Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 356: arrange

Chapter 359 356. Arrangements

   "Swallow, why have you been leaving after school all this time? I can\'t see you even if I want to play with you." Just after class, Zheng Yan heard the complaints of her roommates.

   Zheng Yan said while packing his textbooks: "My brother is about to get married, and people from my hometown are coming too, so I\'ve been busy recently."

   "Is that your brother who is a teacher at Peking University?" Roommate Feng Lin immediately became interested in gossip.

   In the beginning, Zheng Yan was the only person in their dormitory who came from a poor rural area, and was taken care of by everyone.

   There are six people in their dormitory. Although they have different personalities, they all get along well.

   When Zheng Yan came to report, although she was wearing good clothes, she seemed to know that she had not seen much of the world.

   After a little inquiries, I know that Zheng Yan\'s hometown is in a poor rural area.

   Everyone thought that this dress was bought for Zheng Yan by family members who were thrifty and took good care of Zheng Shan.

   But gradually everyone discovered that although Zheng Yan is usually very frugal, whether it is food, clothing or pockets, she can save as much as she can.

   But Zheng Yan is rich.

   Once a roommate was in urgent need of money, Zheng Yan borrowed it without saying a word. When he took it, it was 100 yuan, which completely shocked everyone.

   This is completely different from other rural students in their class.

  The other thing is Zheng Yan\'s clothes. When the seasons change, there are several latest styles of clothes, and they are all very fashionable and not low in value.

After    inquiries, I found out that Zheng Yan\'s cousin bought these, and the cost of food and clothing was not less than her, and she also gave a lot of pocket money.

   It\'s just that Zheng Yan is reluctant to spend.

  Zheng Shan packed up his things and replied, "Yes, there are a lot of people coming here, so I need to clean up the house."

   "Let\'s go over to help you, just to meet your brother." Feng Lin said immediately.

   The other four also agreed very much, and they were also curious about what Zheng Yan\'s brother looked like.

   Every time they talk about this cousin, Zheng Yan is full of pride, gratitude and other emotions, which makes them more and more curious about Zheng Shan.

   "Are you all right? Cleaning the house is not easy." Zheng Yan said.

   Bao Fengfeng waved his hand and said, "You really think that we are all young ladies, and your fingers will not touch the spring water."

   Seeing that his roommate was so enthusiastic, Zheng Yan thought of so many houses and agreed.

   At first, Zheng Shan was going to find someone to clean these houses, but Zheng Yan happened to be there that day and took over the job.

  Zheng Shan knows what Zheng Yan wants to do, otherwise he will feel a little uncomfortable, which is normal

  Although Zheng Yan can\'t talk about relying on others on Zhengshan\'s side, it still has such a meaning.

  I want to help a little bit more to ease some of the emotions in my heart, which is pretty good.

   So these days, Zheng Yan has been helping to clean the houses.

   Six female college students took the bus to Zheng Shan\'s house first. Zheng Yan didn\'t bring the keys, they were all put here.

   "Swallow, come here, hurry up and eat the fruit." Zhong Huixiu saw Zheng Yan hurriedly greeted her, and then she saw several classmates behind her, and they all said hello one by one.

   "Thank you, Auntie." Feng Lin\'s mouth was also very sweet, and Zhong Huixiu was happy after a while.

   Feng Lin and the others were all taken aback as soon as they came in. Such a big yard with small bridges and flowing water in it looked very charming and made them feel the unusualness of Brother Zheng Yan\'s home.

   After Zheng Yan got the key and went out, Feng Lin couldn\'t help it, "Is your brother really a university teacher?"

   "Of course." Zheng Yan said suspiciously.

   Bao Fengfeng said: "Yanzi, don\'t lie to us, although we don\'t know very well, but a university teacher can afford to live in such a house? Are you kidding me?"

   "Oh, my brother also does some business." Zheng Yan said casually.

Bao Fengfeng and several people looked at each other, this is something that can be done in business, especially when they saw Zheng Yan pointing at a row of houses and saying that these were her brothers, they were speechless, and at the same time I also regretted coming here. This is not cleaning a room, but a row!

   "Have the vehicles been arranged?" Zheng Shan asked the fourth child.

   It is now the beginning of July, and all the preparations for the wedding have been prepared, and the arrangements have been made two days before the scene, and the next time is just used to make some fine-tuning.

   In a few days, the old man and the others will come over, and they must arrange a vehicle for reception.

   These Zheng Shan will be handed over to the fourth child, after all, the fourth child owns a taxi company.

  Zheng Shan may really underestimate his fourth child.

   Don\'t look at the accounting management of the taxi company, the personnel management is a mess, but it really makes a lot of money.

   Maybe this is also a feature of this era. Don’t look at the poor management of everything, but it is such a chaotic state that many people have made a lot of money.

   However, with the development of the times, this situation will definitely disappear slowly.

   And people who make money at this time but can\'t keep it are also because such a concept is deeply rooted and difficult to change.

   "I\'ve already found them. According to your request, two buses." Zheng Kui said.

   At the beginning, Zheng Kui thought of using his own taxi directly, which would be both face-saving and convenient.

   But he was rejected by Zheng Shan, and because of his own business, some people in urgent need of a car could not get a car.

   There is always a shortage of taxis now, and the number of cars is still far from enough.

  Zheng Shandao: "At that time, follow the route, pass Tiananmen Square, and then go directly to Mingfeng Tower to eat."

   "Well, it\'s already arranged." The fourth child was quite concerned about this matter.

   After talking about the business, Zheng Shan was concerned about the fourth child\'s own problems, "What do you think? Did you not meet the right one, or do you not want to find someone for the time being?"

  In Zheng Shan\'s opinion~www.novelhall.com~ the fourth child is not in a hurry. It\'s not even 20 this year, but my mother is in a hurry.

   Zheng Kui said: "I don\'t want to look for it for now, and there is no suitable one."

   "Have you forgotten that person named Lin Xinxin?" Zheng Shan asked suddenly.

   Lao Si\'s face was embarrassed, but he didn\'t speak, obviously he did have this idea.

Zheng Shan sighed helplessly, knowing that first love is not so easy to forget, "Okay, don\'t be embarrassed, but I still say that, people like Lin Xinxin don\'t want to enter our house, even if they are I agree, and neither will my mother."

   "And if you think about it, there\'s not much else to say. If you marry Lin Xinxin, then you can prepare our family to be completely insecure. She is not a master who can be in peace."

After    finished speaking, Zheng Shan sighed, "Forget it, it doesn\'t matter to you, you can make up your own mind."

   Zheng Shan has said this many times, but every time he just talks about it, does he really care about his younger brother?

   But right now, Zheng Shan is really not in the mood, and the matter of marriage alone has already made him devastated.

   (end of this chapter)