Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 260: upset stomach

At three o\'clock in the afternoon, everyone was finally arranged.

Fortunately, the few people who went to the hospital went early, otherwise there might have been a problem.

Originally, Zheng Shengli was going to visit Zhong\'s house in the afternoon. The two of them hadn\'t really seen their in-laws.

This time, I\'m definitely going to see you when I come here.

However, as soon as the people were settled, some problems occurred again, and a large number of people had stomach troubles!

Zheng Shan was startled at the beginning, not only him, but Xiong Youxi was so frightened that his legs almost softened when he heard that a large number of people had stomach troubles.

He ran over immediately and assured Zheng Shan that there was absolutely nothing wrong with his ingredients, and he dared to use his life to guarantee it.

These are all relatives of Zheng Shan. If there is a problem with his food, he will not want to stay in Mingfeng Tower.

Although Xiong Youxi still hasn\'t received any shares, he has already received Zheng Shan\'s promise to open Mingfeng Tower to another city, and when he can get 5% of the shares.

In the next five to ten years, if Mingfeng Building has been in a stage of rapid development, an additional 5% of the shares will be awarded.

That\'s ten percent.

Not to mention the future development, it is the current Mingfeng Building, 10% of the shares are also an astronomical figure for Xiong Youxi!

So Xiong Youxi takes this job very seriously.

Even in the face of the ridicule of his brothers and sisters, saying that he was oblivious to profit, he didn\'t care.

Of course, Zheng Shan knew that Xiong Youxi would never be able to do anything in this matter. Seeing him in such a hurry, he comforted him: "Don\'t worry, the doctor is already here, let the doctor take a look, and I believe in you."

With the last sentence, Xiong Youxi finally put down a stone in his heart, but he still looked at the people who were running back and forth to the toilet with some worry.

The results of the inspection came out soon, and the reason made Xiong Youxi completely relieved, and even made Zheng Shan a little dumbfounded.

For no other reason, it\'s just because it tastes so good!

Although it is said that the conditions of Dagu Village are much better now, everyone is a person who has suffered, and even if they have a little savings in their hands, they dare not eat too much.

Not much else to say, it is a luxury to put two more drops of oil in a meal.

Now that I eat such a good thing all at once and put so much oil, of course my stomach can\'t stand it.

"Just eat something light in the next few days." The doctor instructed.

Zheng Shan thanked the doctor and sent the doctor out. As soon as he came back, he heard the old lady swearing in anger.

"You guys really don\'t deserve to enjoy happiness. Look at how much trouble this has caused Dashan, even eating a lot of trouble."

Zheng Shan looked a little ashamed at the sight of many people, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Ma\'am, this is also because I didn\'t think carefully about it, it\'s alright, it\'s fine for everyone to eat light food for the past two days.

I will let Master Xiong prepare it for everyone, just as everyone is tired, take a good rest. "

"By the way, these are my friends, all from the capital, and they all live here these days. If you need anything, just tell them or ask them to help."

After preparing these things, it was already past five o\'clock in the afternoon, and it was obviously inappropriate to go to Zhong\'s house at this time.

"Master, what are you doing?" Zheng Shan saw that Zheng Shengli actually found a room to live in, and immediately pulled him and said.

Zheng Shengli said plausibly: "I want to watch them a little bit. I brought them out, so nothing can happen."

"Master, I have already arranged people here. Didn\'t I say that just now? It\'s just those people, they are more familiar than you." Zheng Shan quickly persuaded.

"And you haven\'t been to our home in Beijing yet."

As soon as these words came out, the old man was suddenly moved. Although this belongs to his son and grandson, in general, it is also his.

Being able to have a home in the capital has always been the proudest thing for the old man.

However, the sense of responsibility soon prevailed. The old man insisted on staying here. Zheng Shan had no choice but to agree.

Fortunately, the old lady was persuaded to stop, and she was not here. She followed Zheng Shan and the others back to live. The old man, the uncle, and the second uncle also came to have a look, as if they were hanging out.

"Grandma, look at the bracelet I bought for you, does it look good?" As soon as he got home, the fifth brother took out a wooden bracelet, which looked very good.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t know when this girl bought it.

But obviously, just this bracelet bought the old lady.

Seeing the cheerful appearance of the old grandmother, Zheng Shan could only secretly praise the old fifth\'s ability to coax people!

This girl will not be hungry from now on with this clever mouth.

When the old man saw the door of Zheng Shan\'s house, he was completely stunned, not only him, but also the uncle and second uncle.

When have they seen such a luxurious yard!

And this is in Beijing!

They all knew that Zheng Shan was doing well, but they didn\'t expect it to be so good!

Several cousins ​​looked at this place with envy, and Zheng Shan and the fourth took them around the whole yard.

"How much will that cost?"

"The ones I bought were not expensive at the time." Zheng Shan didn\'t say anything specific.

"If I could have such a house, I would be willing to live ten years less."

"You? Forget it, you can\'t afford such a yard for the rest of your life."


At night, no matter how much Zheng Shan kept him, the old man still wanted to go back, not only him, but also the uncle and the uncle.

Only a few cousins ​​stayed, and they wanted to experience such a nice yard.


"Master, why did you get up so early?" At eight o\'clock in the morning, Zheng Shan had just woken up to wash when he saw the old man already standing in the yard.

"It\'s still early? The sun is already rising." The old man said with some dissatisfaction, but thinking that his grandson has always been a city person, he didn\'t say much.

I had something to eat in the morning~www.novelhall.com~ and bought some gifts. These were all the old man\'s own money.

Zheng Shan wanted to pay for them, but the old man refused to let him die. This is for his in-laws. How can he let his grandson pay?

And this gift has been late for so many years, it was a bit of a loss.

This also made Zhong Huixiu very satisfied, no matter what, her in-laws had arrived.

When they got to Zhong\'s house, it was lively again, especially Zheng Shengli kept saying sorry to Zheng Shan\'s grandma and grandpa.

The old couple, who had no pimples in their hearts, were more satisfied with the attitude of the old man, and at the same time they were very enthusiastic.

When drinking, the old lady didn\'t persuade her old man to drink whatever he wanted. From the old lady\'s point of view, their old Zheng family really needed to thank the old Zhong family.

If it weren\'t for Zhong Huixiu, their old Zheng family probably would never have been able to leave the countryside in this life.

Not to mention the current situation.
