Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 398: worry

Zheng Shan hung up the phone and looked at the old fifth: "This time you have made a contribution."

If the fifth brother had not come back in advance to inform him of the news, there would have been a lot of troubles when the dust settled over there.

The fifth was a little surprised, and she didn\'t expect Zheng Shan\'s reaction to be so big.

Some curiously asked: "What\'s wrong? Wouldn\'t it be great if Dad and Big Brother could be cadres?"

In the heart of the fifth brother, he also thinks so, the cadre family, it is exciting to think about it!

"I can\'t tell you, let me tell you, what you want is a reward for you." Zheng Shan didn\'t bother to explain anything to her. She would understand these things when she grew up.

When the fifth heard the words, he didn\'t want anything else immediately, "Just give me the money, I\'ll buy it myself."

Looking at her big bright eyes, Zheng Shan felt a little helpless. The character of this financial fan has not changed until now.

You must know that for so long, no one in the family was short of her money, and she ate and drank a lot.

It is said, it is only said that the fifth\'s small treasury is now at least 10,000 yuan!

"Here you are." Zheng Shan didn\'t say much, took out ten pieces of Great Unity and handed them to the fifth.

Yan Qingqing also finished the call here, and her face was not very good-looking.

"What\'s wrong?" Zheng Shan asked.

Yan Qingqing took a deep breath, "Someone sees your face and gives some business to Yan Zhengbiao."

Faced with Yan Qingqing\'s questioning, Yan Zhengbiao didn\'t dare to hide anything.

Now his relationship with this daughter is not good. If he hides anything more, it is estimated that Yan Qingqing will really not recognize him.

Zheng Shan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, "It\'s nothing, business, as long as you don\'t break the law, then there\'s no problem."

It\'s just that business matters are nothing, I\'m afraid that I\'m afraid of encountering Zheng Jianguo, so I will directly arrange positions.

This incident also reminded Zheng Shan that he must pay attention to this aspect in the future, otherwise he may end up being pitted against him.

"It\'s not that simple." Yan Qingqing shook his head and said, "It\'s all simple things now, but what about in the future? What if he does something in your name, or gets caught and gets pulled into the water?"

"If the former kind is easy to deal with, if it\'s a big deal, do what you want to do. It doesn\'t matter if you send him to prison, but if the latter kind, do you care or not?"

Zheng Shan listened to Yan Qingqing\'s words, thought for a while and said, "Then just talk to him."

"Well, I\'ve already told him that if he does things in your name, or if someone gives him a favor because of your reasons, he will be responsible for what happens in the end, and no one will care about his life or death." Yan Qingqing Very direct, she didn\'t have a good impression of Yan Zheng\'s arrival.

Because of this incident, Zheng Shan is not in a good mood anymore.

In the evening, my father\'s phone called right away.

"Dad, don\'t worry, just listen to me and tell you carefully, okay?" Zheng Shan said with a wry smile.

Zheng Jianguo was a little anxious as soon as he came up. He was about to become a cadre soon, but after being disturbed by his own son, it was all over.

Zheng Jianguo said unhappily: "Tell me, I listen, I am a small cadre at home, how can it affect you."

Zheng Shan said helplessly: "Then you plan to stay in your hometown from now on? Just don\'t care how many brothers we have?"

"You already have a family and a business, what do you want me to do?"

"What about the fourth and fifth?" Zheng Shan continued to ask.

Zheng Jianguo continued to speak stubbornly: "The fourth one also has his own business, so the fifth one can just come back with me."

"Haha, have you asked your mother for her opinion? She also wants to stay with you in her hometown?" Zheng Shan instantly seized his father\'s weakness.

Zheng Jianguo was speechless for a while.

"Okay, then I can come back, but how can you let the boss come back too? Wouldn\'t it be better for him to stay in his hometown for development?" Zheng Jianguo was stubborn.

Zheng Shan sighed, "Why do you have to stay in your hometown? You and eldest brother said that if eldest brother wants to work in the system, then I can arrange it here in the capital."

Now Zheng Jianguo can\'t say anything.

"Dad, your son, I\'m doing a relatively big business now, as you can see, the foreigners who came on my wedding day are all my business partners.

If you become a cadre, what do you think others will think? Will your son and my business be affected? "Zheng Shan can only speak from this aspect.

He is completely exaggerating.

However, Zheng Jianguo came from the previous era. He suddenly thought of the era when any relatives abroad would be strictly investigated, and his heart suddenly became agitated.

During this period of time, when he returned home, these people in the family had already held him a little, so Zheng Jianguo didn\'t think of this for a while.

"Xingxingxing, what you say is what you say. As a father, I have no right to speak." Zheng Jianguo understood in his heart, but he would not admit defeat.

Zheng Shan knew as soon as he heard it, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "Dad, you should come back tomorrow, you still need to be in charge of the family affairs."

Zheng Shan also tried his best to speak kind words to make Zheng Jianguo feel better.

When Zheng Shengli answered the phone, Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "Master, this kind of thing still needs to be reconsidered in the future.

It\'s not that I definitely don\'t allow people from the Old Zheng family to be officials, but I need to see if he has the ability. "


After the phone call with this side, it was almost ten o\'clock, and Zheng Shan put down the phone.

In fact, think about it, these things will happen sooner or later, after all, many things about Zheng Shan can\'t be hidden.

But as long as you have a little idea, and at the same time clarify the stakes with the family, there is no big problem.

As for Yan Zhengbiao\'s side, Yan Qingqing was very straightforward, which made Yan Zhengbiao feel a little helpless, but he didn\'t dare to lose his temper at Yan Qingqing~www.novelhall.com~ and didn\'t dare not listen.

Now his relationship with Yan Qingqing is still good, and this is entirely due to the little girl Yan Lele.

Otherwise, Yan Qingqing probably wouldn\'t be bothered to pay attention to him, so Yan Zhengbiao still knew these things.

"You heard it too. If someone asks you to hold a position in the future, you must think clearly." Zheng Shan looked at the fourth old man who had not gone to bed.

Zheng Kui spread his hands and said, "Anyone who asks a fool like me to do any job will really treat me as a fool."

Seeing the fourth child like this, Zheng Shan was completely relieved, but now he is also worried, his father\'s affairs are easy to solve, but what about the elder brother\'s affairs?

From Dad\'s tone just now, Zheng Shan could clearly hear that the eldest brother was a little moved, but now he is so disturbed by him that his position is gone, and it is estimated that he is also a little uncomfortable.

"Or let the eldest brother come out to do business?" Zheng Shan and the eldest brother mentioned it many times, but he was rejected by the eldest brother every time. Is this a good opportunity?