Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 847: There are thousands of forms of love, but they all end in the same way

Pei Yi didn\'t know who to call, and hung up after a few words. Sure enough, Pei Yi and Si Jinjian had a close relationship, and he could easily find out about him.

"It doesn\'t matter. Li Yiwen is a newcomer who entered the department this year. This year, their department has entered a large number of newcomers. Si Jinjian brings her, a pure colleague relationship." Pei Yi said.

Su Zibao breathed a sigh of relief, then it was easy.

"What do you want to do?"

Su Zibao said without hesitation, "Si Jinjian fell asleep."

"He\'s not as handsome as me, so you should sleep with me." Pei Yi immediately understood her slip of the tongue and joked.

Su Zibao choked, "I helped Li Han to sleep with Si Jinjian. It\'s not even sleep. Whether you can sleep depends on your fate, you have to **** Si Jinjian over. Pei Yi, do you think Si Jinjian likes Li Han? "

"Why do you ask that?" Pei Yi raised his eyebrows. Li Han was a woman who made Si Jinjian willing to violate his own principles. If he liked it, he already loved him deeply.

Su Zibao said, "I think Si Jinjian likes Li Han, but I don\'t know why, Si Jinjian is deliberately alienating her now. Li Han is very sad. If you like it, why don\'t you fight for it, but stay away."

"Isn\'t there a Moorish chasing Li Han recently?" Pei Yi said lightly.

"What\'s the matter with him..." Su Zibao paused, "Does Si Jinjian think that he is not worthy of Li Han?"

Pei Yi said, "Si Jinjian and Li Han\'s identities are very different. In the past, when Li Han was in trouble, he was Li Han\'s captain. But now it is different. Li Han is the head of the Li family and the controller of the Li family group. He\'s just an ordinary law enforcement officer. Especially now that there is a Morxi who is in good condition in all aspects, the right match. He feels that he can\'t protect Li Han, and it is his choice to hand over to a man with a strong heritage to protect him. "

It turned out to be so. Not because I don\'t like it, but because I like it too much.

Su Zibao could feel the same, because at that time she also had the same thoughts as Si Jinjian. In this stormy shopping mall, Li Han shines brightly, but if there is a slight error, he will fall from the clouds. If he wants to wear a crown, he must bear its weight.

She became the head of the Li family, which was both an honor and a heavy responsibility. There are still many ups and downs in the future. Si Jinjian feels that he can\'t protect Li Han at all if he can\'t get involved in the business world, and he can\'t accompany her to go down. Standing in the position of law enforcement, he must always be fair. guidelines. But now there is a person with a stronger family background than Li Han and a more noble person who is willing to protect her, Si Jinjian, and retreats safely.

At that time, Su Zibao was also like this, thinking that quitting and letting Pei Yi and the Han family unite was the right choice.

It\'s just that for Li Han, she only wants Si Jinjian. No matter what Mo Xi was, it was someone else, and only Si Jin Jian was in her eyes.

Only at this moment did Su Zibao deeply understand Pei Yi\'s mood at that time. Looking at other people\'s love, she suddenly found that there are some traces that are similar to their own. There are probably thousands of forms of love in this world, but they all end in the same way.

At that time, Pei Yi was the same as Li Han now. He didn\'t want anyone else, he only wanted Su Zibao.

At first, she only understood one or two points, but now she suddenly realizes what kind of love and affection it is. So the Pei Yi who loves her, the Pei Yi who can only hold her in his eyes, has it really changed since then?

She was in disbelief. Unwilling to believe, unwilling to believe.


sp; However, the back he left holding Tang Yuqing appeared in front of her again, so fierce.

At that time, they loved so deeply, and now they have come this far, and it is even more heartbreaking. Because once you have it, you know that love is precious.

Su Zibao realized that he was staring at Pei Yi for a while, but he didn\'t interrupt her, as if he could understand the complex emotions flashing in her eyes, he bent the corners of his lips towards her, smiling beautifully. Upside down all beings.

Su Zibao turned away from looking at him and said, "But Li Han likes him. I don\'t care what Si Jinjian thinks, I always want him to know what Li Han thinks. Why do you just leave Li Han so arbitrarily? Make decisions for Li Han. Right, that\'s what you said at the beginning."

"Well, so let\'s figure it out now, how to put Si Jinjian on Li Han\'s bed?" Pei Yi touched his chin, his long and narrow eyes shining brightly.

Hearing this, Su Zibao instantly became interested, "It\'s roughly like this. But even if Si Jinjian was put on the bed, Li Han would not dare to push it, both of them are so afflicted, hey. Ask Si Jinjian first and find a way to let him go to bed. The two of them were honest with each other and knew each other\'s hearts."

"Si Jinjian\'s character, although it\'s not that he won\'t say anything, but it\'s similar. If you don\'t want to say it, you won\'t say it until you die." Pei Yi knew this friend very well and said lightly.

Su Zibao immediately decided, "Then beat him to death!"

Four eyes facing each other.

"Good idea." Pei Yi agreed.

The couple looked at each other and smiled, and they both understood the meaning in each other\'s eyes, like two foxes who were in a rut, with a full tacit understanding.

Border town, revisit the old place.

Li Han was in a bad mood because Si Jinjian was in a bad mood, so Su Zibao forced her to go to the border town for a tour, reminiscing about the time at the summer camp here. Li Han took it as a distraction and came with Su Zibao.

Five or six years have passed, and the Biancheng Military Region has not changed much. This place has many memories for them. At that time, they hadn\'t graduated from university yet. The instructors made things difficult, they were punished for running exercises, they pulled the red line of uncle and sister Xia, and Pei Yi was parachuted into the air. There was even the first time for the Pei Su couple in this place. It is a memory. Unique place.

Just when Su Zibao and the others arrived, Si Jinjian was also brought by Pei Yi.

"Pei Yi, why don\'t you ask me about Su Zibao?" Si Jin Jian frowned.

Pei Yi tutted and said, "It\'s all big men. Are you still afraid of what I\'ll do to you? Don\'t worry, I\'m not interested in men."

"That\'s good." Si Jinjian said calmly.

Pei Yi choked, knowing that Si Jinjian was running on him on purpose, and was about to say something when suddenly two familiar figures appeared in front of them. It was Su Zibao and Li Han.

Si Jinjian immediately realized that he had been tricked by Pei Yi, and said coldly, "Pei! Yi!"

"I\'ve always lost sight of my friends. For the sake of my wife, I had to sell you." Pei Yi was not ashamed but proud. Looking at Su Zibao\'s smiling face, he completely ignored the person beside him who was tricked by him. people.

Si Jinjian looked at the wife-loving madman, and after holding it back for a long time, he finally threw out one sentence, "If I hadn\'t beat you, I would have beaten you to death."

And our uncle Pei didn\'t care what Si Jinjian said at all, his deep and charming eyes were directed at Su Zibao, full of charm and handsome. The magnetic voice is **** and charming: "Wife, do you have an appointment?"