Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 410: casual meal

In July, the campus, which was supposed to be gradually quiet, was boiling at this time, and all kinds of life were staged here.

Some are sad, some are excited, some are crying, some are smiling...

And most of these are caused by the assigned work, and very few are the real problems between lovers after graduation.

Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing were also relieved. After their unremitting efforts, all the students in their class basically got satisfactory positions.

"Don\'t leave in a hurry at night, I\'ll treat you." Zheng Shan announced loudly.

Teacher Zhang said with a smile: "You really should treat the guests. The students in your class have all received good allocation units. It is impossible to say such a great event without a treat."

Zheng Shandao: "This is also the result of their own efforts. Those of us who are teachers only help a little on the side."

"You\'re too modest." Teacher Feng shook his head, but didn\'t say anything. Of course, their colleagues knew how much Zheng Shan and his wife had done for the students.

"In the evening, Mingfeng Building, everyone will see you." Zheng Shan left after saying a word. Today, he will also propose to the school to resign.

When Vice President Wang saw him coming, his eyes were full of pity, but he didn\'t say much.

"Prepare to devote yourself to the business in the future?" The two seemed to chat for a while, and chatted casually.

"Forget it, I actually wanted to come back and rest well, but now I have barely fulfilled my initial wish." Zheng Shandao

"How old are you, you are thinking about retirement. I really don\'t understand you." Vice President Wang has heard Zheng Shan mention retirement more than once.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "I\'m not old, but my heart is old."

"You don\'t even have a child yet, are you still old?" Vice President Wang glanced at him.

Zheng Shan is also very helpless, this child really does not have to be able to have it.


In the evening, Zheng Shan invited his colleagues in the office to have a big meal, and the colleagues also talked about their own affairs at the dinner table.

"This time I invited everyone to dinner, mainly because I quit my job and will not be working at the school in the future. It\'s a meal for the rest of the group." Zheng Shan said with a toast.

This time suddenly surprised many people, but some people expressed understanding.

But no matter what, everyone just asked a little about the reason, and immediately congratulated him.

Zheng Shan didn\'t drink much this time, and when he got home at night, he felt a little dizzy.

The next day, Zheng Shan was about to sleep in, but the idea was good, but the reality was cruel.

"Why are you here?" Zheng Shan opened his eyes in confusion, seeing the young and beautiful girl in front of him, his face full of helplessness.

The girl in front of her pursed her lips and said unhappily, "Brother-in-law, don\'t you welcome me here?"

Looking at Yan Lele, who was about to cry because of his grievances, Zheng Shan said angrily, "Don\'t act on my side, okay?"

"Hee hee, brother-in-law, I miss you." Yan Lele put away the aggrieved expression and replied with a smile.

Zheng Shan looked at the fifth man next to him again, knowing that there must be something wrong with these two guys, and he guessed that he couldn\'t sleep in this lazy sleep.

"You guys go out first, what can I do after I get dressed?" Zheng Shan sighed.

With such a sister and sister-in-law like this, what can he do?

Yan Qingqing went to work in the research institute early in the morning.

After the two little girls left, Zheng Shan dressed lazily, took a shower, and ate the breakfast that his mother had prepared a long time ago. He looked at the two girls beside him, no, four girls.

There are also Xu Lin and Guan Fei, but the two girls were not as brazen as Yan Lele before, and went straight to Zheng Shan\'s room to wake him up.

"Brother, we\'re going to do business." The fifth man said with bright eyes.

The soy milk in Zheng Shankou almost spurted out, "What did you say? Do business? You?"

"Well, we\'ve all discussed it, we just need to start the capital." Yan Lele said quickly.

Zheng Shan took a deep breath, "What you have to do now is to study hard and do business? What are you thinking? Is there a shortage of food or drink in the family?"

"Also, fifth, don\'t think I don\'t know, your current academic performance has dropped a lot. According to your current situation, let alone Peking University and Tsinghua University, you won\'t be able to get into a better university."

Maybe it\'s because the living conditions are really good, there is no pressure, and the temperament of the fifth is not able to settle down.

Now that I jumped to high school because of skipping grades, the pressure of studying suddenly came up.

In the past in elementary and junior high school, the fifth may be able to take the first place in a little time because of his talent, but now he can\'t.

Zheng Shan has also met such a person in his life. When Zheng Shan was in junior high school, there was a goddess!

At that time, this goddess climbed the wall every night and went out to play games online, seven days a week, he was able to climb out and play games online for six days.

They were completely closed at that time and only went home once a month.

Shenren surfed the Internet every night and slept during the day, but in every monthly exam, mid-term and final exam, he was always the first place, only once or twice was the second and third place!

When the fifth heard his brother\'s words, he said nonchalantly, "I\'ll just study hard next semester, it\'s still very easy to learn."

"If you want to learn, you will give me this test? And you, Xiao Lin, you are not much better." Zheng Shan taught him a lesson.

But he didn\'t worry too much about it. His requirements for the fifth child were high, but it was based on the situation that she wanted to learn.

If the fifth child doesn\'t want to study, Zheng Shan won\'t force it, that will make the fifth one more bored and unhappy at the same time.

He Zheng Shan made so much money, didn\'t he just make his family happy and have no pressure.

"Okay, I won\'t say it anymore, it will save you trouble." Zheng Shan was a little unhappy when he saw the two girls, so he was too lazy to say more.

"Brother-in-law~" My sister-in-law started to act like a spoiled child~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan sighed, "Tell me, how much does it cost? But I told you in advance, it\'s just for fun, don\'t really immerse yourself in it, or else …”

"Brother-in-law~ we all know~!"

In the end, Zheng Shan gave them 1,000 yuan as start-up capital. As for the 50% stake they said to Zheng Shan, Zheng Shan was just a joke and didn\'t care at all.

It\'s just that Zheng Shan didn\'t expect that the four little girls went to Zheng Lan and Wen Jie on the same day to buy goods from Wen Jie.

This caused Zheng Lan to come to the door directly at night.

"How can you let them make such a fool of yourself?" Zheng Lan said.

Zheng Shan spread his hands and said: "If you go to persuade your good sister, I have no choice."

Speaking of the fifth child, Zheng Lan also had some headaches, especially with Yan Lele, a sycophant and coquette expert, most people really couldn\'t stand it.