Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 261: coming one after another

Zheng Shan is not only the people who need to arrange their hometown, but also the guests from abroad!

Zhao Wen and Bob came early, not only them, but also some invited founders of some small companies invested by Zheng Shan also came early.

However, apart from Zhao Wen and Bob, other people do not need Zheng Shan to receive him personally, they can just show up and talk to each other at that time.

These people were all received by Bai Yi and Du Yougao.

"Why did you arrive at this time? You said you wanted to help me? That\'s all?" Zheng Shan seemed a little dissatisfied with Zhao Wen and the others for coming so late.

Zhao Wen exaggeratedly said: "I gave up my tens of thousands of income that day, and you are still not satisfied."

Zheng Shanli ignored him, and Bob said a little embarrassedly: "There is a big customer in the company who suddenly wants to increase orders, I... I didn\'t leave for a while, and Zhao Wen was waiting for me. ."

"Okay, I\'m just joking." Zheng Shan patted Bob\'s shoulder with a smile.

When Zheng Shan brought Bob and the others home, Zhao Wen was stunned when he saw Yan Qingqing\'s first glance, and then said with emotion: "I finally know why Dashan is in a hurry to get married, and why he should be married at this age. Stepping into the grave of marriage, it turned out that there was a fairy who was willing to marry him."

Yan Qingqing was amused by Zhao Wen, "Hello, my name is Yan Qingqing, and I\'m Zheng Shan\'s fiancee!"

Yan Qingqing speaks English, so Bob can also hear it clearly.

"My name is Bob, and I\'m a good friend of Zheng Shan." Bob said nervously, he was an otaku himself.

Even after more than a year of experience, it is still difficult to change this character.

However, his character is not a defect, and his team has made up for his character well, allowing their company to develop well so far.

"I heard Zheng Shan say you, he said you are a computer genius!" Yan Qingqing said with a smile.

This made Bob suddenly embarrassed, scratching his head and laughing silly.

"What about me, what about me, what did Dashan say about me?" Zhao Wen asked anxiously.

Yan Qingqing pretended to be at a loss.

Zhao Wen was anxious when he saw it, and grabbed Zheng Shan\'s neck and said, "You didn\'t tell me in front of your younger siblings, but I still think you are my best friend."

Seeing Zhao Wen and Zheng Shan fighting for a while, Yan Qingqing said with a smile, "Zhao Wen, of course Zheng Shan told me about you."

"He certainly didn\'t say anything nice about me."

"Do you have anything nice to say to me?"

"Fuck, I have more skills."

"I haven\'t settled with you about the fact that you called your younger brother and sister just now. You should be called your sister-in-law."

"You\'re only a month older than me."

"Hehe, a day is big, an hour is big, call me sister-in-law!"


"Hello, sister-in-law!" Zhao Wen still called out in a proper manner.

After chatting with Zhao Wen and the others for a while, Zheng Shan said, "Let\'s have dinner together in the evening, just to meet a few friends from my side."

"no problem."


At night, Zheng Shan\'s generals Li Yuan, Wei Chengjun, Zheng Weimin, and Zheng Weitang all called over together.

It can be said that these talents are the most trusted people by Zheng Shan now.

No matter what happens in the future, even now, these people are the most unlikely to betray Zheng Shan, and everything will be for his benefit.

"Brother Yuan, I have heard Dashan say about you a long time ago, saying that you are good brothers who grew up wearing open-crotch pants together. I want to honor you with this cup, and I have wanted to meet you for a long time." Zhao Wen raised his cup.

Li Yuan really didn\'t expect that Zheng Shan didn\'t forget him in the United States, and he was a little moved in his heart, but it didn\'t show on the surface.

"This cup should be my tribute to you. You came from a long way to attend the wedding in Dashan, thank you!" Li Yuan said, looking up and doing it.

"Hey, hey, this is not right." Zhao Wen stared, but seeing that Li Yuan had done it, he could only do it.

Bob didn\'t drink liquor much, so it was difficult to drink.

"Would you like to replace it with something else?" Zheng Shan asked.

Bob hurriedly shook his head and said, "Actually, baijiu is pretty good too, but I\'m not used to it, it will be fine soon."

"Don\'t be polite to me, everyone sits together to eat and drink, just be happy." Zheng Shandao.

Bob said: "I\'m really fine, you see, I\'ll be fine slowly."

In order to prove to Zheng Shan, he drank the cup directly, and then his face turned red.

Zhao Wen laughed and laughed, and started to hurt Bob.

Since Zheng Shan left the United States, the two of them have gotten along very well. After all, they used to be friends, but now they have Zheng Shan as a bond. The two are very sincere and more suitable for each other, so they naturally became bad friends. .

However, most of them are Zhao Wen\'s loss to Bob, and Bob can rarely take advantage of Zhao Wen verbally.

Zheng Weimin on the side looked at Bob with curiosity. Although he had seen some foreigners in Pengcheng, he had never come into contact with them.

"Brother, it\'s done!" Zheng Weimin raised his glass.

Although Bob is a little unfamiliar with Chinese, he can still understand these two sentences.

"Xiong Di, let\'s go!" Bob said with his big tongue.

Zheng Weitang is not as open as Zheng Weimin. He is still working behind Zheng Weimin, and he doesn\'t have many contacts most of the time.

Everyone drank and chatted, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.


In the next few days, Zheng Shan would not be able to relax for a moment, and some important guests came one after another.

After all, Zheng Shan personally invited them, and their identities were indeed different, so Zheng Shan also needed to receive them personally.

There is no rush to send people to contact them. First of all, Zheng Shan\'s wedding needs to be held successfully.

"Robert, you came very early, I thought you wouldn\'t arrive until the fifteenth~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan smiled and hugged Robert.

In the past two years, Xishui Supermarket has developed rapidly, and Robert, as a major contributor to the investment in Xishui Supermarket, has once again improved his voice within Goldman Sachs.

So Robert is also very grateful to Zheng Shan.

"Haha, this is the wedding of the super rich, I definitely can\'t be late, let alone we are good friends!" Robert said with a big laugh.

In fact, Robert is also very curious about why Zheng Shan got married so early, not to mention other things, that is, Zheng Shan has such a strong net worth, and logically speaking, he shouldn\'t get married so early, there are so many beautiful things in the world.

However, Robert also knew the Chinese people\'s concept of weddings, so he didn\'t ask more, just sent his blessings.

With the arrival of Robert, Morgan, Citi, the top investment banks and people who have cooperated with them all came.

Everyone still attaches great importance to Zheng Shan\'s wedding, especially now that Xishui Group is not only a Xishui supermarket, but also Slit and some other industries invested by Zheng Shan, which make many people envious. Naturally, they want to continue with Zheng Shan. Have a good relationship.
