Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 848: Not a family, not a family year

A few people who met by chance in the Biancheng Military Region were camping in the back mountain. The night sky in early summer is full of twinkling stars, and the night sky in the mountains is pure black, pure only bright stars, very beautiful.

Next to the bonfire were two tents that had been pitched up. Whether it was Li Han or Su Zibao, it was the first time camping outside. Aside from other factors, it was exciting and novel. Si Jinjian still had that old-fashioned face, and saw that Li Han\'s expression did not change in the slightest. He sat in front of the bonfire and grilled the meat skewers bought from the supermarket in the military region.

"Si Jinjian, if I\'m not mistaken, you should be about the same age as Pei Yi. You can see that all of Pei Yi\'s children can play soy sauce. You\'re not married yet, so aren\'t you urging them at home?" Su Zibao looked at him nervously. Li Han, who didn\'t know what to say with a face, looked at Pei Yi who was sitting lazily over there, and decided to start by himself.

Si Jinjian said lightly, "I have no family."

"Huh?" Li Han was waiting for Si Jinjian\'s answer with his ears pricked up, and when he heard this, he instantly looked at him.

Her gaze was too hot, and Si Jinjian also looked at her. His eyes met, but Si Jinjian\'s expression remained the same. For someone like him who has been doing law enforcement work all the year round, controlling his emotions and feelings is the most basic thing. skills.

Li Han thought a lot. During the New Year\'s Eve last year, she forced him to accompany her to celebrate the New Year with her. Because of the great changes in the Li family, she cried like an idiot in front of him. But to comfort him, he didn\'t even have a family. After all, he still has a sister, Si Jinjian, only himself.

But he has become accustomed to it and spent a happy New Year with her.

No wonder he never mentioned his family.

"Sorry, I don\'t know." Su Zibao said apologetically, looking at Pei Yi at the same time. The eyes are clearly, are you still sitting and watching the play?

As soon as he received Su Zibao\'s look, Pei Yi immediately cleared his throat and said, "So if you\'ve been alone for so long, you won\'t have to be alone this year like in previous years, right? Should you consider finding someone to join you this year? eat dumplings."

"Last year, the Division Brigade spent the New Year with me, not alone." Li Han said immediately.

Pei Yi\'s lips lifted slightly, "It turns out that you two have been together for a long time. It just so happened that the men were married and the women were married. We were together last year and this year, and we will be together every year in the future. Sure enough, it is not a family, not a family year. ."

"I support. I\'m really worried that Li Han won\'t be able to marry. It\'s rare that you, Si Jin Jian, aren\'t married either. Just make do with it." Su Zibao immediately took over.

This couple is a matchmaker.

Li Han felt that they were too direct, but he didn\'t stop him, waiting for Si Jinjian\'s answer.

Si Jinjian looked at Li Han, his eyes were as clear as spring water, and his angular face was as cold as ever, "How could Miss Li Han not be able to marry, Mr. Moorxi, the seventh king of the King League, is pursuing Miss Li Han, very proud right."

"How can you tell that you are right. A foreigner, one of our own, is not right at all! We Li Han, such a good girl, don\'t marry abroad, you must stay in the imperial capital, Li Han, you say Right?" Su Zibao winked at Li Han.

Unexpectedly, Li Han became angry when he heard Si Jinjian\'s words, and regardless of Su Zibao\'s suggestion, he snorted and said, "Mr. Si is right. Morxi is the crown prince of Europe, the seventh king of the King League, and has a strong family background. Also very good. Humorous

, knowledgeable, there will always be endless topics to talk about, and it will never make people unhappy. "

Si Jinjian smiled lightly, "Then I wish you lovers will be married in the end."

"Thank you for your blessing." Li Han felt extremely aggrieved, and knew that he would push me outside. At the beginning, I felt that the Li family was small, and so did he. What kind of business Wang Laowu should he introduce to him, and he would also use his authority to pick her a husband who was excellent in every aspect and couldn\'t be more excellent?

If you really like her, do you push her out like that? Also, although Si Jinjian helped her a lot, he never said a word of liking from the beginning to the end.

Only he became a chatter after being drunk, which made her feel that he seemed to fall in love with her, but looking at the wooden stake at this time, Li Han felt that Si Jin Jian was so far away.

"You are so happy that I get married. If I get married, I won\'t cause you any trouble, and I won\'t prevent you from dating your little lover." Li Han\'s straightforward personality, after all, couldn\'t hold back and said angrily.

Si Jinjian was slightly taken aback, little lover?

"Pretend to be innocent, isn\'t it the newcomer from your department? Didn\'t you say that you never bring newcomers alone? You also said that you train newcomers to take a class, and even I only follow after completing my schoolwork a year later. You, why did that newcomer follow you as soon as he came, or did you take advantage of your position to teach her alone?" Li Hanhan snorted and asked.

Si Jinjian frowned slightly, "She is different from you."

"Yeah, yes, you like her, so of course it\'s different from me. If you like her, you have privileges. Do you know that this is a favoritism? Isn\'t the Si Brigade the most disciplined? Meet him.

Si Jinjian looked at Li Han who was angry, and seemed to understand what she was angry about. The strong vinegar smell could be smelled even by the two onlookers, Su Zibao and Pei Yi, let alone Si Jinjian.

Su Zibao gave Li Han a thumbs up secretly. Well done, that\'s why I want to ask such a question. Now I\'m waiting for Si Jinjian to explain. As long as he explains, it means that he is still afraid of Li Han\'s misunderstanding, and then she and Pei Yi continue to stir up the topic...

The air was silent for a while, but Si Jinjian just raised his eyebrows, "You are no longer my team member, and you can\'t control the affairs of my team. Do you think I violated the rules, report it? As you like."

These words almost made Li Hanqi cry. After experiencing so many strong winds and waves, Li Han is considered invincible, but the attitude of the man he likes is really hurtful.

The more Si Jinjian is like this, the more Li Han understands how much he likes him, and how sad he is.

"Who wants to report you! Who is willing to take care of you!" Li Han angrily threw these words away, turned around and left.

Li Han was run away by Si Jin Jian angrily. And Si Jinjian looked at the back of her leaving without chasing after her, as if he just wanted to draw a line with Li Han unfeelingly.

Su Zibao got angry when he saw this scene. He ignored Si Jinjian and said to Pei Yi, "If you\'re in a bad mood, drink with me."

"I\'ll stay with you to the end, I won\'t return if I don\'t get drunk." Pei Yi opened the can of beer next to him and handed it to Su Zibao.

Su Zibao filled half of the bottle in one gulp, and Pei Yi tutted, "Slow down, it\'s still early, you can drink it until dawn."

This box of beer and barbecue was a late-night snack they prepared for camping, but now that Li Han is gone, the late-night snack has also turned into a boring drink.