Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 359: eat up

For these people who left, Zheng Shan did not make any reservations, and he did not make things difficult.

And in fact, in Zheng Shan\'s view, it is also a good thing that these people are gone, and it also makes Zheng Shan recognize some things.

If all of Dou Youde\'s apprentices stay, according to the current development speed and situation of Mingfeng Tower, they will be the masters who will be in charge of one party in the future.

Mingfeng Tower will definitely not only develop in the capital, but will definitely develop in other cities.

At that time, regardless of the ability or contribution of these people, they will definitely be in charge of each party.

In the past, Zheng Shan didn\'t feel anything. It was very simple.

But now he doesn\'t think so. It is precisely because of the resignation of these people that he realizes that these apprentices of Dou Youde are too united.

At that time, once the power is in control and united, it will cause huge trouble.

And at that time, they did a little bit of tricks, and ordinary people couldn\'t find it at all, so Zheng Shancai said that this is also a good thing.

From this point of view, Bai Yi and Du Yougao still have a very clear understanding.


Zheng Shan came to the back kitchen and asked how the situation was.

"Boss, everything is ready and ready to serve." Xiong Youxi wiped the sweat from his face.

Zheng Shandao: "Then let\'s serve the food now, by the way, the wine has been shipped, right?"

"It\'s all ready in the warehouse, absolutely enough." Xiong You said happily.

Zheng Shan nodded, and immediately let someone serve.

In the hall of Mingfeng Building, it was already lively at this time, and everyone couldn\'t let go at first.

Who among them has been to such a good restaurant?

Even in the county, I have never seen it, let alone a few people who haven\'t been to the county for nearly ten years.

However, everyone here is acquainted, and they all came together. Slowly, everyone relaxed naturally and spoke loudly.

"Ma\'am, are you alright?" Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing cautiously approached an old man and asked with concern.

This old man is the oldest in Lao Zheng\'s family. Although the distance is a bit far away, no matter what, this old man has to make offerings to everyone in Lao Zheng\'s family.

This marriage, I didn\'t plan to let this old man come here. After all, the journey is long, and if there is any accident along the way, it will not be a good thing.

But after the old man heard that he was coming to the capital, he wanted to come together directly.

The old man opened his mouth, even Zheng Shengli couldn\'t stop him, he just tried to discourage him a little, but the old man didn\'t listen, so he could only follow his temperament.

According to the old man\'s words, as long as he can come to the capital and pay his respects to the great man, then even if he is dead now, it is worth it.

Everyone took good care of them along the way and did not dare to have any carelessness.

But with his family here, Zheng Shengli didn\'t need to worry about anything on the road.

"Okay, I\'m in good health, you don\'t have to worry." The old man smiled, revealing a mouth with only a few teeth.

Zheng Shan also specially ordered Xiong Youxi to prepare some porridge and soup, just for the old man.

"Go and do your own thing, I don\'t need you to worry about it." The old lady looked at Zheng Shan and the others surrounded him, and said immediately.

This time, he was already very willful, and he didn\'t want to cause trouble for this great grandson again.

Zheng Shan chatted with the old man and saw that his family was taking good care of him, so he didn\'t stay any longer.

Instead, they recognized people from table to table with Yan Qingqing, and said some polite words.

"This elbow is really delicious. I have never eaten such a delicious elbow in my life."

"This is your first time, right? You\'ve eaten this once in your life! Of course it\'s the best one."

"I ate it once when I was a kid, okay? And have you eaten it several times?"


"You said they made it so much better than ours."

"Look at these oil flowers. How much oil does it take? Is it delicious? Are you willing to put oil in your meals?"

"I still want to continue to live. If I put so much oil in every meal, I won\'t be able to live."

"Eat quickly, don\'t waste it."

"I want to decorate it for my kid, he has never eaten something so delicious."

"I also want to decorate it for my daughter-in-law to eat."

As they talked, they thought of bringing something to their family. They would only be able to eat such delicious food once in their lives. The first thing that came to mind was the people they cared about.

"Don\'t think about it, do you think about how far it is from home? And you will have to wait for several days. When you bring it home, it will already be rancid."

"It\'s a good thing if it\'s sour."

"Can you make some progress, can we not shame Dashan?"

Zheng Shan prepared this meal very well, but even so, when he was about to leave, there was no food left on the table, and everyone ate it all.

Zheng Shan saw that some people were covering their stomachs and couldn\'t stand up, which made people look a little nervous.

"Dashan, everyone has already arranged." Li Yuan walked over and said.

Zheng Shan asked him to find someone he was familiar with. If his relatives wanted to go out, he still needed someone he knew to take him with him.

Zheng Shan looked at these people who were struggling a little helplessly, "Wait a little longer, wait for them to digest it."

"Okay, I\'ll go talk to them." Li Yuan turned around and went to work.

"Shanzi, you are embarrassed." A distant relative of Zheng Shan said a little embarrassedly.

He originally wanted to be restrained, but this was the first time he had eaten such a delicious meal, how could he be restrained.

And people nowadays don\'t have the habit of wasting, even if they can\'t finish it, they have to endure it.

Otherwise it is simply a crime.

"Uncle, what are you talking about, the biggest compliment to me is that you eat happily, which proves that my arrangement is satisfactory to everyone." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Seeing what this old uncle wants to say~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan quickly said: "Uncle, take a good rest, and help me see other people, don\'t hurt your stomach, if anyone feels uncomfortable, tell me Me, I\'ll take him to the hospital."

"Even if you die, it\'s good, and you don\'t need to go to the hospital. It\'s a waste of money to spend." The old man said indifferently.

For them, it is impossible not to go to the hospital.

Zheng Shan was helpless, so he could only observe first to see who couldn\'t stand it. Sure enough, there were several faces in pain.

Zheng Shan hurriedly asked the fourth child to take someone to the hospital, so as not to really break his stomach.

"No, Dashan, this trivial matter will pass." Someone said nonchalantly.

Zheng Shan hurriedly said: "Uncles and uncles, all of you will treat me as a face, and go to the hospital to have a look. I still think about a few of them to attend my wedding, don\'t feel sick to my stomach, and I won\'t be able to attend my wedding. ."

After saying this, several people were no longer holding on, and they were taken to the hospital by the fourth and Wei Chengjun.
