Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 402: scourge

Remember for a second【】

Zheng Shan was not in the mood to say anything to Du Yougao at this time, he just apologized for the fourth, and then kept urging Du Yougao to leave quickly, and was extremely anxious in his heart.

He was also thinking along the way, whether his fourth child\'s rebellious period has been delayed, why is it more worrying when he is older?

In the past, the fourth child was not so worrying, but now things are one after another.

When Zheng Shan arrived, he saw a group of people sitting in the courtyard of the auto repair factory, all of them looking at the man in the middle with a frown.

After hearing the movement of the car, everyone looked over, and when they saw Zheng Shan, they all hurried over.

"Shanzi, you\'re here." Zheng Weitang hurried over.

Zheng Shan saw that there was also a bruise on his face, and immediately became angry, "You dare to beat the fourth child?"

When Zheng Weimin saw Zheng Shan like this, he immediately explained: "No, I accidentally knocked on his wine bottle."

Zheng Shan has seen that Zheng Kui\'s side is full of wine bottles, but now he is drinking beer.

"I\'m really scared. I can only deal with these beers. If I don\'t give it, he will beat people or run around like crazy." Zheng Weimin explained.

The fourth child is quite a fool, as long as it is wine, it doesn\'t have to be white wine, otherwise Zheng Weimin can\'t let the fourth drink like this even if he is desperate.

Zheng Shan walked over quickly and snatched the bottle from Zheng Kui\'s hand.

Zheng Kui seemed to be angry all of a sudden, raised his fist and was about to hit him, and then he saw the person in front of him in a daze, "Brother."

His voice was low and his voice was crying, full of grievances!

This is the first time Zheng Shan has seen Zheng Kui like this, and his original anger dissipated at once.

"Stop drinking." Zheng Shan took a deep breath.

Zheng Kui said foolishly: "Drink, drink is good."

"What to drink?" Zheng Shan looked at him like this, angry and distressed.

"Drink....drink." Zheng Kui was completely confused. People who can drink again, drink for three days, wake up and drink, and no one can stand it.

Zheng Shan forcibly dragged him to rest, but fortunately, Zheng Kui had realized that it was Zheng Shan, so he didn\'t struggle, let alone do anything.

He fell asleep not long after lying on the bed. Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Kui with a haggard face, and his anger poured out again.

What happened to this?

He watched his younger brother fall asleep, suppressed his anger and went outside, looked at Fan Dafan Er and said, "What the **** is going on?"

Fan Da Fan Er now everyone has a blue nose and a swollen face, without the slightest image.

These two are Zheng Kui\'s hard-core followers, and they must know what happened to Zheng Kui.

Fan Dafan Er remained silent, Zheng Shan pointed at them and said, "If you don\'t want to talk, get out of here!"

This was the first time they saw Zheng Shan make such a big fire, and they were also frightened for a while.

In the end, Fan Da said, "The boss was deceived by the woman, the company\'s money was defrauded, and the woman ran away."

"Who?" Zheng Shan asked, but he seemed to have reacted in the next moment, "That....what\'s that girl called Lin Xinxin?"

Besides this woman, Zheng Shan couldn\'t think of anyone at once.

At this time, he also thought of what the fifth brother had said to him before, and patted his head in annoyance, he should have thought of it at that time.

Seeing Fan Da Fan Er lowered his head and didn\'t speak, Zheng Shan became even more angry.

"Since you know, why didn\'t you tell me earlier?" Zheng Shan said angrily.

Fan Da said in a low voice, "Boss won\'t let us talk."

Zheng Shan pointed at the two of them angrily, but couldn\'t say anything. Indeed, in their hearts, Zheng Kui\'s words were indeed better than Zheng Shan\'s.

Of course, this is also the reason why Zheng Shan can rest assured that the two are always with Zheng Kui, at least they don\'t need to worry about the two betray Zheng Kui.

If it were a smart person, Zheng Shan would really not dare to be so relieved.

"What\'s going on?" Zheng Shan held back his anger.

Fan Da didn\'t hide it at this time. It turned out that Lin Xinxin met Zheng Kui again a year ago.

At the beginning, Zheng Kui also acted very normal and didn\'t have any thoughts, but after contacting each other, Lin Xinxin didn\'t know what to say to Zheng Kui, and the two actually reconciled again.

In fact, when he heard this, Zheng Shan was not surprised. First love, it\'s not surprising what happened.

Especially in this day and age, most people\'s minds are still relatively pure, the fourth child may be honest, but he is actually a perceptive and mortal person.

"Where\'s Lin Xinxin?" Zheng Shan asked.

Fan Da shook his head and said, "I don\'t know, I haven\'t seen anyone since I came here this time."

"Where\'s the rest of the garage? Not a single one?"

"They were all kicked out by the boss."

"Also, Lin Xinxin used the car repair shop to borrow a lot of money from the bank, but she was taken away by her, leaving nothing behind."

The more Fan Da said, the more angry Zheng Shan became.

Mad, it\'s not enough to harm your brother once, but twice.

"Du Yougao, go check it out. I want to know about Lin Xinxin in three days at the latest." Zheng Shan was expressionless at this time.

Du Yougao\'s heart suddenly burst, knowing that Zheng Shan was really angry to the extreme, he didn\'t dare to neglect, and said quickly: "I\'ll do it now, the loan for the car repair shop is all from Xishui Bank, and I want to check it.

^0^ One second to remember【】

It\'s good to know where the money is going. "

"Well, you go do it."

Du Yougao hurriedly went out to run errands. Zheng Weimin and the others on the side were dumbfounded. They used to know that Du Yougao was very familiar with Zheng Shan, but now it seems that it is not as simple as familiarity.

Du Yougao is now a man of power in Pengcheng. Not to mention other things, even if Zheng Weimin wants to say that he knows Du Yougao outside, he will attract envious glances.

And what does he see now?

This cousin of his owns Du Yougao as if he is a subordinate, and Du Yougao is also very respectful and obedient. If others see this, they may not believe it.

"What happened to Lin Xinxin?" Zheng Weitang asked at this time~www.novelhall.com~Zheng Shan briefly explained, and then said, "You all know Lin Xinxin?"

"I know, the fourth child will come to us sometimes, and we will also introduce some customers to the fourth child." Zheng Weimin also reacted at this time.

"But we\'re not familiar with this Lin Xinxin, we just talk a few words every time, thinking you all know it."

"I knew this earlier, I...hey!"

Zheng Shandao: "Brother Weimin, brother Wei, you should also go and rest, you must be exhausted these days."

"No, let alone sleep, even taking a nap is scary." Zheng Weimin said with a wry smile.

Zheng Shan immediately asked them to rest first, while he came to the fourth room and found a place to lie down and rest.

However, Zheng Shan also fell asleep in a daze, and was awakened whenever the fourth child made a little movement.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^