Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 355: manner

Chapter 358 355. Attitude

   When Zheng Shan came to Bai Yi the next day, he casually talked about Xia Lai\'s brother, and Bai Yi expressed his appreciation for Xia Lai\'s brother.

   "You may not know that Xiao Xia has reduced a huge loss for our supermarket before." Bai Yi said with a smile.

   She has always been full of admiration for Brother Xia Lai, and she didn\'t hide this, as many people in the company knew.

   First, she saw some shadows of herself from younger brother Xia Lai, and she also grew up quickly, and younger brother Xia Lai\'s growth rate was very similar to her back then.

  Second is also the person who Bai Yi admires hard work the most, and Xia Laidi\'s hard work is the best among the people she has ever met.

   Zheng Shan heard what Bai Yi said, and suddenly asked curiously, "How do you say it?"

   "Once there was a problem with our goods, a supervisor in Pengcheng was bought by someone and brought in some defective goods."

   "No one noticed the problem at that time, only Xiao Xia noticed it, and dealt with it properly at the first time."

   "She was only a temporary worker at that time, but no one listened to her and ridiculed her."

   "But Xiao Xia insisted that she even blocked the door of the warehouse by herself and refused to ship, so she was beaten up. Even so, Xiao Xia did not compromise in the slightest."

   "I didn\'t know until it was a big deal. This time it reduced our losses by at least nearly half a million."

   "In addition, some problems within the company were identified."

  Bai Yi told these things very seriously and did not hide anything.

   First, she knew that as long as it was handled properly, Zheng Shan would not pursue anything, and secondly, the club\'s affairs also gave her some vigilance.

   Although this seems to be just a club thing, it has nothing to do with her.

   But Bai Yi didn\'t dare to think so, and she couldn\'t guarantee whether there were any problems in the supermarket she managed.

   Not only her, but even Shi Zhen and Du Yougao have been investigating the internal situation of their own company.

   Even after Rachel got news from Du Yougao, she was quietly rectifying the company.

  The situation of Slite Company is different. Now Slite is in the stage of rapid expansion, and it is not appropriate to have major internal actions.

   But Rachel needs to get this under control to a point where it can be liquidated once the company has stabilized.

   In a company that has reached such a level, no one dares to say that there will be no internal corruption and the use of power for personal gain.

   can only be said to reduce as much as possible or deal with it quickly.

  Zheng Shan ignored their thoughts, listening to Bai Yi\'s narration, his heart was full of emotion, this girl Xia Laidi is really unusual.

  Zheng Shan is also a little proud in his heart, after all, this is his own student, so he couldn\'t help asking more about Xia Laidi.

   "I also asked Xiao Xia about her plans after graduation. She tends to stay in our company for development." Bai Yi talked about Xia Lai\'s brother for a while, and then said.

  Zheng Shan was a little surprised, but only said: "Don\'t force this matter, everything depends on her own wishes."

  Bai Yi nodded, of course she knew, brother Xia Lai is Zheng Shan\'s student, he has a teacher-student relationship, and he must not be the same as others.

  Zheng Shan came to find Bai Yi this time for other things. After asking about Xia Lai’s situation for a while, he got down to business, “This time you and Du Yougao are the main hosts to receive those European and American guests.”

   This is what Zheng Shan has thought about, and according to the position within the Xishui Group, Lucas must be the most suitable.

   However, Lucas is European and American, and he is not familiar with China, so after thinking about it, Bai Yi is the most suitable.

   As for people like Li Yuan, they don\'t know those European and American guests at all. Even if there is an interpreter, they may not be able to communicate well.

  Bai Yi and the others are different. They are both executives of Xishui Group and have a very deep understanding of China, and they are also familiar with European and American guests.

   Bai Yi was a little surprised when she heard the words, which was also a good thing for her, "Okay, boss, I will definitely receive good guests."

   "Don\'t be so serious, this time is just a normal wedding, there is no business activity, just a normal reception." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

   then thought about it and continued: "And you have to remember one thing, you come forward to represent my face, and you don\'t need to be concerned about anyone. If there is really no eye, let him leave immediately."

  Although there is a high probability that these people invited by Zheng Shan will not do this, the impression of Huaxia in Europe and the United States is very biased now.

   It may be inevitable that there will be some people with a little prejudice, but Zheng Shan does not want to see it, nor will he tolerate it.

   He worked so hard to make so much money and run such a big group so that he could say no in most cases.

   Bai Yi said with a serious look: "I will make up my mind."

   "Well, if you don\'t know the guest\'s information, you can go to Du Yougao, he has detailed information there." Zheng Shan said.

   In recent years, the relationship between Bai Yi and Du Yougao has been reduced a lot. Usually, it may be during the Chinese New Year that the family reunites to meet.

   Even if Bai Yi was on a business trip in Pengcheng, he would not go to see Du Yougao, in order not to arouse Zheng Shan\'s suspicion.

   They are relatives, and now they are both in high positions, and each manages a company. If the relationship is always so close, then maybe Zheng Shan will be suspicious.

   Even if they didn\'t do anything wrong to the group, it is estimated that someone will leave.

   Neither of the two were willing to give up their positions, let alone their broad future, so they could only avoid each other.

  Zheng Shan actually knew this, he said it once, but both of them only agreed on the surface, and they still did their own thing.

   "Boss, do you need to choose a new secretary?" Finally, Bai Yi reminded cautiously.

   It\'s like these things today, if Zheng Shan has a secretary, he can come and notify through the secretary, instead of requiring Zheng Shan to come over in person.

  Zheng Shan waved his hand and said, "I don\'t need ~www.novelhall.com~ just wait."

   He hasn\'t finished enjoying such a relaxing life yet, but he doesn\'t want someone to follow him all the time.

   Bai Yi didn\'t say anything more after hearing the words. Seeing that Zheng Shan had no other orders, he went to work on his own affairs.

   In the next time, Zheng Shan was busy, not only him, but also Yan Qingqing.

   The complexity of the wedding process made him very helpless, but I have to say that this process is very ceremonial, and Zheng Shan can only study hard.

   That night, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing learned the procedure again, and when they got home, they were exhausted and exhausted.

   "You go to order food." Yan Qingqing didn\'t want to lift her arms.

   "You go." Zheng Shan didn\'t want to move either.

   "Forget it, don\'t eat it."

   "I don\'t want to eat either."

   The two of them lay on the bed, looked at each other, and then both laughed. Zheng Shan took a rest, and then called someone to deliver food.

   (end of this chapter)