Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 411: Integrity


There seems to be a boom in doing business today, especially with the frequent appearance of households with 10,000 yuan in newspapers, many people are moved.

Of course, the old fifth is no exception. He has already started planning to do business to make money, and he has even communicated with Yan Lele on the phone many times.

It\'s shameful that Yan Lele came here on vacation, and basically didn\'t live in his home for a few days, which made Yan Zhengbiao very helpless.

But now Yan Zhengbiao is embarrassed to come over. Last time, Yan Qingqing warned him sternly not to use Zheng Shan\'s fame to do business.

In addition, Yan Zhengbiao was also a little guilty, so he didn\'t dare to come.

"Sister, don\'t worry about it. With the temperament of our fifth child, who can make her suffer." Zheng Shan comforted.

Zheng Lan said: "But what do they know, they are still children."

"What child, when I was their age, I already went to the countryside." Zhong Huixiu said while taking the soles of her shoes.

"Mom, it\'s not the same now as you were back then," Zheng Lan said.

"What\'s the difference."

"Forget it, I\'m too lazy to talk about it."

Yan Qingqing said on the side: "Sister, don\'t worry, just treat it as a social practice for them. Now this is popular abroad."

"Okay, but Dashan is just fine right now, let him take it with him for a few days." Zheng Lan said.

Zheng Shan\'s original idea of ​​having a good rest was lost again, and he had to agree. In fact, he was a little worried in his heart.

So on the third day, when the fifth and the others finished getting the goods, Zheng Shan went with them to \'do business\'.

First, I came to a pedestrian street. There are people who set up stalls everywhere, and there are all kinds of goods.

It was the first time for the four little girls to do such a thing, and they were a little overwhelmed just looking for a location.

Also, they had already occupied their positions, and they were just about to put things on it, and then they were robbed.

Zheng Shan didn\'t show up either, but just watched from the side, which also gave them social experience.

Let them know that not everyone in society will be kind to them.

But Zheng Shan still underestimated the fifth fifth\'s courage to earn money. The second time someone tried to grab their position, the fifth child directly scolded them.

"Do you want to show your face? You even grab the child\'s position. Why don\'t you grab the pocket money of the kindergarten children?"

"You\'re just a talent here. How much money do you make this day? Going to the gate of the kindergarten and grabbing some children\'s money will make more money than here." .

"You....Why do you little girl speak so ugly?" The middle-aged man pointed angrily at the fifth.

The old fifth did not show weakness at all, "What\'s the matter? You still want to hit people? How can you be so capable? Hit a little girl? Come on, do you dare to touch me?"

"Everyone, come here, someone here is going to beat the child."

Yan Qingqing looked at the fifth with admiration, and the admiration in her heart was overflowing. She did not expect the fifth to be so heroic!

The middle-aged man saw that many people were looking at him, and he didn\'t dare to actually beat them, so he could only leave in despair.

"Xiuxiu, you are amazing!" Yan Lele offered his own flattery for the first time!

Even Guan Fei looked at the fifth child with a look of surprise.

The fifth hummed proudly, and then greeted: "What are you still doing, hurry up and set up a stall."

All of their things were taken from Wen Jie at cost price. Wen Jie, let alone making money, still needs to pay for gas and tolls!

So they also sell at a slightly lower price than others.

Don\'t look at the little girls, but they know in their hearts that things are only easy to sell if they are cheap.

Originally, Wen Jie\'s price was cheaper, but now it\'s even cheaper after a few girls do this.

So something that Zheng Shan didn\'t expect happened. In just over half an hour, the stalls of the four girls were crowded with people.

At noon, Zheng Shan brought the food in person, otherwise the four girls would not have time to eat.

"Are you tired? Take a break." Zheng Shan asked with concern.

Now the four girls are sweating profusely, and their faces are all red.

"Not tired." The fifth is full of energy, and every penny earned makes her full of motivation.

Not only her, but also the other three girls. This is the first time they have made money with their own hands, and they have made a lot of money.

So each one is full of motivation!

"Let\'s finish eating first."

"Okay, brother, look at it for me first." The fifth emissary called up people, but he was not polite at all.

Zheng Shan was helpless, and felt a little distressed about his sister, so he agreed, and this was the first time he had set up a stall.

In the evening, Zheng Shan took the four girls back. They didn\'t even bother to eat, so they quickly started to count the money.

"Five hundred and twenty one and fifty-three cents!"

After counting three times in a row, the four girls finally determined the number, which made them even more excited.

"We only sold one-third of the goods, so if we sell all the goods, we can earn about 600 yuan, and the four of us are about 150 yuan each!" Bright eyes.

When calculating accounts, the fifth will never be confused. This number is completely clear just after a circle in her mind.

"Earn so much money?" Zhong Huixiu was a little surprised.

Although she said that she is not short of money now, not only Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui have given money, but now even the eldest eldest is giving 1,2000 yuan every month.

However, the youngest child in the family can earn so much money, which still surprised the old lady.

"What\'s the matter? I\'ll definitely make a lot of money in the future, even more than my brother. I\'ll give it to my mother then." The fifth child\'s mouth seemed to be covered with honey, and he coaxed Zhong Huixiu into a happy one.

"Good ambition, then I\'m waiting for you to surpass me~www.novelhall.com~Zheng Shan gave a thumbs up.

How could the fifth child not hear what the third third Zheng meant, but now that he has earned so much money, he is too lazy to care about him.

"Did you not include my shares when you counted the money just now?" Zheng Shan couldn\'t help but battered when she saw her smug look.

The old fifth\'s eyes started to roll around, "Didn\'t you say no?"

"But now I want it again." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

What surprised Zheng Shan was that the fifth and Yan Lele didn\'t mess around, let alone act like a spoiled child, and they really gave him the money.

"So generous?" This made Zheng Shan a little unexpected. If the fifth and Yan Lele act coquettishly again, Zheng Shan will not want it anymore. Who knows they will really give it.

"That\'s a must. Do business with integrity!" Although the fifth said so, but looking at the money in Zheng Shan\'s hands, he was full of heartache!

Seeing her like this, Zheng Shan couldn\'t help laughing.