Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 1249: happy to drink

When Uncle Li heard Zheng Shan\'s exhortation, or a warning, he also understood in his heart.

"Don\'t worry, even if I\'m a bastard, I can still take care of it in front of the big right and wrong." Uncle Li said solemnly.

He also understands that if they are really involved in things they shouldn\'t be involved in at this point in time, let alone ask Zheng Shan for help, Zheng Shan will be the first to clean them up.

From Zheng Shan\'s resolute return to China at the peak of his career, he can see a lot of things.

In addition, there are some rumors in recent years that some rich people in Xiangjiang have been inexplicably attacked in their business.

lost heavily!

And these rich people have one thing in common, that is, they made some bad remarks.

As for who it is, everyone has guesses. In fact, few people think that it is the domestic official shot. After all, it seems too much to look up to them.

And there are not many people who have this ability, and even fewer people who are willing to do so.

Anyway, Uncle Li came here and heard the most news about this.

However, these things are only circulated at the upper levels, and have not been spread out.

Zheng Shan heard Uncle Li\'s assurance and was willing to believe him. After all, Uncle Li and the others used to be in the gray industry, or even the black industry.

But they have never attacked the Chinese in the United States, and most of the time, they are still protecting the safety and interests of the Chinese in the United States.

"I believe Uncle Li, if Li Gong has any ideas, you can tell me." Zheng Shan said.

After chatting with Uncle Li for a while, he hung up the phone and resumed his work.

Uncle Li and the others, Zheng Shan has already done what he should do. As for what happens in the future, it depends on them.

Zheng Shan also has no obligation to continue to take care of them.


"Dashan, you are a little late, you will punish yourself for a cup." Zhao Wen said with a smile.

Zheng Shan walked into the box of Mingfeng Building and saw that everyone was already drinking.

These days, Zhao Wen, Zheng Weijun, and Zheng Kui became more and more familiar with each other, and then they became more familiar with Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun.

Anyway, during this time, Zhao Wen was completely happy.

"Hey, it\'s not that you don\'t know me. I don\'t have many friends in the United States. Bob is very busy now. He doesn\'t see each other several times a year. It\'s rare to have so many good friends. I haven\'t had a good time to relax. ” Zhao Wen said.

This is also true. In the United States, he really doesn\'t have many friends that he can make friends with.

Although he has been doing well all these years, business friends or former friends have come to the door again, which makes his friends seem to be more numerous.

But Zhao Wen doesn\'t seem to care about anything, but in fact, he is still very picky about his friends.

Otherwise, he would not insist on not accepting Zheng Shan\'s good intentions, and would not want to use Zheng Shan\'s relationship and energy to develop himself.

He just values ​​friendship and doesn\'t want to weaken this friendship because of some unnecessary things.

"Who told you to come over and you didn\'t come, it\'s not because you have no money." Zheng Shan found a chair and sat down.

Zhao Wen poured him a drink and said, "Then I didn\'t know there were so many friends with similar interests here."

"Okay, don\'t talk so much, just drink it." Zhao Wen urged.

To be honest, there are really not many people who dare to urge Zheng Shan to drink like this, but Zhao Wen is one.

Because Zhao Wen always regards Zheng Shan as his best friend, not the richest man in the world.

Zheng Shan didn\'t have any ink, just picked it up and dried it.

"Okay, refreshing, have another drink." Zhao Wen started pouring wine again.

Wei Chengjun on the side was both shocked and envious. He asked himself that he couldn\'t do what Zhao Wen did.

Even if Zheng Shan doesn\'t care about this and is willing to give him this face, he is somewhat afraid to do so.

"How much do you give me something to eat? I just finished my work, and I rushed over without drinking a glass of water." Zheng Shan said angrily.

Zhao Wendao: "Okay, then you have something to eat, let\'s drink it first, and you owe it first, but you can\'t owe it."

Zheng Shandao: "You think I\'m you, and you still owe it."

"Don\'t slander people, when will I..."

Everyone was eating and drinking, and the atmosphere was very lively. Zheng Kui and Zhao Wen were the most active inside.

Zheng Kui likes this kind of atmosphere. When he has nothing to do, he himself will ask some people to go out for drinks.

Of course, he was only drinking. As for the rest, Zheng Kui had no interest.

Yuan Xiaohua was also very at ease with him, and never said much about this kind of thing.

"Brother Wen, why don\'t you just stay, it\'s great for us brothers to be together, eat, drink and play every day, be more comfortable." Zheng Kui said loudly.

Before Zhao Wen could speak, Zheng Shan glared at Zheng Kui, "You think everyone is just like you, heartless and heartless."

Zheng Kui didn\'t care when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Isn\'t it bad for me to be like this, I don\'t know how many people are envious and can\'t be envious."

There is nothing wrong with what he said, I don\'t know how many people envy Zheng Kui.

Business is not worrying, Zheng Kui has no big ambitions, and the business at home has satisfied him.

After a year, I made a lot of money, and now the net profit is about 10 million.

This is also because Zheng Kui is not very concerned about business.

Yuan Xiaohua is concerned, but Yuan Xiaohua\'s personal ability is also here, so overall, there is not much development.

Of course, according to Zheng Shan\'s plan for him, Zheng Kui\'s future business is definitely not just that simple.

Taking a company public is not difficult at all!

With money and leisure, and all kinds of connections, who doesn’t envy such a life?

That is to say, Zheng Kui doesn\'t like to cause trouble, otherwise it will be a headache for many people.

Zhao Wen said: "I really thought about it carefully, but I don\'t know what I can do here, and my industry in the United States is actually pretty good."

Hearing this, Zheng Shan knew that he was a little moved. Zheng Shan just said it before. He wanted Zhao Wen to stay, but he didn\'t want Zhao Wen to be embarrassed.

"If you really want to do some business in China, you should invest in some industries in the early stage and try to see how American industries can do it," Zheng Shan said.

"I\'ve been thinking about it for the past few days. Let\'s not talk about it now. Let\'s drink. You owed a glass just now, didn\'t you?" Zhao Wen said.

Zheng Shan:  …

Without a second word, he drank another glass, two taels of glass, and gulps down.

Everyone drank a lot this night, and Zheng Shan also drank a lot. Except for Zheng Kui, the rest of the people were somewhat drunk.

Zheng Shan also hadn\'t been so happy drinking for a long time, just drinking, nothing else.
