Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 417: Hao Wu

"Why do you want to go out suddenly?" Yan Qingqing asked curiously at night.

Zheng Shan put his arm around her shoulder and said, "There is something wrong with Xishui Supermarket, but the main thing is that I want to take the fourth child out for a walk.

Although he looks fine on the surface, don\'t you think he\'s gotten a lot duller lately? "

In addition to inspecting the situation of Xishui Supermarket, the most important thing is to take Zheng Kui to relax.

"Indeed, it\'s better to take him to relax. If you see more things, you will slowly forget these things." Yan Qingqing nodded, and she naturally saw this.

But since Zheng Kui pretended to be okay on the surface, no one would take the initiative to uncover his scars.

"Are you going? Go out to relax together?" Zheng Shan asked.

"I don\'t care, it just happens that my project is a little tight during this time." Yan Qingqing shook her head.

It\'s not that she doesn\'t want to play, but now there are some problems in the experimental project that need to be overcome, and the time she has come back is getting late recently.

"Okay, you should also pay attention to your body. By the way, I will let Master Xiong prepare some nourishing soup for you, and send it directly to your work place?" Zheng Shan said.

Yan Qingqing looked at him amusingly and said, "You are not afraid of being jealous of me."

"What\'s the matter, who made you have a good husband." Zheng Shan said proudly.

"Forget it, and ordinary people on my side can\'t get in." Yan Qingqing shook her head.

Indeed, the place where she works now is really not accessible to ordinary people.

"Why don\'t I just contract the cafeteria over there? In this way, my wife can eat whatever she wants every day." Zheng Shan said.

Yan Qingqing snuggled into his arms and said with a smile, "You\'re not afraid of spoiling me."

"Don\'t be afraid, you are my wife, who will spoil you if I don\'t spoil you."

"Hee hee, thank you husband! Husband, you are so kind."


The next day, Zheng Shan told Zheng Kui about going out to relax, but that was not what he said.

"There are some problems with the company below me, you can follow me to take a look." Zheng Shandao.

Hearing what Zheng Shan said, Zheng Kui didn\'t mean to refuse, "Okay, when will we go?"

"Just these two days, you should also prepare and arrange everything in the garage." Zheng Shandao.

Zheng Kui nodded. He had nothing to do with the garage. Although Fan Da and Fan Er didn\'t have enough brains, after such a long period of training, there was no big problem in managing a small garage. .

However, when Zheng Shan was still packing up the next day, he saw a young man in tattered clothes poking his head in front of his house.

Seeing Zheng Shan come out, the young man greeted him directly.

"Brother Shan." The young man was very familiar with him, and he called him brother when he opened his mouth, and he seemed to know Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan had no impression of this young man, "Who are you?"

"I\'m Hao Wu." The youth said.

Zheng Shan looked blank, who is Hao Wu? Does he know?

"My aunt\'s name is Hao Fang." Hao Wu said quickly when he saw Zheng Shan like this.

Zheng Shan was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that his old grandmother seemed to be called Hao Fang?

He only heard his father mention it once, and he didn\'t know the specifics.

Zheng Shan asked hesitantly, "Are you from my uncle\'s grandfather\'s house?"

This name should be correct, right? Zheng Shan was also a little confused about these distant names.

"Yes, yes." The young man said quickly.

"Have you come to the capital?" Zheng Shan has nothing to say. He doesn\'t know this young man, but Dad should know something.

So while asking questions, he brought Hao Wu into the house.

"Yes, I heard that Brother Shan, you are doing well in the capital, so I came to join you." Hao Wu said directly.

Zheng Shan: ......

At this time, Zheng Jianguo was just about to go out when he saw Zheng Shan brought someone over. Before he could react, the young man shouted, "Uncle San."

Only then did Zheng Jianguo recognize who the person in front of him was. Hao Wu was so dirty now that he didn\'t know how many days he hadn\'t showered.

Zheng Shan smelled a strange smell when he walked beside him, but he didn\'t show it.

"Xiao Wu? Why are you here?" Zheng Jianguo was full of surprises, he hadn\'t heard that Xiao Wu was coming.

When Zheng Shan saw his father\'s situation, he knew that he was right, and that he was really his own relative.

When Zheng Jianguo went to visit relatives, he did not take Zheng Shan with him, after all, it was a bit far away.

Grandma Zheng Shan\'s hometown is a little far from the ancient village, so Zheng Shan has never seen any relatives here.

Even the old lady seldom goes back, for no other reason, but because she is poor, there is nothing to bring with her when she goes back, and she also wastes the food of her brother and brother\'s family, so she seldom goes back.

Since Zheng Shan went back, the life of the old Zheng family has been getting better day by day, and the old grandma has the idea of ​​going back.

But even so, I haven\'t gone back a few times throughout the year.

"Uncle San, I\'m here to defect to you." Hao Wu said directly, not recognizing his life at all.

Zheng Jianguo had contacted Hao Wu and knew some of his personality, "You sneaked out on your own, right? Do your grandparents know?"

"I don\'t know." Hao Wu didn\'t hide it at all, and seemed to be a little proud. "I sneaked out and didn\'t tell me where you lived. I saw your address at my aunt\'s house."

When Zheng Shan saw Hao Wu like this, he felt a little headache, but it wasn\'t for other reasons, so he was not an honest person.

"How did you get here?" Zheng Jianguo asked again.

Hao Wu said, "Hey, I climbed directly onto a freight train and sat here all the way."

"You...Hey, forget it, you should eat something first, haven\'t you eaten yet?" Zheng Jianguo wanted to say a few words, but seeing him like this, he couldn\'t help it.

"Well, I haven\'t eaten for two days." Hao Wu nodded.

Zheng Shan: ......

He was still so energetic after two days without food, and he was able to find this place with just one address. I don\'t know whether to praise him for his tenacity, or to say that he was stupid and bold.

Although it is said that the things of the past year~www.novelhall.com~ have made things better now, it is not so safe.

Zheng Jianguo quickly pulled Hao Wu closer to the main room, and then prepared some food for him to eat.

Hao Wu was also not polite at all, but when he saw people, he called them one by one, and he didn\'t feel cramped when he first arrived.

"Dad, what\'s the situation?" Zheng Shan asked quietly.

Zheng Jianguo also had a headache at this time, "Hey, he is the grandson of your uncle, his parents have left a few years ago, and his boss doesn\'t care about him, hey."

Zheng Jianguo didn\'t say much, just briefly talked about Hao Wu\'s situation.

Hao Wu has an older brother named Hao Wen, who is five years older than Hao Wu and has long been married and had children.

As for an older sister and a younger sister, both of them got married. Since his parents passed away, the boss has been in charge of him for a while, and he hasn\'t been in charge any more since.

For so long, most of them have lived on the help of a few uncles and uncles.
