Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 194: Equity

Zheng Shan didn\'t pay too much attention to the fourth child. In the next period of time, Zheng Shan started to get busy again and didn\'t have time to pay attention to the fourth child.

Every month, the headquarters of Xishui Group will come to report the situation. Zheng Shan does not interfere in specific matters, but he needs to keep the general situation in his hands.

After all, Xishui Group has not been established for a long time, and it has not completely stabilized. Coupled with the recent planning to go public, it is inevitable that there will be some waves.

Especially on the appointment and removal of personnel, Zheng Shan gave stricter regulations, which reduced Lucas\' authority.

Lucas also understands this very well and is very cooperative at the same time.

There is also the issue of shares that all senior executives are concerned about. Recently, the senior executives of the headquarters have been thinking about these things.

We have discussed it not once or twice, but there is no result.

Because the situation of the Xishui Group is somewhat different, it is not complicated, but too simple.

Before going public, the previous listed companies went through many times of financing and various interest exchanges, and the experience was also very long, and many high-level executives paid a lot of effort for it.

But what about Xishui Group, especially Xishui Supermarket?

From the very beginning, Zheng Shan entered the market with a large amount of funds, and the contacts, resources, etc. were all handled by Zheng Shan himself.

Even the means of publicity, marketing, etc., are also Zheng Shan\'s greatest contribution.

That is to say, a large part of these high-level executives are just carrying out Zheng Shan\'s orders, and their own contributions are not as great as those of the general public company executives.

Therefore, in terms of shares, it is definitely impossible to get a lot like other listed companies.

Everyone knows this, and it is not long before Lucas takes office, he will create a Japanese convenience store.

Because Xishui Supermarket was so big before, they didn\'t take much credit!

Zheng Shan was sitting in the study at this time, looking at the equity distribution in his hand, thinking silently.

Sitting in front of him was Lucas\'s secretary, Catherine, who looked at Zheng Shan carefully and didn\'t dare to disturb him.

Catherine is full of admiration for this young company founder. One of the reasons why she joined Xishui Group was because she heard about the young founder.

Because Zheng Shan has become a celebrity at Stanford. After all, after dropping out of school, it is difficult to break into the Noda industry without being famous.

Speaking of which, Catherine is still Zheng Shan\'s senior.

Zheng Shan closed the document in his hand, looked at Catherine and asked, "How is the talk with Goldman Sachs?"

Since the last time I talked with Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and other investment banks, I have settled the general matters, and left the rest to Lucas to discuss.

"Goldman Sachs still has doubts about our offer, especially the potential of the Chinese market." Catherine said in a spirited manner.

This is also normal. After all, Zheng Shan\'s valuation for the Huaxia market is too high, so high that they can\'t accept it.

However, Catherine also said that their investment intention is still very strong, but they have doubts in the Chinese market.

As for the gambling agreement proposed to Zheng Shan, they are also discussing the feasibility.

After Zheng Shan asked about this, he asked about the Slite Company.

Although Rachel is currently in charge of Slit Corporation, in name, it is still a subsidiary of Lucas.

Lucas has the right to manage, but because it is what Zheng Shan meant, Lucas did not intervene too much, just let Rachel send a report in a short time.

After clarifying all these things, Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "These are my opinions, you can take them back and show them to Lucas."

Lucas and their equity allocation Zheng Shan did not have much opinion, and not many people in total could get the shares.

The most is Lucas, only 0.5% of the shares.

But this is already quite a lot. According to the assessment of the current evaluation company, it is almost more than 10 million US dollars.

How long has it been, $10 million is a lot.

Other people\'s shares are even less, so that there is no billionaire, but this is normal, and this is not the future. If any company goes public, there will be many billionaires long ago.

Now that a company is listed, it is very good to be able to make some multi-millionaires early, especially a company like Xishui Supermarket that is developing rapidly and does not rely on too many external resources.

It can be seen that Lucas and the others are also sufficiently clear-headed.

In fact, it is not enough if you are not sober. If you put it in another company, clearing up some of the company\'s top management before listing may have a great impact on the company.

But for Xishui Supermarket, the impact may also be a little, but not too much.

After all, the imprint of Zheng Shan on Xishui Supermarket was too deep, and they really didn\'t do much.

The most important point in Zheng Shan\'s opinion is that within ten years, if a senior executive who holds the company\'s shares resigns, he must sell it to the company according to the stock price after resignation, and the company will repurchase ~www.novelhall.com~ like this Zheng Shan has been thinking about the restrictions for a long time.

If he remembers correctly, the next ten years will be the fastest growing period for Wal-Mart.

It is precisely because of the rapid development of Wal-Mart in this decade that it has such a grand occasion in later generations.

Therefore, Zhengshan also needs to stabilize for the past ten years. The next ten years will be a major challenge for Xishui Supermarket.

Wal-Mart has already sounded the horn to charge, and he can\'t just stand there and wait.

This is also one of the reasons why he agreed to the listing request at this time. At this time, the more allies and the greater the ability of allies, the greater the effect on Xishui Supermarket.

Catherine got up and quickly took the documents that Zheng Shan handed over and carefully put them away.

"I\'m not in a hurry about this matter. If you have nothing to do, you can stay in the capital for a few days and experience the charm of this ancient city." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Catherine was a little moved, but she still shook her head and said, "I\'d better finish things first and then talk about it."

"Okay, then I won\'t leave you." Zheng Shan said.

Catherine knew that this was chasing people, so she got up and left very wisely, and Zheng Shan personally sent her to the door.

"Little girl, stay and have a meal together." Zhong Huixiu hurriedly shouted.

Immediately looking at Zheng Shan, meaning to ask him to translate and translate, Zheng Shan translated it with a smile, but Catherine refused with a smile. She had other things to do, so she hurried back.

After Catherine left, Zhong Huixiu complained to Zheng Shan: "Tell me about you, your foreign classmates come, and you don\'t hold back. What kind of words do you think? If it spreads out, people think we are rude."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Mom, I have something to do here this time, but I didn\'t come here specifically to eat."