Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 849: There is no shortcut to anyone's love

Pei Yi accompanies Su Zibao to drink, and Si Jinjian is left by them, but he is not angry, he just keeps calm.

Ten minutes later, Si Jinjian\'s face suddenly stiffened, and he looked at Su Zibao, "Where did Li Han go?"

"I don\'t know. You made her mad, you asked me." Su Zibao drank two cans of beer, and fell on Pei Yi in a daze, unable to speak clearly.

Si Jinjian\'s face sank instantly, "There is an undeveloped area here, and it is difficult to see the road at night. If Li Han accidentally runs into the deep mountains and old forests..."

"Call her. There is a signal on the mountain, as long as you don\'t enter the undeveloped area, you can contact her." Pei Yi said.

Si Jinjian couldn\'t care less now, took out his mobile phone and dialed. Never before had he hoped Li Han to answer the call quickly, but the phone reminded that the number you dialed was not in the service area.

It\'s not shutdown, it\'s not not connecting, it\'s no signal.

Pei Yi just said that the signal will be lost when entering the undeveloped area.

"No signal." Si Jinjian clenched her phone tightly.

Su Zibao seemed to be most sobered up by the bad news, and said, "Half of the mountain belongs to the undeveloped area. I accidentally ran into it at the beginning. Fortunately, Pei Yi found me, otherwise I would have turned into a corpse. It\'s over. , you have to call the troops at the foot of the mountain for help immediately."

"Normal soldiers in the undeveloped area can\'t enter, and it will take at least two hours for the special troops to be dispatched. In addition, it is now night, which makes the search more difficult..." Pei Yi\'s face was not good, and he felt that Li Han was more fierce than good.

Si Jinjian said, "I can\'t wait, she has only walked for ten minutes, I should be able to catch up with her fast. Li Han entered the undeveloped area at such a fast speed, so he could only go to the fork in front of him. Tiao, I followed the road to find her, and I should be able to catch up."

"That\'s good. Let\'s work separately. You go in and look for it, and we will contact the rescue team at the foot of the mountain." Pei Yi said.

Without any delay, Si Jinjian picked up a backpack, flashed a flashlight and left.

Pei Yi and Su Zibao watched him leave, and after a few minutes passed when his figure disappeared into the night, Pei Yi said, "I\'m sure he followed that way."

"That\'s good. It didn\'t take us to search the map two days in advance to find such a suitable place." Su Zibao raised his lips with a smile, and his beautiful eyes flashed with smart light, and there was no sign of being drunk at all.

"Take out the monitor and take a look. Where are they?" Su Zibao urged.

Pei Yi lazily took out a tablet computer from his pocket. After swiping his finger on the screen a few times, a map of the border city and the mountains appeared on the screen. At this time, there were two green movements on the screen. smaller.

It can be clearly seen that one of the small green dots that is farther away from them originally stood still, and after a while, it continued to move forward as the green dot behind them gradually approached.

"Hey, we\'re almost at our designated place." Su Zibao nodded in satisfaction.

Six years ago, there were indeed many undeveloped areas here, but six years later, technology has developed rapidly, and many places that were inaccessible before have gradually been successfully explored by people. This back mountain has already been fully developed.

It\'s just that Si Jinjian was pulled in temporarily, and he doesn\'t know the situation here. The warning signs of the undeveloped areas on the road have not been removed. In addition, Su Zibao deliberately told the story that happened here before, which was misleading. Si Jinjian thought that there was still an undeveloped area here.

After reuniting with Si Jinjian long ago, Su Zibao quietly made a deal with Li Han. First of all, be nice

Si Jinjian said, by the way, drinking alcohol, maybe if he drinks too much, he will become a chatter. As a result, the conversation between the two broke down just after the beginning.

Second, there was a wood not far from their camp. This forest used to be in an undeveloped area, nicknamed the Lost Forest. Once you go in, you can\'t get out. Later, after rudely breaking in through various high-tech, it was discovered that the trees, flowers and plants here are arranged according to a kind of natural gossip. , so people get lost.

Now there are many forests that cannot come out after entering, and many of them are for this reason. In order to study this natural formation, the Biancheng Mountains did not destroy it, otherwise anyone and animals who broke in by mistake would be trapped in it. However, with Pei Yi\'s authority, he has already obtained the method from the military.

Si Jinjian is very smart, but he can\'t get out, and they will think they are trapped in the woods by then.

Wasn\'t he willing to speak his mind until he died? That will suffocate you.

This is the reason why Su Zibao and Pei Yi specially picked this place, and without any explanation in advance, Si Jinjian has no idea about the geographical environment here.

Although there was no signal in those undeveloped areas, Li Han wore a special magnetic vibration bracelet. As long as the switch was pressed, the computer here could receive it and pick her up immediately. If she doesn\'t flip the switch, they\'ll pick them up the next morning.

This is an appointment between Su Zibao and Li Han.

The tracker on Si Jinjian\'s body didn\'t know how Pei Yi quietly put it on it. With his supernatural powers, Si Jinjian must not have noticed that Pei Yi was trapped again.

Therefore, the two of them will appear on the map, and everything is under surveillance.

There is really no danger on this mountain. It has been developed by the Biancheng Military Region for several years, and even wild animals have been moved to the reserve for fear of being poached. There are only some ordinary small animals and boundless forests left here.

Both Pei Yi and Su Zibao stared at the green dots, and they finally felt relieved until they both entered the lost forest, the two green dots merged together, and kept circling in the lost forest.

After designing such a large circle, it is finally done.

Su Zibao can only help Li Han to do this, the rest is up to them. If they are in this situation, they can\'t make a pair, then they really have no fate and can\'t force it.

"Celebrate our success in drawing the red line for the first time, let\'s have a drink." Su Zibao was a little happy in his heart, and Pei Yi was more pleasing to the eye, so he picked up the beer and said.

Pei Yi had a cup of tea with her, her thin lips pursed slightly, and she was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

They couldn\'t rest assured to sleep, so they had to stare and monitor for a while, just in case something happened, so they chatted while drinking. The moonlight tonight is beautiful.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally, the two green dots on the screen stopped in the forest and stopped moving. It seemed that Si Jinjian had already understood that they couldn\'t get out. The next step was their own time, so don\'t worry about it anymore. Just pick them up tomorrow morning.

"If Si Jinjian didn\'t like Li Han, he wouldn\'t be so nervous about her safety. He couldn\'t wait to find her for help. He must like Li Han very much, but he wouldn\'t say it because he had all kinds of scruples. But the two of them treated each other frankly. , facing the future together is actually the best choice." Su Zibao held the beer can, looked at the bonfire that was extinguished, and smiled, "Look, such a simple truth can be understood at a glance as an outsider, but The parties involved have to go through so many detours to understand."

Just like before, they had experienced so many bumps and bumps before they understood this truth. She was talking about Si Jinjian and Li Han, but they were laughing at themselves.

"There is no shortcut to anyone\'s love." Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao, his tone was flat, but his eyes were gentle.