Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 399: chat

If it were someone else, Zheng Shanli would be too lazy to deal with it, but this is his own brother, and he has always been a big brother who thinks about himself.

Finally, my eldest brother has something he is interested in and wants to do, and he is also confused by himself.


Zheng Weijun sat on the train, looking at the scenery outside the window for a long time without saying a word.

"Weijun, don\'t have any other ideas, Dashan said, when you return to the capital, I will find you a work unit in the capital." Zheng Jianguo looked at his eldest son like this, and said comfortingly.

He could see that Zheng Weijun was really heartbroken at home during this time, and his whole person\'s state was different.

Now that Zheng Shan is suddenly lost, I must be a little uncomfortable.

Zheng Weijun shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Dad, don\'t worry, I don\'t mean to blame Dashan, and it\'s not that I don\'t understand, it must be because of Dashan, not me personally. reason."

Zheng Weijun still thinks very clearly about this. What does he have in Zheng Weijun? Is it worth paying such a high price?

Of course, if you say that, there must be some discomfort in your heart, but this kind of discomfort is not aimed at Zheng Shan, it is completely a feeling after the things that you expected are gone.

"You can understand, and think about it. Your hometown is so far away from the capital. If you work there, what will happen to Xiaoming and Jingyi? Are they also with you in your hometown?" Zheng Jianguo said a little against his will.

According to his thoughts, it would be a good thing if he could stay in his hometown, whether it was himself or the eldest in the family.

"I know, Dad, I\'m fine." Zheng Weijun said softly.

Seeing this, Zheng Jianguo can\'t say anything, I just hope that this matter will not leave any lumps in the boss\'s heart.

Hey, when the child grows up, there will be all kinds of troubles.

Compared with Zheng Weijun, Lin Meihua didn\'t feel much. She didn\'t really want her husband to stay in her hometown.

How can the hometown be compared with the capital?


As soon as Zheng Weijun returned home, he was dragged by Zheng Shan to Mingfeng Tower, not only him, but also the fourth child.

"Dashan, I\'m fine." Seeing Zheng Shan like this, Zheng Weijun felt a little embarrassed. He thought that Zheng Shan had misunderstood something.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Brother, our three brothers haven\'t spoken to their hearts for a long time. Just taking this opportunity, let us three brothers have a good drink and talk."

Zheng Weijun listened to him and did not refuse.

The food here is ready, and when Zheng Shan and the others arrive, they will be served soon.

"Brother, do you want to work in the system?" Zheng Shan asked very directly.

Zheng Weijun didn\'t want to hide it either. This is his own brother, so there\'s no need to hide it. "I have some ideas, and I don\'t want to go to get off work and go to work like this every day, it\'s a bit boring."

This is also a good life. Now that there is no shortage of food and clothing at home, Zheng Weijun naturally has many ideas.

If he had put it in the past, he would definitely not have such an idea. To be able to have such a stable life is already the dream of many people.

Zheng Shandao: "Then what about doing business? It\'s the same as the fourth child."

"Doing business?" Zheng Weijun hesitated.

In fact, he just didn\'t know what to do, and was tired of going to get off work every day.

At this time, when Zheng Shan mentioned this matter again, he began to hesitate.

He is not particularly aware of the situation of his third child, he just knows that the business is doing a lot, but he understands the situation of the fourth child.

It\'s just that he had been worried that the business would not last long, and that there would be problems, so he never agreed, leaving a way out for the Zheng family.

Since last year, the situation has gradually become clear.

The most important thing is that the congratulatory note from the first elder gave him confidence that even if his third child\'s business had a problem, he would not even lose his food.

That\'s why he became more active and began to think about himself.

This is also the reason why he was moved when his hometown Shixian proposed to let him serve as a department director, and some wanted to do something special.

Seeing that Zheng Weijun was a little moved, Zheng Shan was also relieved, it was good to have an idea.

"Just like the fourth child, we do business by ourselves, and our family is not short of capital." Zheng Shan said in a big way.

Zheng Weijun first nodded, then shook his head, "I don\'t know what to do in business."

"What do you want to do?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Weijun was lost in thought, and he didn\'t know what he wanted to do.

"Oh, big brother, if you really can\'t do it, it\'s on my side. My car repair shop in Beijing will give it to you." Zheng Kui said carelessly.

Zheng Weijun immediately refused, "How can I ask for your stuff, and this garage is already so big."

Zheng Kui wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zheng Shan, "Brother, otherwise, go and manage the taxi company first."

"Now the taxi company is a mess, and it has been messed up by the fourth child. Not to mention the management inside, even the financial statements can\'t be read at all."

"It\'s hard for you to imagine. Now he is one of the largest taxi companies in Beijing, but he only made 100,000 yuan in the second half of last year. Can you imagine this?"

Zheng Shan knew it for a long time, but he didn\'t talk much about this with the fourth child. He just wanted to wait for him to suffer a big loss before he understood.

He still lost the money.

But now since the boss wants to come out and do something, he will leave the taxi company to him.

Moreover, Zheng Shan also understood what Zheng Weijun was thinking. He didn\'t want to rely on his own brothers, or completely rely on his two younger brothers. That would be too damaging to his brother\'s majesty.

And the taxi company is just right, this is to let Zheng Weijun solve the trouble for his two younger brothers, Zheng Weijun will definitely be happy.

Zheng Weijun hesitated when he heard what Zheng Shan said.

"Brother, don\'t hesitate, you know, I don\'t have time to manage the taxi company. If I continue to toss the fourth, I don\'t know what it will be like." Zheng Shan advised.

Zheng Kui also immediately said: "Yes~www.novelhall.com~ Brother, you should help me, I was really dizzy by those people."

"Then let me try?" Zheng Weijun hesitated.

Zheng Shan slapped his hands and said, "That\'s right, if you really don\'t like it, we\'ll change it later. Anyway, there\'s nothing else in our family, just more money."

Seeing that his two brothers didn\'t care about themselves, Zheng Weijun was also very moved, but when he heard Zheng Shan say this, he was a little helpless, and the tone was too loud!

Zheng Weijun was also excited. It is a good thing to have a goal. At least he can achieve some results. It is not like before, where he has nothing to do except work every day.

When the three brothers returned home full of alcohol, they were relieved to see them like this at home.

It seems to be totally fine.

When she went back in the evening, Lin Meihua heard her husband say that the fourth taxi company had taken care of him.