Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 421: Plan to fall through

Feng Xiang thought about it, "This is a good thing. In this way, the expansion of our Xishui supermarket will be faster."

Although he was thinking about things in his heart, Feng Xiang\'s face was full of surprise.

"Yeah, if that\'s the case, you\'ll be able to make more money from it." Zheng Shan laughed.

Feng Xiang\'s expression tightened, "I don\'t quite understand what you mean."

"Hey, some people just don\'t want to die if they don\'t go to the Yellow River. Forget it, I\'m too lazy to mess around with you. This TV was bought from the Linshui warehouse. You should know now, right?" Zheng Shan sighed.

Feng Xiang\'s pupils shrank suddenly, and his previous anxiety was verified. Of course he knew about the Linshui Warehouse.

"Don\'t think about quibbling. Since I\'m here, I\'ll definitely know it all. I\'m just curious about a few questions." Zheng Shan said.

Although he has no real evidence of Feng Xiang\'s reselling of the company\'s goods, it makes no difference at this point.

Zheng Shan ignored Feng Xiang\'s expression and continued: "Isn\'t the company paying you high wages? You are the manager of a city. As far as I know, the annual salary alone is 10,000 yuan. bonus.

Even in order to retain and cultivate your talents, the company can directly pay US dollars as wages according to the international exchange rate. This is already a very good treatment, why are you still not satisfied? "

"It\'s okay to be dissatisfied, but you have made some achievements. As long as there are achievements, will the company still treat you badly?"

"Or is it that Bai Yi is deliberately suppressing you, not giving you a chance to perform, or even giving you a promotion?"

Zheng Shan continued one sentence after another, seemingly not expecting to get Feng Xiang\'s answer.

As for Bai Yi, she didn\'t respond when she heard what Zheng Shan said. She asked herself that she had not done anything to suppress her subordinates, so she was not worried at all.

Feng Xiang looked at Zheng Shan and didn\'t say a word for a long time, as if thinking about how to get out of his guilt.

Zheng Shan was not in a hurry, just waited quietly, he still had time to explain to Zheng Kui.

"Have you seen it? There are too many things like this. When you said you wanted to sell the repair shop in Pengcheng, I agree because of this, because you simply don\'t have the ability to manage such a long distance." Zheng said the mountain.

Zheng Kui nodded, "I see."

"Take a good look and study hard, these are lessons bought with your brother and my hard-earned money." Zheng Shan joked.

Just as they were talking, Feng Xiang seemed to have finally figured it out and said, "No, Mr. Bai didn\'t suppress us, and the company treats us very well."

"Oh, if that\'s the case, then why are you doing this? And to be honest, your methods are not clever at all, just from some data reports, you can see the problem, do you really think that Bai is always a fool? Can\'t you see?" Zheng Shan asked curiously.

Feng Xiang looked at Zheng Shan and then at Bai Yi, "Mr. Bai, won\'t you say a word?"

This confuses Zheng Shan, "I\'m asking you, what did you ask Bai Yi to say?"

Feng Xiang let go a lot at this time, actually laughed, spread his hands and said: "I have such thoughts, and Mr. Bai must have it, so I don\'t think Mr. Bai will expose us.

Boss, it\'s useless for you to catch me as a little manager, Mr. Bai must earn more than us. "

This is to drag Bai Yi into the water, and then transfer Zheng Shan\'s anger.

Feng Xiang knew that if no one resisted Zheng Shan\'s anger, he might be finished today.

He knew from the rumors that their mysterious big boss was a ruthless person.

In fact, from the very beginning, Feng Xiang didn\'t think that he could hide it completely, but he already had a preparatory plan, which was to drag Bai Yi into the water.

Zheng Shan looked at him amusingly, and Bai Yi also looked helpless. Looking at their expressions, Feng Xiang was a little stunned.

"You mean that Mr. Bai Yi also stole the company\'s money?" Zheng Shan wanted to laugh.

"Isn\'t it?" Feng Xiang said.

Bai Yi sneered: "You are a mouse, so you think everyone is a mouse?"

Seeing her fearless appearance, Feng Xiang couldn\'t accept it, "How is it possible, just in Jinmen, Xishui Supermarket has hundreds of thousands of profits every month, so much money, not to mention the entire company.

How much is your Bai Yi\'s salary? Aren\'t you excited? I don\'t believe it, boss, don\'t let her fool you. "Feng Xiang was a little anxious.

Zheng Shan sighed: "Indeed, Bai Yi\'s salary is definitely incomparable compared to the company\'s profits, or it is very low, but her vision is different from yours."

"Or her pursuit is different."

Feng Xiang couldn\'t believe it, "What\'s the difference? Isn\'t it all about money?"

Zheng Shan found that people like Feng Xiang could not talk to each other. There is no doubt that Feng Xiang must be a smart person, otherwise he would not have been selected by Bai Yi.

Feng Xiang is a middle-level leader hired by Bai Yi from a state-owned enterprise, and he is one of the few people who has been hired successfully.

He is smart but smart, but his vision still limits his imagination.

"Bai Yi, talk about it yourself." Zheng Shan rubbed his head with a headache.

Bai Yi didn\'t shy away from anything, and said directly: "What I am pursuing is to become an executive of Xishui Supermarket, or even to be in charge of the entire Xishui Supermarket and become the CEO of Xishui Supermarket."

"I also want to get the shares awarded by the company and become a shareholder of Xishui Supermarket."

She doesn\'t mind expressing her ambitions in front of Zheng Shan. This is what Zheng Shan hopes to see. Only with ambition can employees be more motivated.

Feng Xiang couldn\'t understand her words. Isn\'t she already the manager of Xishui Supermarket?

Bai Yi immediately told Feng Xiang the real situation of Xishui Supermarket with a mocking expression.

His plan fell through.

"Do I need to check it myself, or do you need me to use some means before you can honestly explain?" Zheng Shan asked calmly.

"Boss, I have contributed to the company. I... The Xishui Supermarket in Jinmen makes so much money. You can\'t treat me like this because of my credit." Feng Xiang\'s face was pale.

Zheng Shan looked at him funny, "But I also paid you enough, don\'t say that without you, Xishui Supermarket will not be able to stay in Jinmen, let alone make money, let alone only You can make Xishui Supermarket make money, and no one else can."

"Don\'t forget, you can do this business because you have Xishui Supermarket and the platform of the company, not because of you, Xishui Supermarket succeeded. You have to clearly distinguish the primary and secondary relationships inside."

Zheng Shan knew what he was going to say as soon as he opened his mouth, so he blocked his mouth directly. Feng Xiang\'s lips trembled. He originally thought that he would pull Bai Yi into the water and then he would be able to get out easily, but now things are far away. exceeded his expectations.