that the situation in other cities of Xishui Supermarket will only be worse than here, not better.

But knowing this kind of thing, Bai Yi felt that he couldn\'t handle it, and there was no good solution.

What made Bai Yi even more frustrated was that not only did she clean up once, especially in the capital and nearby cities.

After what happened to Dou Wensheng, not only her, but also Du Yougao and Shi Zhen were all working hard to crack down on these people.

But judging from the current effect, it doesn\'t seem to have any effect, what it should be or what it should be.

Seeing her confused look, Zheng Shan frowned slightly, but when he remembered her age and the more difficult situation now, his tone relaxed a little.

"Although you are also responsible for these things, the biggest responsibility is not on you, so you don\'t need to blame yourself too much." Zheng Shan first comforted.

No way, Zheng Shan couldn\'t find a more suitable person than Bai Yi.

"Boss, I want to resign to study." After a long silence, Bai Yi suddenly said.

Zheng Shan raised his eyebrows, "Are you expressing your dissatisfaction with me?"

"No, no, boss, don\'t get me wrong, I really feel my lack of ability, and I don\'t have any good solution for the time being." Bai Yi was a little flustered when he heard Zheng Shan\'s words.

She really didn\'t mean it, she just felt a little tired.

She has worked so hard, but she still has various problems, which makes her lack confidence in herself.

Seeing her like this, Zheng Shan said in a gentle tone: "Okay, don\'t doubt yourself, Xishui Supermarket is developing too fast, and this kind of thing is almost inevitable.

In the future, the development speed of Xishui Supermarket will be slowed down first. After you have stabilized the existing scale, think about the development. "

Regarding Bai Yi\'s resignation, unless Bai Yi really made a decision or was dissatisfied with him, Zheng Shan would not agree.

He could also see that Bai Yi was mainly a little confused.

"But..." Bai Yi hesitated.

Zheng Shandao: "Don\'t do it, I know that it may have been a little embarrassing for you before, and let you cultivate domestic talents as much as possible. In this way, now I will cancel this restriction, you can poach people at will, you only need to be in the middle and high levels, The proportion of domestic talents should not be less than 30%.”

Zheng Shan wants to help cultivate some talents in China as soon as possible. There is no doubt that the emergence of a talent will lead to some favorable development and even the rapid development of an industry.

The other is to reserve some management talents, and these talents must be separated from these cadres of state-owned enterprises.

There must be momentum and passion, and these are the things that state-owned enterprise cadres lack.

Before Zheng Shan, whether it was Bai Yi or Du Yougao, he had such requirements, which may also be the reason for this.

Bai Yi was a little surprised when he heard the words, and his eyes became more radiant.

It was because of this before that she couldn\'t think of any solution, because there were not so many people who could use it for her.

And just like the talents cultivated in China, many of them are vague about some company systems and laws, and have no sense of responsibility and awe.

If Zheng Shan really let go of these restrictions, then Bai Yi felt that it was not impossible to solve such a thing.

In fact, the reason why Zheng Shan did this before was mainly because all his companies now have no competitors in China.

Therefore, he can safely use these resources to help cultivate more management talents in China.

Seeing Bai Yi\'s happy appearance, Zheng Shan couldn\'t help shaking his head. It seemed that he was a little too hasty, and some things were better left to nature.

"Do you still want to resign now?" Zheng Shan teased.

Bai Yi hurriedly shook his head and said, "Boss, I was confused just now, so please forgive me."

She\'s not stupid~www.novelhall.com~ A radish is a pit, and she built the domestic Xishui supermarket. Although Du Yougao helped in the early stage, she also paid a lot.

If this was given to others for no reason, Bai Yi would be unwilling.

Seeing her like this, Zheng Shan stopped teasing her and said seriously, "I\'ll give you, no, give you half a year. From now on, by the beginning of next year, I will check again, if such a problem occurs again. , so what are your responsibilities, I don\'t need to say more?"

"Boss, don\'t worry, as long as there are talents, I will definitely handle this. Before, many people actually rushed ducks to the shelves." Bai Yi vowed.

After speaking, he said cautiously: "Boss, do we have any standard for the salary and treatment of these externally hired talents?"

"No, you can do it yourself, as long as you don\'t go too far." Zheng Shan waved his hand.

Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief now. If so, she would be sure to dig some talents over, not to mention more, such as Xiangjiang and Wanwan. As long as enough money is given, talents will still be easy to dig.