Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 406: ugly

"Why should I do this?" Lin Xinxin\'s mouth showed a mocking smile.

"You don\'t want to marry me at all, so why don\'t I do it?"

Zheng Kui growled: "When did I say I don\'t want to marry you, I have been working hard to marry you."

"If you want to marry me, why did you delay it for so long? Besides, I said to have a baby with you first, I have made such a big sacrifice as a woman, and you are still hesitating because you don\'t want to marry me. What is it?" Lin Xinxin put all the blame on Zheng Kui.

People who do bad things want to make excuses for themselves! Lin Xinxin is no exception!

Zheng Kui roared: "I was thinking of having children after we get married. I want to give you a complete marriage!"

"But did you give it? You said to let the family agree with me, do you agree now?" Lin Xinxin said that she became angry.

Zheng Shan looked at the two as if they were quarreling. At this time, Lin Xinxin was more like a shrew and didn\'t care about her image at all.

"You said you liked me, so do you know what I really like?"

"Do you think I like the garbage you sent me? Even if those things are given to me for nothing, I don\'t want them!"

"That\'s what I like, you know?"

Lin Xinxin became a little hysterical as she spoke, and threw over the expensive luxury goods she had just bought.

"You weren\'t like this before." Zheng Kui closed his eyes in pain.

Seeing him like this, Lin Xinxin seemed relieved, "I\'ve always been like this, but you\'re just too stupid."

"If you didn\'t have a good brother, do you think I would really like you?"

"In addition, I want to say that you are a bum, not only you, but your family."

"You\'re so rich, you\'re still wearing these junk items every day, and you can\'t even buy a good car."

"you know.........."

Hearing Lin Xinxin\'s \'complaint\', Zheng Kui\'s face gradually calmed down.

He was not as sad and sad as Zheng Shan imagined, on the contrary, there was a trace of relief!

For so many days, although he has been using alcohol to numb himself, he has also thought a lot.

Now that Lin Xinxin gave him the real answer, Zheng Kui also figured it out.

"So you lied to me before?" Zheng Kui suddenly asked calmly.

Lin Xinxin sneered: "Or what do you think, do you think I really like a fool? Haha, I don\'t know what you were like when you were in school? Did you forget it yourself?"

"Have you forgotten what everyone calls you?"


"Second fool!"

"Don\'t tell me, you think these are all compliments to you."

Hearing these words, Zheng Shan couldn\'t stand it anymore, but he could only hold back his words. This time, he wanted Zheng Kui to fully understand who Lin Xinxin was.

It was because he avoided letting Zheng Kui and Lin Xinxin speak for themselves, that what happened now.

"Okay, I\'m wrong, I\'m really a fool." Zheng Kui laughed at himself.

At this moment, the manager of the hotel walked in with several police officers.

At this time, Bao Youtu suddenly reacted. Why did they make such a big noise before, and no one in the hotel took care of it?

"How do you manage your hotel? I want to complain to you." Bao Youtu roared, it seemed that his mouth was a little better at this time, and he even spoke a lot more clearly.

But the hotel manager ignored him.

"Mr. Du." The hotel manager came to the door and called out softly.

At this time, he also saw the situation inside clearly, only to see Du Yougao standing honestly behind a person, and after that person nodded, he came over.

Before Zheng Shan came here, he was looking for the hotel manager. Du Yougao contacted him at that time, and the hotel manager also gave Du Yougao this face.

And Du Yougao also promised him that nothing would happen. If the hotel manager was held accountable, he would come to Du Yougao directly.

At first, the hotel manager was actually a little nervous, but now that Du Yougao was just a guest, no, or a subordinate, he knew it, and even got a little excited.

"I want to call the police. These people broke into my room privately and beat people. In addition, I suspect that they want to rob." Bao Youtu saw that the hotel manager ignored him, and suddenly became angry, but he was also a little uncomfortable. Wonderful feeling.

At this time, he could only turn to the police for help.

The two policemen who came over also winked, and Xiangjiang was not too peaceful at this time, so he didn\'t rush to do anything, but set his eyes on Du Yougao.

Du Yougao first said something to the hotel manager, then came to the police and said, "This is Mr. Zheng, the owner of Xishui Group. You can call the Governor, I believe he won\'t blame you."

The two policemen didn\'t know what the Xishui Group was, but they did know the Xishui Supermarket. After all, the Xishui Supermarket is now very famous in Xiangjiang.

However, when I heard Du Yougao mention the Governor directly, my heart suddenly froze.

They looked at the hotel manager. The hotel manager was also very excited at this time. It seemed that he did not guess wrong just now. This is really the legendary person!

The hotel manager just nodded at the two policemen, and then the two policemen knew what they knew, and they were a little polite to Du Yougao, and then left directly.

At this time, not only Baoyoutu, but even Lin Xinxin was dumbfounded!

what \'s wrong?

"I want to complain to you!" Bao Youtu shouted angrily.

But it was as if no one heard.

"Mr. Du, you can let me know at any time if there is anything." The hotel manager was very sensible. At this time, it sold well and then took someone away.

"You....Who are you?" Bao Youtu had already fully reacted at this time~www.novelhall.com~ looked at Zheng Shan in horror.

Zheng Shan glanced at him and laughed, "Do you still want to clean up my hillbilly?"

"Sir, boss, I... I was wrong, please let me go, Lin Xinxin asked me to do this, it\'s none of my business." Bao Youtu is indeed a smart person, at this moment When he started to defect, he understood that Zheng Shan was someone he couldn\'t afford to offend.

At the same time, Baoyoutu also glanced at Lin Xinxin full of resentment, didn\'t you say that he was just a country bumpkin with some money?

In the same way, Lin Xinxin is also looking at him like this, don\'t you say it\'s absolutely fine?

Listening to Bao Youtu\'s words again, the psychological defense line completely collapsed, "Dakui, listen to me, no, I was confused just now, what I said was all nonsense, don\'t take it seriously! It\'s all this person, all He encouraged me to do it.

I am really confused for a while! At this time, Lin Xinxin rushed towards Zheng Kui directly, but to her despair, Zheng Kui pushed her away with a blank expression.