Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 196: like

Go Back To The Past and Be Rich Text Volume 196 Like Wang Ding is a veteran, and the amount of alcohol is also practiced. At least Zheng Shan and Liu Yi together can barely drink Wang Ding.

The three of them left the hotel swayingly. Zheng Shan\'s house was on the side, and they could just walk back by themselves. As for the other two, Zheng Shan asked Xiong Youxi to find someone to help send them back.

After a night of no dreams, Zheng Shan felt a little pain in his head after waking up, but what hurt even more was the careless eyes of the fourth child in the morning.

When Zhong Huixiu was clearing the dishes and Zheng Jianguo went to work, the fourth child looked at Zheng Shan with this look.

"What the **** are you doing? Can you stop looking at me like that? I\'m a little panicked when you see me." Zheng Shan rubbed his head.

The fourth said hesitantly: "Third brother, I have no money."

Since I was asked by my mother to turn over all my wages last time, my mother only gives a little pocket money every month. At most, sometimes I am happy and give a little more.

If this is only the fourth one, the money is completely enough. After all, it doesn\'t cost money to eat, drink or spend money, and there is no fun in playing.

The fourth child has no interest in spending money, so money is enough for him.

But who asked him to have a girlfriend, and now the expenses are increasing day by day, the money given at home, along with the New Year\'s money, has been spent at this time.

You must know that Zheng Shan gave the fourth and fifth children a lot of New Year\'s red envelopes, and these were secretly given in private.

Zheng Shan only felt relieved at this time, his feelings just wanted money.

"You said it earlier. I thought something happened just now. Don\'t be so scary next time, okay? Just tell me if you want money." Zheng Shan said angrily.

Immediately, he took out two large units from his pocket and handed them to the fourth child, "Take it."

The fourth was a little embarrassed, but he still took it. "When I have money, I will definitely give it back to you."

When Zheng Shan heard the words, he directly reached out and took the money back from his hand, "If you say that, then I won\'t give it."

The fourth child was dumbfounded and watched helplessly as the money in his hand went back, but he didn\'t dare to grab it, and just stared at Zheng Shan again.

Zheng Shan felt uncomfortable when he saw his eyes, so he could only forcefully say with a straight face: "Just take the money your brother gave you, don\'t say anything and you won\'t pay it back, do you know?

We are a family, don\'t talk to me like this. "

After a pause, Zheng Shan said again: "When you get married and have children, and want to split up, tell me this again."

He actually knew that the fourth child didn\'t think so much at first, but his mother and second sister would often talk in his ear.

Even some outsiders will say something, which will definitely make the fourth child think more.

After he finished speaking, regardless of whether the fourth child understood or not, he put the money in his hand and went back to sleep again.

His head still hurts.

As for the school, there is nothing to do today. When the fifth is going to school, when passing by Mr. Wang\'s house, let Mr. Wang take a leave of absence instead.

I drank too much yesterday, and it was too violent.

Wang Ding\'s drinking was not gradual, but cup after cup, which made Zheng Shan feel a little uncomfortable.

This day, he was sleeping non-stop. The reason why he said it was non-stop was because he had to wake up once he had not slept for about half an hour.

Then I opened my eyes for less than five minutes, and I felt sleepy, so I went back and forth like this, until three or four o\'clock in the afternoon, I got better.

"Just drink it, drink it to death, forget it. You don\'t treat your body as a treasure when you are young. When you get old, what will you do?" Mom said rambled.

Aunt Cui Li was helping to clean up the vegetable garden at this time, and said with a smile: "Dashan is a capable person, and it is normal to drink with his friends. Don\'t worry about him."

Now Aunt Cui Li often runs to Zheng Shan\'s house, and she will come to help if there is something wrong.

Like the vegetable garden at home and the chickens and ducks in the backyard, basically Aunt Cui Li will take care of them.

Of course, the Zheng Shan family did not neglect.

Every time I kill chickens and ducks, I send some of them over, and the relationship between the two is getting better and better.

The affairs of Aunt Cui Li\'s family were also known through her mouth. Now Zhong Huixiu was completely integrated into their circle.

Don\'t underestimate the circle of these middle-aged and elderly women, it\'s really not what you want to integrate into.

Although they used to talk and laugh with Zhong Huixiu, they never talked to Zhong Huixiu about some of the things behind their backs.

It\'s like now, as long as something interesting happens nearby, or someone has a little gossip, someone will immediately tell Zhong Huixiu.

"How can you say that, I think it\'s just messing around." Although Zhong Huixiu was happy in her heart, she was not forgiving.

Aunt Cui Li didn\'t understand what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "Let\'s not say that your family is a university teacher, even his friends are not simple people.

Maybe your family Dashan will be transferred to an important department one day, and then it will be even more different. "

Speaking of which, Aunt Cui Li also showed an envious look, lamenting Zhong Huixiu\'s good life.

"What\'s the matter, he can be a teacher honestly, I\'m satisfied~www.novelhall.com~ Zhong Huixiu said.

Zheng Shan didn\'t want to hear what the two women had to say, so after a few words, he went out for a walk.

"Stop drinking!" Zhong Huixiu said loudly when she saw him go out.

Zheng Shan agreed, and now he doesn\'t want to drink anymore. Zheng Shan has a habit of not drinking continuously.

After drinking a meal, he would have to wait at least two or three days before reconciling. If he drinks every day, he can\'t stand it.

Especially after a hangover, the smell of alcohol is a little uncomfortable.

After strolling around Shichahai, enjoying the gentle spring breeze, Zheng Shan sat on a chair and dozed off lazily.

Before I knew it, it was about to get dark, and Zheng Shan just went back. When he got home, he found out that the second sister had come.

"Second sister." Zheng Shan said hello, and immediately picked up the big girl Erniu who rushed over.

"Have you thought about uncle?" Zheng Shan kissed each of the two little guys on the cheek.

The two little guys suddenly said: "I miss uncle."

After speaking, Er Niu pinched her little nose and said, "Uncle smells so bad."

The big girl also followed: "Uncle Smelly!"

Zheng Shan smelled the smell on his body, but he really didn\'t smell anything, "Then do you still like uncle?"

Big girl Er Niu thought for a moment, then nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, big girl will always like uncle!"

"Second girl will always like uncle!"

The childish words of the two little guys made Zheng Shan even more happy, and once again kissed the two little guys fiercely on the face.

"Xiaoshan, can our mother three stay at your house for a few days?" Zheng Lan said.

Zheng Shan said casually: "This is your home, you can stay as long as you want."

After she finished speaking, she thought of something. Looking at her stinky face, she asked with a smile, "What? We quarreled again?"