Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 418: arm wrestling

Looking at Hao Wu\'s devoured appearance, Zheng Shan asked curiously, "How did you recognize me? I remember we haven\'t met before, right?"

He was curious how Hao Wu recognized him at a glance.

Hao Wu was a little smug when he heard this, "I can recognize you. I saw your photo of Brother Shan at my aunt\'s house, so I recognized it."

Did you recognize it just by looking at a photo? And it\'s still in a big group photo, it\'s really talented.

"Then you are quite powerful." Zheng Shan praised.

Hao Wu smirked proudly while eating Haisai: "Hey, I don\'t have any other skills. I\'m pretty good at recognizing people, and I\'m also very good at recognizing roads."

"It\'s really good." To be able to find it with just one address, except for some luck, the level of road recognition must be good.

Zhong Huixiu also knew about Hao Wu\'s situation at this time. Seeing him like this, she felt a little distressed, "Xiao Wu, eat slowly, there is still a lot, not enough."

"Auntie, your family\'s food is really delicious. I have never eaten something so delicious." Hao Wuhan said with a smile.

"Eat more if it\'s delicious, but eat slowly, don\'t choke." Zhong Huixiu said quickly.

At this time, Zheng Jianguo had already called back. After returning, he didn\'t say much, just asked about Hao Wu\'s situation in the past two days.

Hao Wu actually had nothing to say. Although he said that the old lady also brought some things when she went back home, there was nothing left for a few points.

In addition, several of Hao Wu\'s uncles and uncles are not doing well. Recently, the children in the family should get married, and those who still have children have children, and life has become more and more difficult.

In addition, Hao Wu\'s appetite is getting bigger and bigger every day, so a few families can\'t afford food.

Hao Wu didn\'t blame others, let alone stay at home.

Ever since he heard the old grandma talk about Zheng Shan, he has also taken care of him. He has strength, but in today\'s rural areas, you don\'t have the strength to get food.

There are more people, but less work.

So he thought about coming to join the old uncle Zheng Jianguo. As for whether to recognize it or not, it was not within his scope of consideration.

If he doesn\'t recognize it, he will leave if it\'s a big deal. Anyway, it won\'t be worse than it is now.

"Xiao Wu, these are some old clothes, you should wear them first, and I will take you to buy some new clothes later." Zheng Shan took out some of his old clothes.

It is said to be old clothes, but it is no different from new clothes. Zheng Shan also wears them by himself.

As soon as Hao Wu saw the clothes that Zheng Shan took out, he immediately waved his hands and said, "That\'s not good, these clothes are too new, I won\'t wear them."

"Brother Shan, just find me a job, I have the strength."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "You can wear whatever you want. Don\'t be in a hurry with your work. Let\'s talk about it when you get used to it here."

"That won\'t work, I can\'t eat free food, that will make people laugh." Hao Wu shook his head, he also had his own insistence.

Although it was the uncle and the others who gave the food these few days, Hao Wu also put in a lot of energy. Whenever the uncle\'s house had something to do, Hao Wu was the first to rush over to help.

In the past, his brother Hao Wen would often help, but after the third child of Hao Wen\'s family landed, his family was a little overwhelmed and couldn\'t take care of his younger brother.

At Zheng Shan\'s request, Hao Wu still put on Zheng Shan\'s old clothes, which made him seem a little cramped and uncomfortable for the first time.

You must know that at the beginning, even in tattered clothes, Hao Wu looked very carefree and did not feel uncomfortable at all.

"Just buy me new clothes when you earn money in the future, don\'t be so nervous." Zheng Shan saw it and said calmly.

"Yeah!" Hao Wu nodded seriously.

Zheng Jianguo didn\'t go to work anymore, he just talked to Hao Wu at home and learned more about things at home.

Zheng Jianguo just doesn\'t want to be idle at home. Their old Zheng family is not short of money now, but Zheng Jianguo himself can\'t be idle at all, so it\'s time to go to work, but it\'s not for the money now.

This also caused Comrade Lao Zheng to be a little slack at work, or to say that his temper was also a little bigger.

Things that were completely tolerated in the past can no longer be tolerated now. There is a tendency to become an old thorn, causing some leaders to have a headache.

Withholding money or something, Comrade Lao Zheng doesn\'t care at all now, you can deduct as much as you want, and he doesn\'t make a fuss, but if you make him unhappy, there will be trouble.

"I lived with my aunt for a few days. My aunt is in good health, and my aunt is also very good to me."


"What are you good at?" Zheng Shan asked.

Since it was his relatives who came to defect to his family, it still needs to be arranged. After all, it is not troublesome for Zheng Shan.

Hao Wu scratched his head and said, "I\'m not good at anything, I\'m very strong."

"Strong strength? Let\'s compare?" The fourth child suddenly said.

The fourth is dealing with the car repair shop. He is about to come over and talk to Zheng Shan, but unexpectedly, there is a relative in the family.

Hao Wu looked at the fourth child, scratched his head and said, "No, I\'m afraid I\'ll hurt you."

The fourth child was excited when he heard it, "I\'m so big, no one can hurt me yet."

Zheng Shan also looked at the two with a smile, "Then break your wrists and let me see too."

The two began to compete on the stone table in the yard. Zheng Shan, as the referee, saw that the two were ready, and immediately started three-two-one.

To Zheng Shan\'s surprise, Hao Wu was able to evenly share with his fourth son, at least at the beginning, the two were half a pound.

Seeing this, the fourth child felt that he had met his opponent, "I\'m going to work hard."

"Hey, I didn\'t try too hard just now." Hao Wu laughed.

Immediately, Zheng Shan saw that the faces of the two of them turned red.

After persisting for about half a minute, the fourth eldest barely won, which surprised Zheng Shan.

He knew the strength of his own fourth child~www.novelhall.com~ I didn\'t expect Hao Wu\'s strength to be so great. Could it be that the natural power of the fourth child came from the old lady\'s house?

"You are amazing, no one has ever beat me in terms of strength." Hao Wu was also convinced.

The fourth rubbed his wrists, "You are also very good. This is the first time someone has been able to persist for so long when I use all my strength."


In the afternoon, Zheng Shan and Lao Si took Hao Wen out for a stroll, and took a look at Lao Wu\'s stall.

When Hao Wu watched it, the whole person was stupid!

"Do people in the city earn so much money?" Thinking about how tired he used to be like a dead dog trying to earn one or two cents, and then looking at the money that the little girl, the fifth, has been collecting, the whole person\'s The three views almost collapsed.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s not as easy to earn as you think. She\'s doing this because it\'s cheaper than others."

"Really, that\'s a lot." Hao Wu said blankly.
