Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 1251: negotiated

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For Guan Fei, the Lin family is really satisfied.

He is sensible, generous, and beautiful. He is also an international student and a star.

In addition, the current entertainment industry is not so chaotic, Guan Fei is also clean.

To be honest, sometimes, Lin\'s parents and Lin\'s mother have a feeling of dreaming.

They really didn\'t expect their son to have a girlfriend like Guan Fei.

But it also puts some pressure on them.

After all, although their family is much better than the average family, it is far worse than Guan Fei.

So today, they are also very nervous.

Fortunately, after seeing Zheng Shan and the others, this tension dissipated a little.

After all, Zheng Shan and the others don\'t look like the kind of unreasonable people.

Lin Shuai quickly introduced the two parties. Before coming, Lin\'s father and Lin\'s mother naturally knew about the situation of Guan Fei\'s family, so they were not surprised at all.

After being seated separately, Mother Lin racked her brains to chat with Fu Meiyi, while Father Lin chatted with Zheng Shan.

"What should our family say, there is only one child named Lin Shuai, so you can rest assured that we will never treat Feifei badly." Father Lin said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Of course I can rest assured. If I can teach a good young man like Lin Shuai, the family situation must be very good."

Zheng Shan is naturally complimented. Since both sides have come this far, in fact, everyone should speak well.

After all, the trouble was unpleasant, and it was the young couple who suffered.

"Hey, Xiao Zheng, this is a compliment. We know that our children are not very promising." Father Lin said.

As soon as these words came out, Mother Lin glared at him quietly from the side. Can you say such a thing now?

Zheng Shan didn\'t take it seriously, and said with a smile: "It\'s not one person who decides to make a living and not to make a living. In fact, as long as the couple lives well by themselves, then it is the best."

"Yes, yes, that\'s the truth. We all hope they can live well." Father Lin said quickly.

Chatting with Zheng Shan, Lin\'s father also felt very relaxed, and Zheng Shan\'s attitude was very good.

The food came soon, and Lin Shuai hurriedly said, "Mom and Dad, auntie, sister, brother-in-law, let\'s eat first."

"Yes, yes, eat." Father Lin hurriedly greeted everyone.

"Xiao Zheng, would you like to drink something?" Father Lin said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "If uncle can drink, I will accompany him to drink some."

"Haha, then let\'s drink a little." Father Lin said with a smile.

Everyone was not in a hurry to talk about things, but chatted about some other topics.

When the atmosphere was almost the same, Father Lin took the initiative to talk about business.

"Big sister, you see that Xiaoshuai and Feifei are in love with each other, can we settle the matter here?" Father Lin said.

Fu Meiyi took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Yes, I have no objection."

Hearing this, the Lin family was very happy.

"Big sister, don\'t worry, although our family doesn\'t have much money, in terms of betrothal gifts, your family will never be embarrassed." Mother Lin said directly.

She had already decided that no matter what, she would prop up the facade of the dowry.

She was really satisfied with Guan Fei, so she didn\'t feel any distress about it.

Fu Meiyi shook her head and said, "It\'s just a matter of thinking about the bride price. We don\'t ask for that."

"And no matter how much money you give, it\'s all the couple\'s own."

"But I have a request here."

Lin\'s parents and Lin\'s mother suddenly became serious, "You said, as long as we can do it."

"That\'s right, neither Feifei nor Lin Shuai owns their own house," said Fu Meiyi.

Guan Fei naturally has her own house, but Fu Meiyi is talking about a house for two people.

"Don\'t worry about this, we have already prepared the house. As long as Feifei likes a house, we will buy it directly." Mother Lin said immediately.

Fu Meiyi shook her head again and said, "I don\'t mean that. What I mean is that each of us will pay half of the money to buy them a house. This house belongs to both of them, and we can\'t let one person pay."

Mother Lin said, "How can this work? The man provides the house, which is what our man should do, and we cannot ask you to pay."

Although this way, the pressure on their family has been reduced a lot, but Mother Lin is not willing to take advantage of this.

Originally, when my son was facing Guan Fei, he was in a weak position.

Mother Lin is actually very clear about this. To put it bluntly, it is her son who has climbed Guan Fei.

Although Mother Lin likes Guan Fei very much, and Guan Fei has never shown a strong attitude in this regard.

But as a mother, Mother Lin must think about these things for her son.

Fu Meiyi didn\'t want to take advantage of the man, and now there is no shortage of money in the family.

So the two of them couldn\'t reach an agreement on this matter. For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

At this time, Zheng Shan said, "Or just follow Aunt Lin\'s words."

Fu Meiyi looked at Zheng Shan, Zheng Shan shook her head gently, and explained in a low voice in her ear~www.novelhall.com~ Actually, Zheng Shan understood it clearly, and this would be beneficial to both Lin Shuai and Guan Fei. of.

Originally, the pressure on Lin Shuai was great enough. If he was still at a disadvantage in this matter, then the psychological pressure on Lin Shuai would not be small.

When the two are in a good relationship, or when they are just married, there is naturally no problem.

But any marriage, after a certain sweet period, will definitely usher in some contradictions.

These contradictions are the accumulation of some small things in ordinary times.

The greater the psychological pressure on Shuai Lin, the more difficult it is to deal with these minor conflicts.

For Zheng Shan\'s words, Fu Meiyi is still willing to believe it. In addition, she naturally thinks of her two marriages.

In the end, he was relieved, "Okay, the decoration must be done by our wife."

"Okay, no problem." Mother Lin suddenly became happy.

At the same time, Guan Fei and Lin Shuai were both relieved. Just now, they were both worried, but they didn\'t dare to say anything more. They could only talk to their parents.

Fortunately, things turned out well.

As for the betrothal gift, the final gift will be one in ten thousand, one in ten thousand.

Originally, the Lin family had prepared more, but Fu Meiyi insisted on this matter, so they chose to make concessions.

In fact, they are all good for their children, and want their children to have more confidence after marriage.

Next is the wedding day, what to do, where to do it.

On this matter, Fu Meiyi has no opinion.

Basically what the Lin family said, Fu Meiyi nodded in agreement.

This made Lin\'s father and Lin\'s mother more and more feel that their own mother was really easy to get along with.

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