Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 404: open

Lin Xinxin looked at the young man who was talking, hesitatingly did not speak.

Since the last time Zheng Shan found Singapore, Lin Xinxin\'s life has not been easy.

She has no talent for learning, and she has no desire to learn, so she can\'t stay in Singapore for a year.

More importantly, her relatives also began to dislike her.

Although Zheng Shan didn\'t stare anymore, and it was unnecessary, her relative\'s business was still affected a lot.

There has also been a crackdown on some businesses, which the manager of Singapore\'s Xishui Supermarket has done himself.

After all, although the boss doesn\'t say anything, many things that do subordinates do not need the boss to speak, and you need to share the boss\'s worries and solve problems. Otherwise, how can you get a promotion and a salary increase?

So it is natural to dislike Lin Xinxin, after all, these are all disasters that Lin Xinxin brought to their family.

When it\'s good, then hello and me, but when it\'s not good, you must find someone to vent.

She couldn\'t stay in Singapore any longer, so Lin Xinxin chose to return to China. After returning, she felt that the gap between China and Singapore was too great, which made it difficult for her to adapt for a while.

At this time, she heard her former classmates talk about how powerful Zheng Kui is now.

So my mind got up all of a sudden.

I found an opportunity to meet Zheng Kui by chance, and then chatted slowly, and even pushed the previous matters to my relatives.

In addition, it means that he was ignorant before, and he was too young.

But Lin Xinxin is very smart, these words are not begging Zheng Kui\'s forgiveness, but like chatting with friends.

Maybe men are fools in front of their first love, Zheng Kui chose to believe it.

However, because Zheng Shan had warned him again and again before, he did not dare to stay with Lin Xinxin openly.

Instead, they opened a car repair shop in Pengcheng for Lin Xinxin.

During this time, Lin Xinxin was more aware of how much money Zheng Kui had now, and became more and more moved.

In addition, Zheng Kui is also very generous to her, basically giving what she wants.

At this time, Lin Xinxin was also very smart and did not make any excessive demands. It was all simple things, which not only gave Zheng Kui a sense of accomplishment, but also did not disgust him.

Lin Xinxin also understood one thing, that is, Zheng Kui\'s ability to be so big is mainly because of Zheng Shan\'s help.

I heard Zheng Kui say this since she was chatting with Zheng Kui.

So she wants to marry into the Zheng family. Although she knows some of Zheng Shan\'s situation, after all, the information is not developed now, and she has no channels to understand it, so she only knows a little bit about it.

But even so, Lin Xinxin understands that Zheng Kui\'s brother Zheng Shan is indeed very rich.

As long as she is married into the Zheng family, then Zheng Kui will be hers, and she can truly leap into the branches and become a phoenix!

Seeing that time passed, there was still no movement from Zheng Kui, and Zheng Kui was unwilling to have children with her now, which made Lin Xinxin feel that there was no hope.

The young man is called Bao Youtu, a friend she knows.

The reason why she made up her mind this time is also due to Bao Youtu\'s credit. The most important thing is that Bao Youtu guarantees that she will be fine.

So Lin Xinxin finally made up her mind.

Bao Youtu looked at Lin Xinxin\'s uneasy look, and said with a smile: "I said don\'t worry, there is absolutely no problem. This is not the mainland, it is Xiangjiang! Not everyone can come and go wild."

"Don\'t underestimate Zheng Kui\'s brother, I heard that he is very powerful." Lin Xinxin reminded him sideways.

"Rest assured, this is a society ruled by law, as long as there is no evidence, then no one can do anything to us." Bao Youtu is very confident.

After speaking, he also sighed a little: "But I never thought that the garage would be able to borrow so much money from the bank, and it\'s all in Hong Kong dollars!"

Bao Youtu originally thought that he could borrow as much as he could. In his heart, he expected it to be about 400,000 RMB.

He even found the exchange channel.

Unexpectedly, the bank was so happy that they directly loaned out two million Hong Kong dollars!


Zheng Shan stayed at the garage, and at the same time began to find some people from the previous garage to ask about the situation.

Most of them are similar to what Zheng Kui said. These people are only paid and don\'t care about the content.

"Okay, from today onwards, you will continue to work." Zheng Shan announced.

A worker said, "Boss, but I heard..."

The man didn\'t finish his words, but Zheng Shan understood what he meant. At the same time, he looked at the other workers who were also full of anxiety, and said with a smile: "Yes, the garage is really out of money. I owe the bank a lot of money."

Everyone didn\'t move much. Obviously, they already understood the situation. In fact, they have all started to look for a home these days.

But then I heard Zheng Shan continue to say: "But this amount of money is nothing to our car repair shop, everyone can work with peace of mind."

"Of course, everyone is here to make money, and we definitely need to give everyone peace of mind, right?"

Listening to Zheng Shan\'s words, the workers all sighed in their hearts that the boss was too good at talking, and he spoke into their hearts.

"Boss, as long as we have money, then we are still willing to work here, even if it is less." A worker said through gritted teeth.

The treatment given to them by the Fourth Auto Repair Factory is very good, and the treatment of employees is also good. If they can, they are not willing to leave.

Zheng Shandao: "The money will definitely not be missing from everyone. It was how much it was before and how much it is now. And even if everyone doesn\'t go to work these days, it\'s because of the repair shop\'s own reasons, so the wages are paid."

Saying that, Zheng Shan asked Du Yougao to bring out a box, opened the box, and it was full of money.

The workers were a little stunned this time, but they were also a little relieved.

"This money is given to your boss by my brother~www.novelhall.com~ You only need to work with peace of mind. Even if the car repair shop is finished, all your wages will be paid." Zheng Shan gave everyone a reassurance.

With Zheng Shan\'s guarantee, and the real money in front of him, everyone calmed down.

Looking at the busy repair shop, Zheng Kui didn\'t feel anything, and now he only has a feeling of death in his heart.

"Okay, what a big deal, don\'t frown. Since you opened this garage, no matter what the reason was before you opened it, but now you have to keep driving it unless it goes out of business." Zheng Shan said.

Zheng Kui was silent and did not speak. Seeing him like this, Zheng Shan was a little annoyed, but at this time he didn\'t dare to get angry, he was really afraid that he would really hit the fourth child.

I can only wait until I find Lin Xinxin, and then find a way to solve it.

It didn\'t take long, Zheng Shan gave Du Yougao three days, and Du Yougao found the person on the third day, but he didn\'t make a good suggestion, just came to tip off.