Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 419: Jinmen

Hao Wu was a little dumbfounded when he watched the fifth girl count the money until her hands cramped.

Especially when the fifth and the others were reckoning how much they had earned today, they couldn\'t believe it at all.

Is the money so good in this world?

But just two days later, Hao Wu was persuaded by the fifth child for some reason, and actually acted as a porter for them, and he seemed to be very happy.

Zheng Shan didn\'t want to arrange a new job for him, he had to follow the old fifth, even if he only paid five yuan a day, he was very energetic.

Moreover, the fifth is regarded as a teacher, and the business experience of the young girl is like a treasure.

Zheng Shan was speechless.

On the fourth day, Hao Wu said that he was going to move out.

In the end, Zheng Shan could only arrange a house for him, and Hao Wu gave all the money he had earned by following the old fifth **** in the past few days to Zheng Shan, saying that it was the rent, and he would make up for it when he made money.

Zheng Shan was helpless, "It\'s all from his own family. Whatever money you want, you can keep it well. There will be more places to spend the money in the future."

"No, I can\'t eat and live for nothing, isn\'t that a scumbag?" Hao Wu shook his head.

Zheng Shan said with a stern face: "Why do you and I have such a clear distinction? I am your brother, and it is appropriate to do this."

"No, my brother hates me because I eat too much." Hao Wu said bluntly, he also has his own persistence.

Zheng Shan said for a long time that he couldn\'t convince Hao Wu that if he didn\'t accept the money, Hao Wu would rather sleep on the street.

"Okay, okay." In the end, Zheng Shan reluctantly accepted the money, and immediately saw Hao Wu\'s happy face.

With Hao Wu following behind the fifth and the others, Zheng Shan felt relieved.

After staying at home for two more days, Zheng Shan set off with the fourth child.

This time, Zheng Shan is also preparing to sort out his own industries in China, not just the issue of Xishui Supermarket.

Although these industries are developing rapidly, they are still in the stage of laying the foundation.

With the determination of the policy, more and more businesses are being done these days, and some things need to be strictly standardized.

Otherwise, as each company grows, it will not be so well corrected.

Bai Yi handled everything quickly and came along with him.

Their first stop was Jinmen on the edge.

"Xishui Supermarket has opened a total of three stores in Jinmen, each in..."

"The loss here in Tianjin is still within a reasonable range, and I often come to see it. There shouldn\'t be any major problems."

Bai Yi began to introduce the situation of the Xishui supermarket in Jinmen in detail.

"Where is the warehouse here?" Zheng Shan asked.

If there is a problem, there must be a problem in the warehouse, especially according to some situations reported here.

Now maybe everyone is still relatively \'simple\', and they will only focus on the simplest, and will not do those complicated operations.

"In the city."

"You come to show the way, the fourth child drives."

It didn\'t take long for them to arrive at the warehouse in Jinmen.

"This place is relatively close to the three storefronts we opened and the storefronts in the follow-up plan, and it is also the most suitable choice.

The standards of the goods inside are all in accordance with European and American standards, and the process is the same. "

"Ship out on time every day, stock up, count sales data, and then replenish according to sales data."

The four people squatted in the shade of a tree, and then watched the vehicles coming and going in and out of the warehouse.

"These green trucks are all delivered, and the red ones are purchased." Bai Yi said.

These Zheng Shan naturally know that the process is the same as that of Xishui supermarkets in Europe and the United States. Although some processes have been appropriately changed, most of them have not changed.

Especially in the management of warehouses, Xishui Supermarket has always been very strict.

In the afternoon, Zheng Shan and the others just observed, but there was no problem on the surface, at least they didn\'t see anything outside.

Zheng Shan was not in a hurry. He found a place to stay at random at night, and continued to observe the next day.

In the afternoon of the second day, Zheng Shan finally found out that something was wrong.

"Where are all the things pulled by these small cars?" Zheng Shan pointed to some small lanes that went in and out.

Others use trolleys, pulling carts of goods, moving to other places like ants moving.

Bai Yi\'s face is not very good-looking, and she is not clear about it, but it is definitely not a good thing.

"It seems that some goods that are about to expire, or that are lost during transportation and sales, should be handed over to the company for handling, right?" Zheng Shan asked.

Bai Yi nodded, indicating that it was indeed the case.

Zheng Shan didn\'t ask any further, got up and clapped his hands and said, "Just right, let\'s follow along and have a look."

The four of them followed, but they didn\'t go too far, at most ten kilometers away. These people sent all the goods to a warehouse. There were more people here, and they were all clamoring for some goods. .

"Tsk tsk, it\'s so lively." Zheng Shan said.

Bai Yi smiled wryly. She actually guessed it when she saw those trolleys pulling the goods. In fact, it wasn\'t difficult to guess.

The loss is too large, and in the absence of accidents, most of them are enriched by internal personnel.

"Have you thought about how to deal with it?" Zheng Shan asked.

Bai Yi shook his head and said, "For the time being, I haven\'t thought of a good solution. Judging from the data reports for the last six months, this situation is too common.

And now the traffic is inconvenient, the stalls we have built are a bit large, and it is not very convenient to manage. "

"Then leave it alone?" Zheng Shan was not angry, but asked calmly.

Bai Yidao: "I\'m actually planning to make some significant personnel transfers in the second half of the year, especially for some key cities."

She can only think of this way, UU reading www.uukanshu. com traffic and communication are too constant now, many things are easy to say, but the difficulty of management is greatly increased.

Zheng Shan did not comment on her method, but said, "Let\'s go over and take a look first."

Immediately, a few people walked in, and no one asked about the situation.

"Dude, how are the goods here?" Zheng Shan grabbed a middle-aged man and handed him a cigarette with a smile.

The middle-aged man took it and looked at it, "Are you here just now?"

"Yes, I heard people say that the goods here are cheap and good, so I wanted to come and have a look." Zheng Shan said casually.

"Then you\'ve come to the right place. The goods here are all good things, and the price is even cheaper than buying the goods directly from the manufacturer. You need to pay immediately, but as long as you take a little less, whether you go to the countryside to sell, or Selling on the street is very easy to sell." The middle-aged man took a deep breath of the flue.

"Brother, do you know where they got the goods from? Why is it so cheap?" Zheng Shan looked curious.
