Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 195: Business

Zhong Huixiu was just a little more curious about Catherine, after all, this was the first time she saw a foreigner.

After coaxing Zhong Huixiu, Zheng Shan was about to go out for a walk when he saw the fifth child curiously ask, "Why does that foreign woman call you boss?"

"Huh?" Zheng Shan looked over.

The old fifth straightened his chest and said, "bss, isn\'t that what the boss meant?"

Zheng Shan said casually: "She was originally my work."

"Hmph, if you don\'t want to talk about it, it\'s fine." The fifth brother didn\'t believe it.

Zheng Shan rubbed her head and said, "Okay, you shouldn\'t worry about these things, just study hard."

After speaking, she saw Xu Lin jumping over, watching the two little girls start to jump the rubber band, Zheng Shan also stood on the side and smiled and watched for a while.

It\'s actually quite funny. The relationship between the fifth and Xu Lin was not good at first, because both of them were considered geniuses.

At the beginning of school, the two often won the first place, and they were holding their breath anyway. Although there was no open or secret fight, the relationship was only normal.

In addition, the two of them are very beautiful, and they have their own circles around them, so the relationship is not good.

But after the two jumped grades twice, they were the only people who knew each other each time. There were no acquaintances in the class. Instead, they played better and better. Now they have the appearance of half-sisters.

At this time, skipping grades is actually a common thing. As long as the teacher feels that it can be done, the learning progress can be kept up, and skipping grades only needs to say a word.

It\'s not like in the future, if you want to skip a grade, it\'s extremely difficult.

At around 4 o\'clock in the afternoon, Zheng Shan came to Mingfeng Building and immediately saw Mr. Dou Youde here.

"Master, you are here." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Dou Youde stood up and said, "I\'ll come over to see if Xiong Youxi has gone wrong."

Zheng Shandao: "Master Xiong\'s craftsmanship is very good. If you look at the current situation of Mingfeng Building, you can see that everyone likes Master Xiong\'s dishes very much."

Although Mingfeng Building has not been established for a long time, it has attracted a lot of people with a little publicity and activities.

People who have been here once and have eaten Master Xiong\'s meals can basically become repeat customers, so the number of customers is increasing day by day.

More importantly, although Xiong Youxi mainly studies Shandong cuisine, he is also good at other cuisines.

It can satisfy the appetite of most people.

"I also saw that Xiong Youxi can have a place here, and I can rest assured." Dou Youde sighed.

After saying a few words, Dou Youde asked, "By the way, I heard Xiong Youxi say you want to find two more chefs?"

Zheng Shandao: "Having such an idea, you have also seen that the business of Mingfeng Building is getting better and better, and Master Xiong must be too busy here."

Speaking of which, Zheng Shan also said directly: "And my plan is to expand Mingfeng Tower, not just to open a restaurant.

Mr. Xiong couldn\'t just stay in the kitchen all day long. He was still lacking in management. "

"I just paid for Mingfeng Tower, and Master Xiong is the main factor to support Mingfeng Tower.

So if possible, I hope that the Mingfeng Building will be run by Master Xiong, but if Master Xiong doesn\'t want to, or really lacks ability, I will choose to replace it. "

Zheng Shan explained everything one by one, and there is no need to hide these things. He also said these words to Xiong Youxi.

Although Xiong Youxi is simple and honest, it does not mean that he has no heart. He also knows that he needs to work hard, not only in cooking, but also in management.

And now the only person he can ask for is Dou Youde. If Dou Youde is willing to help, then in the initial management, he can handle it.

So, don\'t look at people\'s honesty on the surface, but everyone has their own thoughts.

Dou Youde thought for a while after hearing the words: "In this way, I can find a few apprentices, but they are all working as chefs in the unit now. If there are no good conditions, it is estimated that it will be difficult to come."

Zheng Shan knew that if he wanted to dig someone now, it was really too difficult.

So I didn\'t hesitate and said directly: "If the cooking skills are really good, and I\'m willing to come here, I can give two options, one is to share shares with them in the future, and the other is to directly give 50,000 yuan of settlement fee after coming here. !"

Dou Youde found out that this master likes to give people different choices.

But this is also a good thing, at least not forcing others to do anything, and Dou Youde was also a little shocked when he heard that 50,000 yuan was given to settle down!

50,000 yuan!

What is this concept?

He still hasn\'t made fifty thousand dollars!

Of course, his situation was a little different, but it was scary enough.

Dou Youde couldn\'t help but ask: "You give such good conditions, so you are not afraid that Xiong Youxi will be unhappy here?"

He also had something to say, but he was misled by Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "If Master Xiong wants it, I can give it to him now."

This means that if you give money now, then when you give out shares in the future, you may not have his share, or it will be much less.

This is a matter of choice, one is the current interests, the other is the future interests.

The immediate interests are in front of you and you can take it at your fingertips. Who can say for sure in the future?

But for some unknown reason, Dou Youde still hopes that his apprentice can choose the future and take a long-term perspective.

The two were chatting here, and the person Zheng Shan was waiting for also arrived, "Brother Wang, Brother Liu, you are here."

Last time I said I wanted to invite Wang Ju to dinner, but the next day there was something on Wang Ju\'s side~www.novelhall.com~ so I never got it.

Now that I finally have time, Zheng Shan naturally needs to express his gratitude.

Dou Youde saw that Zheng Shan had something to do, so he didn\'t bother, but went to the back kitchen and started to help.

When they came to the box, the three of them took their seats, and the food came quickly.

"Brother Wang, I\'ve troubled you last time, I\'ll give you a toast." Zheng Shan raised his glass with a smile.

Wang Ding also raised his glass with a smile and said, "It\'s a trivial matter, Dashan, you are too polite."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Not only this matter, but also thank you Brother Wang for taking care of the business below, otherwise it will take a lot of effort."

You must know that it is not so simple to open a store now, and there are still many people who like to find trouble.

First, there are more people who eat free food, and more people eat the king meal.

It\'s also because Wang Ding helped take care of him and let the people below have nothing to do, so that not so many things happened.

Not much else to say, that is, Xishui Supermarket, if there is no Wang Ding\'s care, there are not many thefts that occur every day.

Wang Ding smiled and shook his head: "These are all the above-mentioned cares, I just follow the rules, and speaking of which, this is also our duty."

"Okay, don\'t talk so much, everyone is friends, drink and drink." Liu Yi said.

Zheng Shan and Wang Ding immediately smiled, and stopped talking about this aspect, they started drinking and chatting about some household things at the same time.

"That little **** in my house has nothing to do all day long, so he knows how to mess around every day." Wang Ding said with an air of air.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s good to have a fight."

"Beating, it\'s useless. After the beating, this kid can do whatever he wants. I\'m going to let him enlist in the army."

"This is a good thing, and I believe it will definitely get better by then."