Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 412: take leave

Although the fifth is a financial fan, he is still a disciplined financial fan, and he is willing to do anything for money, which makes Zheng Shan relieved a lot.

The reason why Zheng Shan was so generous in the past was that basically the fifth one would give money as long as he spoke, and sometimes even if he didn\'t speak.

Mainly because he was afraid that the fifth child would be lost because of money matters.

He just wanted to tell Lao Wuyi that their Lao Zheng family was not short of money, nor would they be short of her money.

Although it was just a small matter today, in Zheng Shan\'s heart, it was no small matter. At least he felt a lot more at ease with the fifth.

But on the second day, Zheng Shan didn\'t go out with the fifth and the others. It wasn\'t that he didn\'t want to, but that some students came to visit him.

Since the assignment ended, students often come to visit the couple to thank them for taking care of them for so long.

There were even people who wanted to organize a thank you banquet, but they were rejected by Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing.

There\'s no need to make so much fanfare.

It was Lin Yu who came here today. To Zheng Shan\'s surprise, Lin Yu did not choose to stay in the capital, but chose to go back to his hometown.

This is something that Zheng Shan never expected. Not to mention other things, her ex-husband is still in her hometown. Isn\'t it embarrassing to meet her when she goes back?

Especially now, there are basically not many divorces, and people will definitely gossip when they go back. It is impossible for Lin Yu to think of this, but in the end, he chose to go back.

After Zheng Shan learned of her choice, he didn\'t say much, let alone persuade him. He was an adult. He also believed that Lin Yu must have thought about it carefully.

"Teacher, thank you for your care over the past few years." Lin Yu said seriously.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "You don\'t need to thank me, since I\'m your teacher, then these are what I should do."

After speaking, Zheng Shan changed the subject, "How are you going to build your hometown after you go back? You have seen the current situation, and the country will pay more and more attention to economic development in the future.

If a place wants to develop well, the economy must be the most important thing, and you need to consider all these things. "

"Thank you, teacher, for reminding me, I\'ve thought about all these things, and I\'m going back this time to prepare to vigorously develop the enterprises in the county, and at the same time guide the development of private enterprises.

Thank you very much again, it is you who let us enter Xishui Supermarket, see more and wider world, and understand more truths. "Lin Yu said.

She received strong support when she went back to work. In order to bring her, a Peking University student, back, many precedents were set in the county.

At the same time, Lin Yu has also discussed with the county, and even last year, he has already started to implement some of their plans, which has produced obvious results.

It can be said that today\'s students all have lofty ambitions. They want to use their own hands and their own ideas to transform the country and the world.

Those students in Zheng Shan, except for the previous year, who were working at the grassroots level, in the next few years, as long as they have the heart, they will arrange some tasks so that they can see more things.

That\'s why Lin Yu said that. Working in Xishui Supermarket has given her a lot of knowledge and knowledge.

Zheng Shan discussed this topic with Lin Yu a lot, Lin Yu also explained the situation in their county in detail, and Zheng Shan also made some comments.

If a student wants to have some ambitions, he, as a teacher, naturally needs full support!

By the time Lin Yu left, it was already noon. Lin Yu didn\'t stay for dinner. The time for the ticket she booked was coming soon.

"The journey is smooth, I wish you a bright future and contribute to the construction of the country!" Zheng Shan sincerely wished.

Lin Yu bowed deeply, then walked away.

There were also some neighbors who saw this scene, but they were all used to it. These days, there was basically no such scene at the door of Lao Zheng\'s house.

"Tell me about you, hey, it\'s a pity that a good university teacher is so inappropriate. Look at how much these students respect you." Zhong Huixiu sighed on the side.

At the beginning, she didn\'t feel too much about Zheng Shan not being a teacher, and now there is no shortage of money in the family, and she also knows that her son has great skills.

However, with the visits of the students these days, and thanks to her, Zhong Huixiu gradually felt some regrets.

Of course, the most important thing is that every time I chat with those neighbors and old girlfriends, such a scene is always Zhong Huixiu\'s most proud thing.

"I think I\'ve been busy in recent years, and I don\'t have time. This is something I can\'t do." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Zhong Huixiu said, "I can\'t control you anyway. It\'s alright. You go and deliver food to your sister. It\'s too late."

Zheng Shan was helpless. After he resigned, his status in the family plummeted!

Carrying the food box, Zheng Shan quickly came to Lao Wu and the others. At this time, there were still many people in their stall.

Last night, the four girls actually went to \'stock\' again, and this time it was more generous, and the fifth took out all her private money.

The variety has also increased, daily necessities, clothes, shoes, toys, as long as Wen Jie has some, they basically buy some goods.

"Ladies, it\'s time to eat!" Zheng Shan began to shout.

Yan Lele ran over immediately, "Brother-in-law, what is there to eat today?"

"Look, it\'s all what you like to eat." Zheng Shan handed over the food box and went to help watch the stall.

"You guys eat slowly, don\'t worry about it for a while." Zheng Shan said quickly, seeing how they were gobbling up.

"I see." The fifth child\'s voice was a little impatient, which disturbed her to make money.

Zheng Shan shook his head helplessly and started selling the goods.

"Brother, why are you here? I thought I was confused." Wei Chengjun didn\'t know when he came over.

Zheng Shan glanced at him, "Why can\'t I be here?"

"No~www.novelhall.com~ I\'m a little surprised." Wei Chengjun sneered.

"By the way, do you know the people here? Those are the people." Zheng Shan pointed to some condescending people around him.

Wei Chengjun was a little hesitant at first, but looking at Zheng Shan\'s impatient expression, he suddenly said cautiously: "Knowing is knowing, but not familiar."

He remembered very clearly that Zheng Shan not only warned him once to keep him away from these people.

"Tell them, don\'t mess with this stall, and always take care of it, don\'t let people bully the fifth." Zheng Shan said directly, ignoring Wei Chengjun\'s insincere words.

"This is the stall of the fifth brother?" Wei Chengjun was stunned for a moment, and then he said directly, "Brother, don\'t worry, if anyone dares to bully our sister, I will break his leg."

"But don\'t be arrogant, just take care of it for a while." Zheng Shan can\'t be here all the time, so he still needs someone to help take care of it, or Zheng Shan won\'t worry about it, four big girls like flowers and jade, who are they for? Do not worry.