Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 846: grab him

"I have nothing to do with Si Jinjian. Who he likes and who he wants to contact is his own business." Li Han clarified and said slowly, "The woman\'s name is Li Yiwen, her parents are teachers, and she is from a scholarly background. The family, who majored in data analysis, was transferred to a newcomer in their department. In fact, the division team rarely brought newcomers, but I didn’t expect that he was taking that girl now.”

Su Zibao understood immediately. If Li Han really didn\'t care, how could he investigate so clearly?

"Are you sure they\'re dating, not business? This...they are colleagues." Su Zibao.

Li Han bit his lip, "I have to go to a western restaurant alone for some business."

"That\'s really troublesome. You get the moon first when you are near the water tower. The other person is Si Jinjian\'s colleague, and he is a newcomer. Naturally, they will face him day and night. It\'s a pity." Su Zibao sighed deliberately.

Li Han had followed Si Jinjian at the beginning, but now there are newcomers following him, thinking that Si Jinjian will treat others as much as he did to himself at first, he is particularly irritable. Coupled with the stimulation of Su Zibao, his face became even worse.

"Li Han, I heard that Morxi has been chasing you, the seventh king of the King League, the heir to the royal family, if you marry him, you will become a princess, and it is also a powerful alliance for your career. Since Si Jin Jian If you\'ve already fallen in love with someone else, then you might as well just make do with Mori." Su Zibao gave a serious suggestion.

Li Han immediately retorted, "Impossible! Si Jinjian won\'t like Li Yiwen! How could he like people! And with his bad personality, there are a few women who can stand it."

"Li Yiwen is obviously very good at this. Although Si Jinjian is old-fashioned, stern, unsmiling, like a wooden stake, cold-hearted people are generally attractive, so..." Su Zibao lengthened the ending.

Li Han was indignant, "Hmph, people who like him are really caught in the door."

Su Zibao sighed silently in his heart, Li Han, why are you scolding yourself? Sure enough, the IQ of women in love is negative. However, based on Su Zibao\'s understanding of Si Jinjian, he really didn\'t think he would like that Li Yiwen who appeared.

Su Zibao can see how Si Jinjian protects Li Han and how to protect her. But Su Zibao was not sure what Si Jinjian thought. She couldn\'t ask directly. The only person in the world who knew Si Jinjian best was Pei Yi.

Thinking of this guy, Su Zibao frowned. Forget it, for the sake of Li Han and Si Jinjian, we can only ask him to plan first.

"There are two choices now. First, whether Si Jinjian, whether he is with Li Yiwen, or with other women, has nothing to do with us. Oh no, it\'s still a bit of a relationship, a friendship. When he gets married, we will Prepare a gift and drink a glass of wedding wine. Second, get Si Jinjian back." Su Zibao said domineeringly.

Li Han was stunned and stammered, "Grab... Grab it?"

"Yeah, grab him and put him to sleep! Then let him be responsible. If he dares to date another woman again, he will break his leg!" Su Zibao said excitedly with a look of eagerness on his face.

Looking at Su Zibao, who was dressed in bandit, Li Han said in a sullen voice, "\'s too direct."

"You dare not sleep with him, how dare you say you love him?" Su Zibao asked rhetorically.

Li Han was even more embarrassed, she didn\'t say she loved Si Jin Jian.

"It\'s such a pleasant decision. I\'ll help you get the chance, and it\'s up to you to push Si Jinjian back." Su Zibao patted Li Han on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Silly girl, happiness depends on yourself. The first step to overthrow the male **** starts with a date. Wait, I will help you ask him tomorrow."

Li Han was dazzled, and really felt that Su Zibao was progressing too fast. Before she could refuse, she heard the other person say, "If you think that Si Jinjian and Li Yiwen are married now, and you are not sad at all, then I will not care. Si Jinjian is also the boss, so I think it is time to get married. , you said right?"

He is married to Li Yiwen. When Li Han thought of this possibility, he felt like his heart was being twisted by a knife, and the pain was unstoppable.

Although I don\'t agree with what Su Zibao said that he slept directly with Si Jinjian, why is he so sad when he thinks of him becoming someone else\'s husband?

Su Zibao had a panoramic view of this scene. Of course, she knew that Li Han and Si Jinjian both liked each other, but neither of the two arrogant arrogances refused to speak up, and she didn\'t know what Si Jinjian thought, and now they are still messing with other women, This made Li Han\'s vinegar jar explode.

But that\'s what made Li Han face up to her feelings for Si Jinjian.

There are pros and cons too.

For these two people who are both in trouble, the only way is to put the two of them together and solve it by yourself.

"Today, A Bao came to me on his own initiative. He must have gone through the wrong door." Pei Yi, who opened the door, looked at Su Zibao in front of him, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Su Zibao\'s lip line was slightly raised. Recently, he was accustomed to choking with him, and said lazily, "I\'m sorry, I went through the wrong door."

"Don\'t make trouble." Pei Yi wrapped her in his arms and hugged the person directly into the room, with a bit of pride in his tone, "Even if you went wrong and entered the door of the eldest son, it is the uncle. People, don\'t even think about going out."

Su Zibao was caught off guard by his arms and stared at him, "Put me down."

"Kiss me and I\'ll let you down." Pei Yi\'s long and narrow eyes flashed with a sly light.

Su Zibao looked at him angrily, thinking about what she wanted for Si Jinjian today, so she had to be carried in by him.

Pei Yi sat on the sofa with Su Zibao in his arms, placed her directly on his lap, wrapped his arms around her slender waist, and pressed their bodies together, like a close couple. All the maids in the house wiped the table and swept the floor by themselves, bowing their heads and daring not to look at this blushing and heart-pounding scene.

"You..." Su Zibao angrily wanted to accuse him, but he focused on Li Han\'s happiness, bit his lip and said, "I need your help with something."

Pei Yi smiled lazily, "As long as the baby kisses me, I won\'t say anything about anything, even if I take off my clothes and sleep with you."

Take off and sleep with you, you want to be beautiful!

"How far have Si Jinjian and Li Yiwen developed now?" Su Zibao asked, resisting the urge to kick him.

Pei Yi was taken aback, "Who is Li Yiwen?"

"It seems you don\'t know. It\'s a new woman from Si Jinjian\'s department. She seems to have a close relationship with Si Jinjian. I want to know where they are at." Su Zibao said. Although she said in front of Li Han that she would **** Si Jinjian over, if Si Jinjian and that Li Yiwen really developed a relationship, Su Zibao would not be able to break up the couple.

But Su Zibao didn\'t believe they were a couple.

"I haven\'t heard of this person, but wait a minute, I\'ll call and ask." Pei Yi said.

Su Zibao said quickly, "Don\'t ask Si Jinjian, don\'t startle the snake!"

Pei Yi couldn\'t help laughing, what the stupid woman wanted to do, the baby came out.

"Don\'t worry, you don\'t need to ask him to know."