Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 401: bruises

Remember for a second【】

From January 22 to February 17, 1984, Comrade Xiaoping inspected the three special economic zones of Pengcheng, Zhuhai and Xiamen, and put forward guiding opinions, fully affirming the pilot special economic zone and the policy of opening to the outside world.

This southern tour can be described as a stone that stirred up a thousand waves.

Although we have tried in various aspects, carried out some tentative development, and achieved not small achievements, the significance of the Southern Tour is still extremely important.

This affirmed the unswerving attitude of the central government on the road of reform and opening up, and formed a unified opinion on the development situation of the commodity economy.

And with the passage of time, various policies have been released one after another, and everyone with discerning eyes can see the determination of the central government, and there is no previous fear.

Zheng Weijun looked at the newspaper in his hand, and the last worry in his heart was completely put down.

However, when I think of the chaos of the taxi company, I feel more and more headaches.


Zheng Shan continued to go to work. With the secretarial department, his work suddenly became a lot more leisurely. Most of the documents were sorted out, especially after understanding Zheng Shan\'s habits, some less important documents only need to be given to him. Zheng Shan can take a look at it.

This also means that Zheng Shan has delegated authority to these secretaries, which makes Zhou Wei and others extremely excited, but at the same time, their pressure is also increasing.

Once these documents are handled by them and there is a problem, then Zheng Shan will be held accountable, and it will not be a trivial matter.

Therefore, one by one, they are all full of energy, and they dare not make the slightest mistake.

At this time, Zheng Shan put most of his energy on his students, asked them where they wanted to work, and then based on their opinions and their own abilities, and then referred to which units needed people. development prospects.

These people are the first and last students of Zheng Shandai.

Everyone has been together for four years, and Zheng Shan also has feelings for them, so I also hope that these people can have a good future.

So in this regard, Zheng Shan put a lot of thought into it, basically analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of students every day.

While Zheng Shan was busy, domestic changes never stopped.

On March 1, the central government released the "Report on Creating a New Situation for Community and Team Enterprises", agreeing to rename community and team enterprises as township and village enterprises, and put forward several policies for the development of township and village enterprises.

This is to encourage the development of township and village enterprises, which has aroused strong repercussions in all sectors of society, and has also inspired some people\'s thoughts.

On May 4, the central government released the "Minutes of the Forum on Some Coastal Cities" and decided to further open up 14 coastal port cities including Dalian.

Strengthening the determination to reform and opening up once again has increased the confidence of more and more people in reform and opening up.


"These are the suitable positions I have considered for the students. Take a look. If there is no problem, I will go and communicate with the school." Yan Qingqing.

Yan Qingqing took a look and said, "Have you communicated with the students?"

"Well, they don\'t have any opinions. If you can, just follow this." Zheng Shandao.

Yan Qingqing put away the document with a smile and said, "Since they have no opinion, it\'s fine, but it\'s hard work for my husband."

"It\'s no hard work, they are my students too."

"Can you two stop flirting in the office? There are still people here." Teacher Zhang said angrily.

Zheng Shan laughed and said, "Mr. Zhang, you haven\'t gotten used to it yet."

"Don\'t be sloppy, if you have time, help me sort out these materials," said Teacher Zhang.

Zheng Shan had no objection and agreed with a smile.

In the evening, when Zheng Shan and the two returned home, the food was ready, and while they were eating, the phone rang.

"Go pick it up." Zheng Shan ordered the fifth.

The fifth one looked around and found that Zheng Ming didn\'t come today, only she was the youngest, so she could only get up to answer the phone.

"Third brother, I\'m looking for you, saying it\'s something urgent." The fifth brother shouted.

Zheng Shan wiped his mouth and got up, and before he answered the phone, his expression changed, "You show me over there, I\'ll go over now."

After he finished speaking, he called Bai Yi directly, "Book a flight ticket to Pengcheng as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Shan was ready to go out, "Mom and Dad, I have some things to deal with, so I won\'t be back at night."

"What\'s going on in such a hurry?" Zhong Huixiu asked.

Zheng Shan pretended to be relaxed and said, "You don\'t have to worry about small things."

Yan Qingqing saw Zheng Shan\'s abnormality, but didn\'t ask much, just said, "Wait a minute, I\'ll pack up your things for you."

"No, it\'s all over there." Zheng Shan said.

Yan Qingqing said, "Don\'t be in a hurry for a while."

After I finished speaking, I went to the room to pack my things. In fact, it was only two clothes and some toiletries.

"What happened?" Yan Qingqing asked while cleaning up.

Zheng Shan has nothing to hide from Yan Qingqing, "It\'s the fourth one. This guy is drunk and crazy. Hearing from Du Yougao, he seems to have been stimulated by something."

Zheng Shan is not too clear, but Du Yougao\'s tone was a little eager, and his heart suddenly lifted.

^0^ One second to remember【】

Yan Qingqing was also a little anxious when she heard it, "Then you hurry up, by the way, you have to be more careful."

"Well, don\'t worry."

"Don\'t tell your parents about this, until I understand it clearly." Zheng Shan said.

"I understand, you don\'t need to say that."

Soon, Zheng Shan set off. He bought the nearest plane ticket. When Zheng Shan arrived, it happened to be about an hour before he left.


When Zheng Shan got off the airport, he saw Du Yougao there.

"What sunglasses are you wearing at night?" Zheng Shan said angrily.

Du Yougao was wearing a pair of sunglasses at such a late hour, which attracted a lot of attention from their side, and Sao Bao was not so arrogant. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Du Yougao took off his sunglasses with a wry smile, and then Zheng Shan saw a bruised eye circle.

"This... Who fought?" Zheng Shan reacted as soon as he asked, "Our fourth child?"

Du Yougao nodded helplessly, he just stopped a little, and that\'s it.

"Boss, you should hurry up, otherwise we won\'t be able to hold it anymore, I\'m still good, you go to see Fan Dafan Er, I almost went to the hospital." Du Yougao said quickly.

Zheng Shan was immediately anxious when he heard it, what the **** happened?

When I asked Du Yougao, Du Yougao didn\'t know, "When I got the news, he was already drinking. I heard from Zheng Weitang that he had been drinking for three consecutive days, and he couldn\'t stop him."

Zheng Shan was a little angry when he heard the words, "Why did you tell me?"

Du Yougao was also aggrieved, and he just found out, otherwise how dare he hide Zheng Shan.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^