Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 357: strict

Chapter 360 357. Strict

   Of course, Yan Qingqing is in the same mood as Zheng Shan.

   She didn\'t expect marriage to be so complicated, but in the eyes of others, it was extremely enviable.

   Not to mention other things, that is how her mother Fu Meiyi is.

   "Qingqing, don\'t be bothered, a wedding like yours can be remembered for a lifetime, and it can even be said to be unique. Once such a wedding is, a woman\'s life is worth it." Fu Meiyi comforted.

  Yan Qingqing is now able to live in peace with Fu Meiyi, mainly because Fu Meiyi has taken care of her wholeheartedly for so long.

   Fu Meiyi\'s care during this period also made Yan Qingqing put down some of the grudges in her heart.

  Yan Qingqing hadn\'t spoken yet, and Yan Lele, who was already on holiday, couldn\'t wait to echo: "Yes, yes, if I can have such a wedding in the future, I can die happily!"

   "Sister, I really envy you and your brother-in-law having such a wedding!"

   When Guan Fei heard the words, she pouted at the side, and silently spit out a word, "Smoker!"

   However, after Guan Fei watched the wedding scene, she had already listened to the procedures, and the moment she saw the wedding dress, the envy in her heart also came to her heart involuntarily, with a trace of jealousy.

   There is no way to avoid making people jealous at such a wedding, even an adolescent girl who is not married yet.

  Yan Qingqing helplessly looked at Yan Lele who was chirping like a lark. Since this girl came over, she basically didn\'t stop for a moment.

   "I didn\'t say I didn\'t like it, I was just a little too tired." Yan Qingqing said helplessly.

   "Don\'t be too tired. It\'s just this period of time. It\'s good to pass. It is the dream of many women to have a perfect wedding." Fu Meiyi comforted.

   said that Fu Meiyi changed the subject, "Go to pick up the old man of the Zheng family tomorrow, let\'s all follow, it will be more polite."

  The people from Zhengshan\'s hometown will arrive tomorrow, and Yan Qingqing also knows that, of course, she is going to pick them up with her.

   I just didn\'t expect Fu Meiyi and Yan Zhengbiao to go too. Since they wanted to go, Yan Qingqing didn\'t stop them.

   "I\'m going to my brother-in-law\'s house. You don\'t have to wait for me for dinner." Yan Lele is a master who can\'t be idle. After staying here for a while, he will run to Zheng Shan.

After   Yan Lele arrived there, the first thing he looked for was the fifth. The fifth is also on vacation. Now the family is preparing for Zheng Shan\'s wedding, and no one cares about her.

   During this period of time, the fifth one can do whatever he wants, it is very happy!

   On the train at this time, Zheng Shengli looked at the scenery outside the train. Even though he hadn\'t slept well for several nights, he was still full of energy.

   "Dad, you can rest for a while, it will take more than ten hours to arrive." Zheng Jianjun advised.

   Zheng Shengli waved his hand and said, "I can\'t sleep, I\'m not sleepy, if you are sleepy, you can sleep by yourself."

   "I\'m fine, I can\'t sleep either." Zheng Jianjun said.

   Not only him, how can anyone in the whole carriage fall asleep now? This carriage was packed, and all the people sitting were people from their hometowns.

  Everyone is discussing what the capital looks like, can we go to Tiananmen Square and visit the Great Wall.

   "I never thought that I would still come to the capital one day." Zheng Jianshe took a puff of smoke.

   As soon as he took a sip, he saw Zheng Shengli\'s eyes, then secretly glanced at the old lady who was talking to the woman, and carefully took out a cigarette.

   "Dad, be careful, if you get caught, don\'t say I gave it to you." Zheng Jianshe whispered.

   "What nonsense, bring it here." Zheng Shengli said impatiently, but he couldn\'t help but be careful when lighting and smoking.

  I don\'t know when it started, but that mother-in-law of his own actually took care of his smoking, which made Zheng Shengli feel that his life suddenly lost its taste.

   Fortunately, his grandson is in good spirits, so that he can happily go out and show off every day.

   Now that the name of his Lao Zheng family is known throughout Shixian County, who doesn\'t envy his Lao Zheng family for having such a talented person?

   Especially bringing everyone to the capital this time, the fame of Lao Zheng\'s family in Shixian has increased rapidly!

   Let’s put it this way, now the old man goes to the county, as long as the people who know him will not give him a cigarette, even when drinking, most people will automatically lower him by half a glass.

   This made the old man even more proud and excited.

   But at the same time, the old man is also very strict with the people of the old Zheng family. If anyone takes advantage of the reputation of the old Zheng family to do bad things, the old man will go straight to the house with a cane.

   There was a Zheng family half a year ago. According to Zheng Shan, this person has already released five servers.

   But because his surname is Zheng, and he belongs to a village, he is very popular in the county through the name of Lao Zheng\'s family.

   Zheng Shengli didn\'t care about it at first, and being able to get ahead is also someone\'s ability.

   But when he occasionally heard from other people that this guy is not doing good things, and because of the name of Lao Zheng\'s family, many people in the county thought they didn\'t see it.

   Bullying the market and forcing people to sell their properties cheaply, these things were actually done in just a few months.

That night, the angry old man rushed to the house to find someone to make a theory.

  Who knows, they ignored him at all, and said he was jealous. The next day, the old man rushed to the county government and found Shi Hui\'an.

   After talking about the matter, Shi Huian immediately organized personnel to arrest and interrogate him.

  With the backing of the old man, Shi Hui\'an did not have the slightest worry when he started this matter.

   Next, when the family saw that things were not going well, they had the cheek to come to intercede, talking about their love from the past.

   At that time, the old man was really soft-hearted. After all, he belonged to a big family, but the words from the family ~www.novelhall.com~ completely chilled the old man\'s heart.

   "Isn\'t it just some ordinary people? With the current situation of our Lao Zheng family, taking their things is to look down on them."

   As soon as these words came out, even if the old man was soft-hearted, he knew that something was wrong.

   Immediately kick people out, and at the same time start asking if there is any similar situation in their home.

   At that time, he found Shi Hui\'an and said something heartfelt, "I want everyone in our Lao Zheng family to be promising, but they can\'t be bad people, let alone have no conscience."

   "If Dashan knew that his hometown was like this, I believe Dashan would also be disappointed."

   "Also please help me to watch the people of our Lao Zheng family. Once someone wants to use our Lao Zheng family\'s reputation to do bad things, don\'t spare them."

   "If one day I get confused, don\'t save face for me, I don\'t want to be the sinner of Lao Zheng\'s family!"

   The sincerity of these words made Shi Hui\'an quite moved!

   He had seen people who were once in power, and he had seen the arrogance of these people, but he did not expect that Zheng Shengli, a rural old man, would have such a spirit and a big picture.

   (end of this chapter)