Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 414: drink booze

Although Zheng Shan only proposed a solution, the specific implementation depends on him, but this solution solves the biggest problem for Zheng Weijun.

The most important thing in doing things is not knowing how to do it. As long as you have a direction, the rest of the things are easier to handle.

Zheng Shan asked Xiao Jingyi about the situation while teasing Xiao Jingyi.

The current taxi company originally planned to give everything to Big Brother, but Zheng Weijun didn\'t want it.

Finally, under the auspices of my father Zheng Jianguo, the company was divided into three parts.

Zheng Weijun, Zheng Shan, and Zheng Kui each hold 33% of the shares, plus an operating share to Zheng Weijun, so Zheng Weijun is 34%, and Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui are 30%. three.

Even so, Zheng Weijun\'s face was very embarrassed at the time. If it wasn\'t for Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui\'s insistence, he would not have agreed.

In addition, Zheng Shan\'s words moved him.

At that time, Zheng Shan said: "Now the company is only worth so much money, if it is always given to the fourth child, it is estimated that this is the case.

But if you, eldest brother, directly double the company\'s profits, we will still make money. You are not taking advantage of us, but helping us make money. "

"Besides, we are brothers, it\'s boring to care about so much."

In the end, Zheng Weijun accepted these shares, and at the same time, he worked harder. A while ago, he basically lived in the company, and Lin Meihua gave him his meals.

Soon Lin Meihua prepared the meal and hugged Xiao Jingyi, which made Xiao Jingyi very dissatisfied.

After being slapped twice by Lin Meihua, she was honest.

"Sister-in-law, come and eat together." Zheng Shan said quickly when he saw that Lin Meihua was going out.

"You eat first, and I have to wash my clothes." Lin Meihua said.

Zheng Weijun said: "Don\'t worry about her, let\'s have a drink first."

"Okay, come, take one."

After taking two sips, Zheng Weijun sighed: "I only now know how difficult it is to host a company, and now I worry to death every day, and this is still in the absence of any competitive pressure.

But with more and more taxis, life will definitely not be this easy, hey, it\'s a headache just thinking about it. "

"Haha, now I know that this is not for you to enjoy, you are helping your two younger brothers make money." Zheng Shan laughed.

Zheng Weijun smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, I\'m not a fool."

Zheng Shan\'s words are just like a fool.

The two chatted while drinking, Zheng Weijun talked about some company problems, and Zheng Shan made some casual comments.

Especially in the company\'s development convenience and system management, Zheng Weijun has a feeling of enlightenment.

Only at this time did he realize that his younger brother was a little unusual. He had asked many people these questions, but there had never been one like Zheng Shan, who gave a suitable answer in an understatement.

"The company\'s management system is the most important. Start-up companies are fine. Once the company grows, the management system is the core.

Although the taxi company is not big now, it is not too small. You can start from this aspect and put more thought into the management system in the future.

In this way, even if there is a problem, it can be solved very well. "Zheng Shan said.

Zheng Weijun nodded and said, "I know, but now many people in the company have become accustomed to such a sloppy way. Once the implementation is tough, I\'m afraid that there will be troubles."

"This is simple. First, win a group, and then take a group of Liwei to reward those who abide by the rules and regulations, or directly give him a promotion."

"In this way, they can be well differentiated. If they still gather together to resist at this time, then they will be dismissed directly. It\'s not that we can\'t afford to lose this money.

Now there are not many other things, even if there are many people, it is not too difficult to learn to drive, and we also have the conditions. "Zheng Shan said.

"Okay, I\'ll give it a try."

When the Zheng Shan brothers were about to finish their meal, Lin Meihua finished her work, and then Zheng Weijun helped take care of the children so that Lin Meihua could eat well.

As for Zheng Ming, it seems that the two of them have forgotten. Zheng Shan reminded him, and Lin Meihua said, "This kid is crazy. I don\'t care about him. When he is hungry, he will come back to eat."

"Well, you are adopting a stocking policy." Zheng Shan laughed.

After staying here for a while, Zheng Shan went to Li Yuan\'s house to wander around. He also remembered what Wei Chengjun told him before, that Li Yuan seemed to have encountered some difficulties.

After arriving at their house, Zheng Shan saw Li Yuan drinking alone, and it seemed that he was indeed in trouble.

"What\'s wrong? Is it interesting to drink alone?" Zheng Shan sat down directly.

"Why are you here?" Li Yuan looked up in amazement.

Zheng Shandao: "Why can\'t I come? What? I\'m not welcome?"

"Don\'t listen to his nonsense, this dead child has drunk too much, Dashan, don\'t care." Aunt Li said quickly from the side.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Auntie, I\'m joking with Dayuan."

After a few polite words with Aunt Li, Zheng Shan asked Li Yuan, "What kind of trouble did you encounter? It made you start drinking, you\'re not like that."

Li Yuan has suffered a lot of hardships in the past, and he has also sharpened his temperament. Thinking about how difficult the days have been in the past, Li Yuan will not be so worried about ordinary things at all, especially the Started drinking booze.

Li Yuan shook his head and said, "It\'s okay, it\'s just a small matter."

"Is it all right?"

"It\'s all right!"

"It\'s okay, you don\'t tell me, Shanzi, you judge us." Zhu Yuefen, who had been quietly mending clothes, couldn\'t help it.

Although the living conditions of their family are better now, they are used to the poor life in the past. They are reluctant to throw away these broken clothes and wear them if they can be repaired. This is the philosophy of their family\'s life~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Before Shan could speak, Li Yuan, who was beside him, slapped the table angrily, "What do you know, bitch? Don\'t talk nonsense."

"What nonsense did I say? Ah? Could it be our fault?" Zhu Yuefen obviously suffered a lot of grievances, so she had a rare quarrel with Li Yuan at this time.

Seeing that they were still arguing, Zheng Shan said, "Da Yuan, sister-in-law, don\'t be arguing, what\'s the matter?"

Just as Zhu Yuefen was about to speak, Li Yuan gave her a stern look, and in the end she just squirmed her lips and said nothing.

Zheng Shan was unhappy when he saw this, "Da Yuan, are you treating me as an outsider? What the **** is going on?"

"It\'s really fine, just a little thing, don\'t worry about it." Li Yuan reluctantly smiled.

Zheng Shan stood up directly, "Since you treat me as an outsider, then I don\'t have to stay here shamelessly, let\'s go."

As he was about to leave, Li Yuan knew that Zheng Shan was just angry, but he could only stand up and stop him.