Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 415: Opinion

"Hey, what do you say about this matter? It\'s really not a big deal." Li Yuan stopped Zheng Shan and sighed.

Zheng Shan said angrily: "It\'s not a big deal, you\'re hiding it from me?"

"No, I just don\'t want you to worry."

"It\'s alright, alright, tell me what the **** is going on, I\'ll talk about it after I\'ve heard it." Zheng Shan said impatiently.

Li Yuan said the matter with a wry smile. It was indeed not a big deal, but it was enough to make people feel comfortable.

The reason is very simple, that is, the young son-in-law of Uncle Lu\'s family, Huang Gu, wants to go out and do it alone!

"Dashan, tell me what\'s going on? We have never treated him badly, and we even gave the most money.

We have never made any money from him. As long as it is the furniture he made, we will give him as much as he makes without deduction at all.

But that\'s it, he has to go out and do it alone. If people know this, they will think we have done something to him. "Seeing Li Yuan speak, Zhu Yuefen couldn\'t help but speak, and her tone was very angry.

She, Zhu Yuefen, thought that she was completely worthy of Huang Gu, because of the relationship with Uncle Lu, she gave the best conditions.

"That\'s it?" Zheng Shan was speechless.

"Not only this, he also took away some of the masters in our factory." Zhu Yuefen said.

This is a bit inappropriate.

Li Yuan sighed and said, "I really don\'t know how to tell Uncle Lu. I want to go out and do it alone and let Uncle Lu know. I guess I thought I treated his son-in-law badly, but I really didn\'t."

Zheng Shan coughed and said, "Since he wants to go out and do it alone, let him go out, can you still stop him?"

"But how do you tell Uncle Lu? I\'m really afraid that Uncle Lu will misunderstand." Li Yuan said.

"Are you afraid that Uncle Lu will find out, you will feel uncomfortable in your heart? Are you afraid that there will be conflicts in his family again?" Zheng Shan said directly.

Although Huang Gu was going to go out and do things alone would make Li Yuan a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable, but it wouldn\'t make him drunk.

What Zheng Shan said is the most important.

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s revelation, Li Yuan stopped talking and just kept drinking.

This is the most important problem. Both he and Zheng Shan have been favored by Uncle Lu. Although Uncle Lu takes more care of Zheng Shan, he, Li Yuan, has also been taken care of.

Uncle Lu had a miserable life before, but now he has finally recovered, and he has his daughter and son-in-law by his side to take care of him, and the family seems to be happy.

You will soon be able to retire in peace, and if you encounter such a thing again, after knowing the details of the matter, Mr. Lu will definitely think that Huang Gu is a bit of a coward.

It is normal for conflicts to arise at that time, and this is the reason why Li Yuan is really depressed.

Zheng Shan also knew the character of Uncle Lu, just like sending his own daughter to prison directly. Uncle Lu didn\'t look old, but he was not confused at all, and he was even more ruthless.

Uncle Lu has a steel scale in his heart.

Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "Well, it\'s really not good. You go to Uncle Lu and offer to ask Huang Gu to go out and do it alone. Don\'t let Huang Gu come up with it himself."

"Is this okay? What if Uncle Lu misunderstands?" Li Yuan said.

As for the lost masters, he didn\'t care at all, and now he is not short of people.

Zheng Shandao: "Let me tell you, Master Lu should not misunderstand."

"It can\'t be delayed, because this matter can\'t be hidden at all."


"This matter should be sooner rather than later. Let\'s go over now, let\'s say we discussed it when we were drinking." Zheng Shandao.

Li Yuan hesitated for a while, but agreed, and then the two packed up and set off.

Zhu Yuefen was actually a little unhappy in her heart, but since Zheng Shan had made a decision, she could only agree.

In her opinion, Huang Gu is a white-eyed wolf. Her family treats him so well. Not only does she have to go out and do business with them in the ring, she also takes away a few of her masters.

In fact, her vision is too short-sighted, thinking that going out to do the same business as them is just playing in the ring.

But in fact it is not. Even the current mountain garden furniture can\'t eat the entire Beijing market, not to mention that they have begun to develop in the surrounding cities, and it is even more impossible.

In addition, Li Yuan has listened to Zheng Shan\'s opinion and has begun to slowly enter the middle and high-end market of Taoism.

Of course, this is only in the mainland, but now they have started to have a certain brand awareness.

So Huanggu can\'t have an impact on their business.

And even if it had an impact, it was nothing to Li Yuan. The main thing was that he was afraid that Uncle Lu would be uncomfortable.

"Why are you two here so late?" Uncle Lu looked at the two of them in surprise.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Can\'t we come and see you?"

"It\'s so late, you come to see me? What? I\'m going to die soon. I have to be at this time." Uncle Lu said angrily.

Zheng Shandao: "Can\'t you say something nice about yourself?"

"Cut, I said that if I can live a hundred years, I really can live to be one hundred years old." Uncle Lu said disdainfully.

This old guy is more and more like a child, which is why Li Yuan has been worried all the time. His personality is too emotional, which may lead to family conflicts.

After entering the room and sitting down, Lu Shufen and Huang Gu saw Zheng Shan and the others, and they were both a little cramped and nervous.

Zheng Shan didn\'t beat around the bush, but said directly: "Master, I have discussed with Dayuan and plan to let Huang Gu go out and do it alone."

Uncle Lu was stunned for a moment, then frowned and looked at Huang Gu, "Did he mess with you?"

"No, no, Brother Huang did a good job." Li Yuan said quickly.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Master, don\'t worry, let me tell you slowly."

After calming Uncle Lu for a while, Zheng Shan immediately said: "That\'s right, aren\'t we starting to do the mid-to-high-end market now~www.novelhall.com~ But the low-end market can\'t really give up, so let Huang Gu go out Doing this, the money is earned for others, and it is earned for Huang Gu, so Dayuan and I decided that way, of course, it all depends on Huang Gu\'s personal opinion."

Hearing what Zheng Shan said, Uncle Lu was a little relieved, and then saw that Huang Gu was a little ashamed and a little excited, and seemed to understand something.

"Hey." Uncle Lu first sighed heavily, and then said: "Since you have discussed it, let\'s do it like this, but I said first, no matter what, Huang Gu goes out on his own, and you all have to help. "

"Of course, don\'t look at the monk\'s face to see the Buddha\'s face." Zheng Shan smiled.

"This job is not for nothing, Huang Gu also wants to give you shares, and it can\'t be less." Uncle Lu said firmly.

Zheng Shan and Li Yuan looked at each other, but they didn\'t expect Uncle Lu to say that, it was like giving them money.

"Do you have an opinion?" Uncle Lu looked at Huang Gu with a cold face.

Huang Gu hurriedly shook his head and said, "No opinion."