Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 403: Hillbilly?


When Zheng Shan woke up, he saw the fourth child sitting on the bed in a daze, eyes blank.

Standing up stiffly, Zheng Shan felt uncomfortable all over.

Hearing the movement of Zheng Shan\'s waking up, the fourth child turned his head, and after seeing Zheng Shan, his eyes turned red involuntarily.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan swallowed the words he wanted to reprimand and sighed helplessly, "Are you feeling better now?"

The fourth child did not speak, but his expression remained low.

Zheng Shan was no longer in a hurry at this time, got up and moved his stiff body, "Let\'s eat something first."

Take the fourth out to wash his face and brush his teeth, and let the two Fan Da, who have been standing by the side, buy breakfast.

While eating, Zheng Shan asked, "Tell me what\'s going on."

The fourth child looked at Zheng Shan and wriggled his lips, but in the end he didn\'t say anything.

Zheng Shan had warned him more than once that a woman like Lin Xinxin was never allowed to enter the gate of Lao Zheng\'s house. Now he and Lin Xinxin got together again, and it turned out that Zheng Shan was right, and Zheng Kui had no face. Tell the truth.

"If you don\'t tell me, you think I don\'t know? What happened to Lin Xinxin? Didn\'t I tell you countless times? Don\'t be with such a person, why don\'t you listen?" Zheng Shan said The fire came up.

He didn\'t want to interfere with the fourth child\'s marriage, but he didn\'t want the fourth child to fall into the pit. It\'s alright now, and he fell into the pit again and again.

"I... I\'m so good to her, why did she do this?" The fourth child finally spoke.

This made Zheng Shan relieved and angry at the same time.

"Don\'t you see the true face of this woman clearly yet?" Zheng Shan scolded.

Zheng Kui lowered his head, "But I just don\'t understand."

"There is something you don\'t understand, come and tell me, where you don\'t understand." Zheng Shan said angrily.

Zheng Kui said, "I\'ve already been so good to her. I want to give what I want, but why does she still do this?"

Before Zheng Shan could speak, Fan Er, who was beside him, spoke up, "Didn\'t that woman keep asking you to have a child, but you didn\'t agree."

Fan Da didn\'t have time to stop his brother\'s mouth. Is this your time to speak? And is that what you should say?

However, Zheng Shan was not angry, but became interested, "What did you mean by that?"

Seeing that Zheng Shan was not angry, and Zheng Kui did not respond at this time, Fan Er became more courageous.

"I\'ve heard that woman say more than once that she wants to have a child with the boss, but the boss has never agreed." Fan Er said loudly.

Zheng Shan looked at the fourth child, who blushed and said, "I want to talk about this after giving her a safe home."

Zheng Shan: ......

Is this a crooked hit?

Just listening to Fan Er\'s words, Zheng Shan knew what Lin Xinxin\'s idea was. Obviously, he wanted to take advantage of the psychology that Zheng Shan couldn\'t stop after having a child.

Indeed, if the two of them really have children, Zheng Shan really can\'t do anything to force them to separate.

If he really did that, he would definitely turn his brothers against each other, that\'s for sure, and even then his mother wouldn\'t necessarily be on his side.

Fortunately, the fourth child is more innocent, or rather feudal, and does not want to have a relationship before marriage.

This is also a very normal phenomenon now, but it is not normal to have a relationship before marriage.

"You finally didn\'t do anything confusing." Zheng Shan pointed at the fourth child and didn\'t know what to say, so he could only say this.

After eating, Zheng Shan asked, "What do you want to do?"

"What should I do?" The fourth elder looked up blankly.

Zheng Shan hated iron and said: "Are you really going to let Lin Xinxin go like this?"

"But I can\'t find her anymore." Of course Zheng Kui was angry and angry, although the most important thing was to focus on his heart, but he was not really out of temper.

He couldn\'t stand being fooled over and over again by others, and Zheng Kui wanted to ask Lin Xinxin why she did it.

Zheng Shan said, "I will definitely help you find someone. How could you just let her go unpunished for bullying my brother?"

Speaking of this, the fourth child\'s thoughts came back, "By the way, she also used my garage to borrow a lot of money from the bank, I..."

"The matter of money is a trivial matter, and she has to spit it all out for me." Zheng Shan sneered.

You cheated on his old Zheng family\'s money and wanted to run away like this?

What\'s more, the money was borrowed from his own bank, how could it be so easy to run away.

"Brother, I\'ve caused you trouble again." The fourth child lowered his head, he felt as if he was useless, and every time he had trouble, his brother came forward to wipe his ass.

Zheng Shan looked at the fourth child like this, and suddenly he was not in the mood to scold, "Okay, I\'m your brother, these are what I should do, no trouble, no trouble.

Just take this amount of money as a lesson, and you can make such mistakes again in the future. "

"Besides, my brother doesn\'t have to get involved in your marriage, it\'s your own business, but that\'s what you said, at least you have to be a good person, otherwise..."

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much about the next words. It\'s not good to say too much now. Let\'s talk about it after this matter is completely over.

Then Zheng Shan called the house again and told Yan Qingqing that it was all right, and told her not to worry.


somewhere in Hong Kong.

Lin Xinxin held the red wine glass and looked at the scenery in the distance, a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but she was the only one who could sense the unwillingness in her heart!

If it weren\'t for the hopelessness, she wouldn\'t have done such a thing!

Being able to marry into the Zheng family is definitely much better than running away with a fortune, but she has lost hope.

For more than a year, Zheng Shan didn\'t see any relief at all, and even she suspected that Zheng Kuihe had not inquired with Zheng Shan.

She even wanted her husband to have the next child and used the child to blackmail the Zheng family, but Zheng Kui didn\'t give him a chance!

Thinking of this makes her angry!

"Sister Xin~www.novelhall.com~ Is it really okay for us to do this?" A girl beside her asked cautiously.

She had been a little restless all this time.

"Can something happen?" Lin Xinxin said indifferently.

A well-dressed young man next to him also said with a smile: "Don\'t worry, this is Xiangjiang, what can happen?"

"But I heard that the boss\'s brother is a very powerful person." The girl was a little worried.

Speaking of Zheng Shan, Lin Xinxin felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she was quickly dismissed by the young man next to her, "Hahaha, Xiaomei, what are you worried about, no matter how powerful he is, he will be like that, and even if he says a thousand words. Wan, this is also Xiangjiang, even if they have evidence, there is no way, let alone, what do I do, I am a lawyer, since I did this, there is no problem at all."

"When he arrives at Xiangjiang, he is a dragon who wants to be coiled, and a tiger who wants to lie down. It\'s best to be honest, otherwise I don\'t mind using the law to teach these hillbillies a lesson!"