Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 413: haggard

After Zheng Shan finished his instructions, he waited for the fifth to have a quick meal and came over to replace him, and then he and Wei Chengjun stood on the side, smoking a cigarette and chatting.

"How are you doing lately?" Zheng Shan asked casually.

Wei Chengjun replied cautiously: "Fortunately, as before, there is no major problem."

Seeing that he was so careful, Zheng Shan couldn\'t help but roll his eyes at him, "The last thing was just to teach you a lesson, why? Now you are so estranged from me, are you ready to deny my brother?"

"No, no, I\'m just a little guilty." Wei Chengjun said quickly, this is serious, he knows what\'s wrong.

Zheng Shandao: "You only need to remember the lessons of these things, and don\'t take the rest to heart. Although this sentence is a bit cliché, I still want to say that I did this for your own good. Being pulled into the abyss, I can\'t pull you back."

Wei Chengjun actually understood, thinking about the fate of Ghost Master and the others, Wei Chengjun still shivered involuntarily.

The ghost master was shot, and the rest of his subordinates, only those with serious circumstances, could not escape the fate of eating peanuts.

If you think about yourself if you are too involved, even if you don\'t know it, but you are fooled into by Su Meng, then it is estimated that your end will not be much better.

"Brother, I know." Wei Chengjun said seriously.

"It\'s good to know. If you don\'t know what to do in the future, you can come and ask me directly, or you can ask your brother Yuan, you won\'t say anything else, you are much better than you in this respect. "Zheng Shan exhaled a smoke ring.

Wei Chengjun hesitated a little when he heard Li Yuan\'s name, as if he had something to say.

"If you have something to say, don\'t hesitate." Zheng Shan said angrily when he saw it.

At that time, he just frightened Wei Chengjun, and didn\'t really teach him a lesson. Why is he so timid now?

Before Wei Chengjun opened his mouth, the fifth man over there began to command, "Brother, go and bring me the pile of clothes, yes, the pile on the side."

Zheng Shan was helpless, looking at the four busy girls, he could only go and help bring them over.

After finishing his work, Wei Chengjun also said, "That\'s it, I found that Brother Yuan seems to be in a bad mood recently."

"Have you quarreled with his daughter-in-law?" Zheng Shan didn\'t care.

Mood is a thing, sometimes inexplicably happy, and sometimes sad without the slightest warning.

Wei Chengjun shook his head and said, "No, it seems that something is difficult, but I asked Brother Yuan, and Brother Yuan didn\'t say anything."

Zheng Shan didn\'t think much about it. After all, it is basically impossible to do business without encountering any difficulties.

"It is estimated that something happened in the business, I will find a time to ask him." Zheng Shandao.

"Brother, don\'t say it was me." Wei Chengjun said quickly.

Zheng Shan said: "Okay."

The two chatted for a while, and then Wei Chengjun left. He came here to Taobao, and many old items would be brought to sell.

Zheng Shan waited until the four girls closed the booth before going back together, and then watched them discuss with excitement although they were a little uncomfortable in the sun.

"I used my own money this time. I will give you the goods you bought with your own capital, but the money I earned will not be distributed to you for the goods I bought with my own capital." The old fifth was a little wary. looking at Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan glared at her and said, "Your brother, can I still think about your money?"

"Hee hee, I knew my brother was the best." The fifth child immediately began to act like a spoiled child.

Zheng Shan had a headache looking at the four little sparrows chattering.

Originally, Zheng Shan thought that he would watch it for a few days, and then let Wei Chengjun find someone to take care of it when they were familiar with it.

But soon someone took his class.

Fu Meiyi took the initiative to come to help, "The art troupe has nothing to do now, I\'ll take care of them."

Now Fu Meiyi is doing well in the art troupe. She has passed the test with her own abilities, and Zheng Shan has been taken care of, so she is doing well.

"It\'s a very tantalizing day, or else forget it, and they will be able to pass by themselves slowly," Zheng Shan said.

Fu Meiyi smiled and said, "You are underestimating me. Although I haven\'t suffered any hardships, this matter can\'t trouble me. Don\'t worry, and I don\'t worry about their girls outside."

Zheng Shan didn\'t say anything when she saw her insistence. It was really reassuring to see an adult.

That night, Zheng Shan came to the eldest brother\'s house. He hadn\'t seen the eldest brother during this time, and wanted to ask about his situation.

The taxi company has now been officially handed over to Zheng Weijun, and Zheng Shan has not asked too much, otherwise, Zheng Weijun will be uncomfortable.

"Uncle." As soon as Zheng Ming saw Zheng Shan coming, he immediately left his little friends and ran over.

"Why haven\'t you been to play recently." Zheng Shan said with a smile, looking at Zheng Ming, who had grown a lot.

Zheng Ming cried and said, "My mother asked me to do my homework and take my sister at home."

"Have you finished your homework? By the way, what about Jingyi? Why didn\'t I see it?" Zheng Shan asked.

Immediately, Zheng Shan saw a little girl playing with mud on the side, dirty all over her body.

"That\'s how you brought your sister?" Zheng Shan glared at Zheng Ming.

Zheng Ming scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

Zheng Shan walked over to pick up Xiao Jingyi and patted the dust on her body.

"Hee hee hee, Shu Mi." Xiao Jingyi clapped her hands happily, expressing a warm welcome to the uncle Zheng Shan.

"You can play here by yourself, I\'ll find your dad." Zheng Shan walked into the compound with Xiao Jingyi in his arms.

Lin Meihua was cooking at this time, and when she saw Zheng Shan coming, she quickly said, "Dashan is here, hurry up and sit down, it\'s time to cook, what do you want to eat, my sister-in-law will cook it for you."

"Sister-in-law, don\'t bother, just do whatever you want." Zheng Shan raised his head to avoid Xiao Jingyi\'s dirty little hands, and said casually.

"Where\'s Big Brother?"

"Inside the house, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Guards, the mountain is coming." Lin Meihua shouted.

Zheng Shan had just washed Xiao Jingyi\'s little hands when he saw Zheng Weijun walking out unshaven.

"Brother, what\'s wrong with you?" Zheng Shan was taken aback.

Zheng Weijun asked in confusion, "What\'s wrong?"

"Why are you so haggard now? You don\'t even shave your beard." Zheng Shan said speechlessly.

Zheng Weijun didn\'t care: "I don\'t have time to clean up. Now I\'m busy every day. I really don\'t know what those guys are thinking. They don\'t take advantage of the company. It\'s like dying."

Zheng Shan knew it was the company\'s business when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "How is it now?"

"It\'s okay, the main thing is that your method works, otherwise I really don\'t know what to do." Zheng Weijun said. </div>