Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 400: paving

Lin Meihua watched the fourth Zheng Kui get up step by step. His net worth was getting richer and more money, and his life was getting better and better.

How could she not be moved.

Not to mention the fourth child, it\'s Zheng Lan\'s family, and now they are doing business, and their life is getting better day by day.

On the contrary, it was their family. Although they were living a very good life, they were not short of food or clothing, nor were they short of money, but in comparison, they were much worse.

It would be a lie to say that she has no idea, but she and Zheng Weijun mentioned it not once or twice before, and each time it ended in a quarrel.

Now my husband has finally figured it out, and my two uncles are also very loyal and directly gave the taxi company to my husband.

Although my husband said no, it\'s just management, but this is much better than before.

And according to Lin Meihua\'s understanding of these two uncles, this is actually equivalent to giving her husband, but the husband doesn\'t want it because of her elder brother\'s face.

As long as it is done well, in the future, I will not say all of it will be given to Zheng Weijun, but at least a lot of shares will be given, which is for sure.

I have to say that Lin Meihua is really envious of the three brothers of the Lao Zheng family, and at the same time she is a little lucky.

The envy is that her brother is not like this, it is good not to slander her behind her back.

Fortunately, this is also his brother.


Early the next morning, Lin Meihua couldn\'t wait to get breakfast ready, called Zheng Weijun to get up to eat, and told him to hurry over.

Seeing his daughter-in-law like this, Zheng Weijun shook his head helplessly, but he also had some expectations in his heart.

When Zheng Weijun arrived at Zheng Shan\'s house, Zheng Shan had just eaten, "Brother, have you eaten yet?"

"I just ate, you can eat, I\'ll sit in the yard for a while." Zheng Weijun said.

"Sit down and eat some more. Mom\'s porridge is really good today."


When he arrived at the taxi company, Zheng Kui directly asked all the management staff to come over for a meeting, but it took half an hour for all the management staff to arrive.

"This is my eldest brother. From now on, the taxi company will belong to my eldest brother, and he will be your boss in the future." Zheng Kui announced very simply.

This makes the following people a little dazed, is it so sudden?

No news has been revealed at all, and don\'t you think it\'s a bit too casual?

Zheng Kui was too lazy to pay attention to them. Before, he was simply fooled by Zhong Xiangbei, but now he also realizes that the taxi company is not easy to do.

It was fine at the beginning, everyone was very honest, but at the end, they gradually became old fried dough sticks.

Overspending on gas, making less and less money.

The reason Zheng Kui has heard a little about is that some taxi companies pull the black list, that is, they don\'t pay the meter at all, and there is no record, so the money is naturally kicked into their own pockets.

Zheng Weijun was a little nervous. This was his first time as a leader, and he was still directly leading a company.

To be honest, when he saw these people, he felt a little regretful, why did he agree to it?

I don\'t understand at all.

Zheng Shan could see the nervousness of the elder brother, and said with a smile: "Everyone should also get to know each other. Let\'s introduce yourself."

With the introduction of these people one by one, Zheng Weijun also relaxed a little, and the first meeting ended like this.

After all these people left, Zheng Weijun complained bitterly: "Dashan, I found out that I was wrong, I would never manage a company at all."

"Big brother, it\'s not as difficult as you think, and if you don\'t care, then I might as well let the fourth child dissolve the company. You can see from these reports that the following people are completely fools of the company. "Zheng Shan said.

Zheng Weijun can understand these reports, but there is no way. In order to make Zheng Kui understand, these people also put a lot of effort into it.

Zheng Weijun didn\'t see anything at first, but when Zheng Shan focused on something, Zheng Weijun saw it.

"How come the income has decreased so much all of a sudden? And the fuel bill has also increased so much all of a sudden. This is unreasonable." Zheng Weijun asked.

Zheng Shandao: "That\'s what happened. These people deceived the top and the bottom, filled their own pockets, and put all the company\'s money into their own pockets.

As for management, the problem is even bigger, which needs to be solved gradually in the future. "

"Don\'t you know the fourth child?" Zheng Weijun looked at Zheng Kui and asked.

Zheng Kui scratched his head and said, "I know a little bit, but at first I thought it was difficult for everyone, so I turned one eye away."

"Confused!" Zheng Weijun scolded.

Zheng Kui smirked and didn\'t speak. Now Zheng Weijun also has a sense of responsibility. This is cheating their old Zheng family\'s money. He must not ignore it.

"Then how to stop this phenomenon?" Zheng Weijun began to think.

Zheng Shan thought that he could not let Zheng Weijun encounter setbacks as soon as he came up, so he gave an idea.

"When you just took office, the first thing you need to do is to kill the chickens and show the monkeys, and you don\'t need any other method. Just go to a few cars, and then grab a few people who don\'t read the meter and put money in their pockets, and then Punishment or expulsion is fine." Zheng Shan said.

Zheng Weijun nodded, this is indeed a good way to establish prestige, he still knows this.

Then Zheng Shan said: "The other is the company\'s income, which can be replaced by other methods. For example, the company only charges a fixed amount of money every day for a car, and a car costs 50 yuan a day. More companies and less companies. It doesn\'t matter, they make up for the less, and the more is theirs."

"Of course, you need to make up your own mind for this money after inspection. Most drivers must be able to make money, but the company must not lose money."

Listening to Zheng Shan\'s words, Zheng Weijun couldn\'t help it. "Haven\'t you already figured out a solution? Why do you still need me?"

Zheng Shan spread his hands and said: "This is just my personal thought, I don\'t know if it can solve the problem.

Many things are not easy to do on the surface, and you must practice them before you can know the real answer. "

"The other thing is that I don\'t have time to manage it~www.novelhall.com~ Do you think the fourth child can be managed like this?"

Zheng Weijun stopped talking, he understood what Zheng Shan was thinking, but what Zheng Shan said also made sense.

My brothers have already paved the way for this. If I still can\'t do it well, it\'s really unreasonable.

"Okay, I\'ll give it a try." Zheng Weijun took a deep breath and forgot some of the previous nervousness and confusion.

His only thought now is not to let these people take Lao Zheng\'s money into their pockets for no reason.

Zheng Shan smiled when he saw this, the elder brother Zheng Weijun was settled, and he could breathe a sigh of relief.

As for Dad\'s side, go to coax by yourself, if it\'s really not good, let Mom come, anyway, Dad\'s side is easy to solve.

As for Zheng Kui, he was also relieved. What he thought was that he finally got rid of the burden, but when he was about to leave, he still took Fan Da and Fan Er away.