Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 405: Shut up

"Right now, the three of Lin Xinxin are in a luxury hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. This is the address. I have already asked them to follow them at any time." Du Yougao said respectfully.

Du Yougao has energy not only in Pengcheng, but also in Xiangjiang.

It is very easy to find someone.

Especially in Xiangjiang, anyone who has some ability knows who he is working for. As long as he finds a head, he will still give him face.

Now Zheng Shan has become more and more famous with the Xishui Group, and his own reputation has not diminished with his low-key, but it is no longer in the public eye.

Before Zheng Shan could speak, Zheng Kui stood up excitedly next to him, and then looked at Zheng Shan crampedly.

"Shanzi, do you want us to follow?" Zheng Weimin asked.

These days, Zheng Weimin and the others have not left either. They are not worried about Zheng Kui, and at the same time they are filled with righteous indignation!

Zheng Shan waved his hands and said, "No, you are tired these days, so you don\'t need to go out on this matter."

"Okay, just call us if you need anything."

Zheng Shan nodded, and immediately took Zheng Kui to prepare to set off. Zheng Kui was restless along the way, looking very anxious.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say anything to appease, just quietly looked at the scenery outside.

On the way, Du Yougao also briefly introduced, "Since they fled with the money, they have been staying in Xiangjiang and have not gone out.

However, in order to avoid their suspicion, I did not apply to freeze their bank cards. "

Although it is very troublesome to freeze bank cards, but sometimes, it is not so troublesome, especially when facing a super rich.

Zheng Shan said: "You did a good job."

He hasn\'t seen the money yet, he just wants to find someone, and then give the fourth child a savage breath.

Of course, the most important thing is to let the fourth child completely untangle this knot.


Lin Xinxin and Xiaomei strolled the streets all day, and had a beautiful meal at a high-end restaurant outside, feeling much better.

"This is the real life." Lin Xinxin felt more and more that she was doing the right thing in the past two days.

This kind of life is what she wants.

Although she is still a little unwilling, this is her best choice. Now Lin Xinxin is unwilling to go back to the backward life she used to live.

"Sister, it\'s really prosperous here." Xiaomei came to Xiangjiang for the first time. She was originally just a working girl who came to Pengcheng, working behind Lin Xinxin.

After that, he became Lin Xinxin\'s confidant.

"Yeah, at least I want to spend money now, instead of deliberately asking for those bad things." The smile on Lin Xinxin\'s face did not stop.

In the past, in order to win Zheng Kui\'s favor, every time she bought something, she tried to buy some cheap goods.

And Zheng Kui is not the kind of person who understands women\'s hearts, so every time Lin Xinxin says to buy cheap, he agrees.

It\'s not that Zheng Kui is reluctant to pay, but he thinks that Lin Xinxin doesn\'t care about expensive and cheap.

"Don\'t worry, after a while, we will be able to set up a registered permanent residence here, and then you will be a native of Xiangjiang." Lin Xinxin said with a smile.

There was also a hint of anticipation on Xiaomei\'s face.

Back at the hotel and walking into the elevator, Lin Xinxin\'s mood has always been very good.

But when she opened her door, the whole person was stunned on the spot.

There is already someone in the room, but she is a very familiar person, Zheng Kui!

The other is someone she has always been afraid of deep down, although she won\'t admit it herself.

"Yo, did you buy a lot of things? It seems that shopping is very enjoyable." Zheng Shan didn\'t have any anger on his face, but said like a joke.

Xiaomei had never seen Zheng Shan, but when she saw Zheng Kui, her legs were a little soft.

"What are you doing? This is Xiangjiang, not the mainland!" Lin Xinxin didn\'t even notice, her tone was trembling.

Zheng Shan glanced at her and said, "I know, you don\'t need to remind me."

Immediately, he looked at Zheng Kui, "If you have any questions, just ask."

This time he is not going to avoid it, otherwise he is really afraid that Zheng Kui will be fooled and lame again.

"Why?" Zheng Kuiman asked in pain.

Lin Xinxin has calmed down a little at this time, "I don\'t know what you mean, if you guys don\'t leave, I\'ll call the police!"

Zheng Kui continued to ask, as if he hadn\'t heard, "Why?"

"Xiaomei, call the police!" Lin Xinxin said decisively.

Xiaomei hurriedly went to the police, but Zheng Shan didn\'t let anyone stop her, she just watched quietly.

After a while, Xiaomei came back and told Lin Xinxin that she had finished calling the police and that the police would arrive soon.

At this time, Baoyoutu also came back, but he was busy outside for a day.

As soon as he saw this situation, he immediately took on a arrogant attitude, "Do you know that you are breaking the law? Get out of here now, or I will put you in jail, believe it or not?"

"Shut up for me now, or I\'ll keep you from opening your mouth, do you believe it?" Zheng Shan said expressionlessly.

When Bao Youtu heard this, he burst into laughter, as if he had heard a big joke.

"Do you think this is still the mainland? Let me tell you, this is Xiangjiang, a place of law, hillbilly, do you know what the law is?" Bao Youtu looked a little wild.

He couldn\'t understand why someone so smart didn\'t make so much money, but these hillbillies made more money than each other.

But no matter what, they will only be played around by themselves. Even if they know that their money was taken away by themselves, there is no evidence at all, and there is no way to do anything with him.

Zheng Shan just glanced at Du Yougao, and Du Yougao immediately signaled the people around him to do it.

"What are you doing? Let me tell you, beating people in Xiangjiang is against the law." Seeing the people around Zheng Shan walking towards him~www.novelhall.com~ Bao Youtu was a little flustered.

But it was useless at all, he was immediately caught, and then he slapped his mouth wildly until he couldn\'t speak at all.

"Okay, now you can calm down." Zheng Shan said lightly.

"The mud.... the mud is stuffy for the nest to wait for...the nest must be filled with mud and mud." Bao Youtu\'s eyes were full of anger and resentment. It was the first time he was bullied like this!

Zheng Shan glanced at him, "If you talk again, I\'ll sew your mouth shut!"

Looking at Zheng Shan\'s expressionless face, Bao Youtu didn\'t know what to do, his heart was cold, and he didn\'t dare to speak, but he had already started to figure out what to do when the police arrived, he must make this country bumpkin look good!

At this time, the scene suddenly quieted down, and everyone\'s eyes were focused on Zheng Kui and Lin Xinxin.

Lin Xinxin looked at Zheng Kui, and then looked at Zheng Shan, who was expressionless but could clearly sense the anger, thinking about delaying the time, at least until the police arrived, so she answered Zheng Kui\'s words.