Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 1250: Parents meet

Zheng Shan woke up the next day and felt a little dizzy in his head, so he called Xu Lin directly and told her that he would not go to the company today, and asked her to prepare some things that need to be dealt with and deal with it tomorrow. .

After washing up, Zheng Shan came out and saw that there was no one at home, and they all went out.

Fortunately, there is food in the kitchen, so there is no need to go out to buy it.

But when Zheng Shan was about to start eating, he saw Zhao Wen yawning and walking over.

Zheng Shan slapped his forehead and almost forgot that Zhao Wen was still there.

"Go to the kitchen to serve the dishes myself, I only have enough to eat myself." Zheng Shan was not polite to Zhao Wen either.

However, Zhao Wen was even more rude, took the things in front of Zheng Shan directly in front of him, and started eating directly.

"You go, I\'m a guest, you\'re embarrassed." Zhao Wen said vaguely.

Zheng Shan: …….

Looking at Zhao Wen\'s rogue appearance, Zheng Shan was speechless, but he was too lazy to earn money with him, so he stood up and went to the kitchen again to get something to eat.

After eating, Zheng Shan and Zhao Wen didn\'t finish brushing, and they were still on the table.

Then they sat in the yard drinking tea and chatting, and after a while, the two went back to sleep separately.

Yesterday I drank too much, and the two of them have not recovered.

It wasn\'t until evening that Zheng Shan almost recovered.

"Have you eaten?" Zhong Huixiu asked.

"Not yet." Zheng Shan said.

Zhong Huixiu said directly: "Then go buy some food for yourself, we have already eaten."

Zheng Shan: …………..


The next time passed quickly, and a month passed without feeling anything.

Uncle Zhao, Aunt Zhao and the others are also leaving. This month, although they didn\'t go to other places to go shopping, they were just around the capital, but Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao still had a great time.

It\'s a bit reluctant to leave.

"As I said, you should just stay," Zhong Huixiu said.

During this period of time, she and Aunt Zhao were also relatively good, and at this time, she was reluctant to leave Aunt Zhao.

"Hey, we also want to stay, but there are still things to do in the United States, and there can\'t be no one watching in the store all the time." Aunt Zhao said.

No matter how much they like it, it is impossible to stay, because they have spent most of their lives in the United States.

Having become accustomed to life in the United States, coupled with the business at home, it is impossible to leave all this behind and come back.

Not to mention their interpersonal relationships, relatives and friends, all of which are actually in the United States.

Zheng Shan looked at Zhao Wen and said, "What about you? Have you made up your mind?"

"I\'m going to take a look at it first. According to what you said, first invest in some industries and see the effect. It just so happens that you can come here often." Zhao Wen said.

It is rare for him to leave everything in the United States at once to develop in China.

Fortunately, there are many friends here who can talk to each other, which makes Zhao Wen a little moved.

"This is the best. Now is not the same as before. Now the traffic is very convenient, and it only takes one day." Zheng Shan said.

Zhao Wendao: "Well, that\'s what I think too. Just in time, I\'m going to stay here for a while to investigate what projects to invest in."

"I thought you were going to follow." Zheng Shan was speechless.

Zhao Wen smiled and said, "When did I say I was leaving now?"

Zheng Shan was going to send Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao and the others back by private jet, but Uncle Zhao and the others were unwilling.

Although they don\'t know how much it costs to take off a plane, it is definitely a lot.

So they are absolutely reluctant to let Zheng Shan spend this money.

The two insisted, and Zheng Shan could only give up.


"Dashan, Qingqing, Feifei has already met Lin Shuai\'s parents. Lin Shuai\'s parents want to sit down and talk. If you have time, can you accompany me?" Fu Meiyi said a little said nervously.

To be honest, when Yan Qingqing got married, Fu Meiyi didn\'t really feel much.

After all, I haven\'t seen each other for so many years, and the relationship between the two sides was very weak at the time.

Even if Fu Meiyi felt guilty, she still couldn\'t feel too much.

But Guan Fei is different. Guan Fei was raised by her and has been by her side for so many years.

Fu Meiyi is really nervous!

Although Fu Meiyi is quite satisfied with Lin Shuai, and according to Guan Fei, Lin Shuai\'s parents are also very satisfied with Guan Fei, but no matter what, Fu Meiyi is still nervous.

When Zheng Shan heard this, he looked at Yan Qingqing, but Yan Qingqing said, "We have time, just tell us when you want."

"The Lin family said let us set the time, they can do it anytime." Fu Meiyi said.

Hearing that both Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing are quite satisfied. Although this is just an attitude, having this attitude makes people feel a lot more comfortable.

"Have Feifei and Lin Shuai already decided?" Zheng Shan asked.

Fu Meiyi said: "I also asked Feifei, and Feifei also thought about it, and is ready to spend a lifetime with Lin Shuai."

"Okay, then three days later. After three days, everyone can prepare a little." Zheng Shan made up his mind.

In these major events, Fu Meiyi rarely decides, but Zheng Shan, his son-in-law, decides, which also makes Fu Meiyi feel very at ease.

"Okay, then I\'ll let Feifei talk to the other side." Fu Meiyi said.

Three days passed in a flash, the time was set by them, and the location was set by the Lin family.

This is also considered a courtesy.

The fixed place is naturally Mingfeng Building. Now Mingfeng Building is very famous, especially in the Beijing-Tianjin area.

Any major event, happy event, or someone with some money in their hand will come to Mingfeng Tower.

Not only is the food delicious, but the service is also very good!

Although the service level of the current service industry has been significantly improved, at least it will not beat customers, but what should I say, in many aspects, it is still a bit lacking, which takes time and market norms to slow down The slow improvement ~www.novelhall.com~ Mingfenglou is different. From the beginning, under Zheng Shan\'s instructions, there are stricter requirements for service.

Of course, the salary of Mingfenglou is also high enough. If you put in your hard work and sweat, then Zheng Shan will naturally not treat you badly.

Lin Shuai already knew that Mingfeng Building was Zhengshan\'s property, so when his parents decided to set the location at Mingfeng Building, they raised a little bit of advice.

It\'s not that I have other ideas, it\'s just that I feel a little awkward.

It\'s just that he didn\'t dare to say that this was the property of Guan Fei\'s brother-in-law, and he was also worried that his parents would be under some pressure.

So his opinion was simply ignored.

Lin Shuai\'s parents looked like cultural people, Lin\'s father was gentle, and Lin\'s mother was a gentle type. Just looking at them gave people a good impression.

Of course, Zheng Shan and the others are not bad. When they saw them, Lin\'s parents and Lin\'s mother also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.