Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 845: Completely ruined his reputation

During afternoon tea, Su Zibao sat on the sofa and read the progress of the recent business war against the Han family. With the cooperation of several major families, the Han family was obviously defeated, and its defeat was only a matter of time. However, after all, the Han family has a century-old foundation, and it will not collapse in a while, and the two sides are still at a stalemate.

Su Zibao looked at the information for a while, and his eyes were a little dazed, slightly dizzy.

"What\'s wrong, Miss?" Gu Yian came in with a fruit bowl and placed it on the glass tea table.

Although he has returned to Liang\'s house, as long as he returns to Su Zibao\'s side, it will be the same as before. Xu Jinyao on the side said, "Are you recovering from a serious illness, overworked, and feeling unwell?"

"It should be." Su Zibao pursed his lips. She had already told these close friends about her surgery, but for the time being, she just needed to hide it from Simon. After the Han family collapsed, Su Zibao clarified everything aboveboard.

Maybe it\'s because there are too many things to deal with the Han family\'s calculations recently, and Su Zibao often feels a little dizzy.

"You have to take a good rest, don\'t leave any root causes." Xu Jinyao said, "I will prescribe a Chinese medicine for you to soothe the nerves, it should be better."

Su Zibao smiled lightly, "Then thank you Miss Jinyao."

"Why are you being polite to me, I would also like to thank you for messing up the marriage between my cousin and Liang Qianqian. I didn\'t expect Han Ruoyan to be so shameless and deliberately fall down and blame Liang Qianqian, but Liang Qianqian is not a good person. It just so happens that they eat dogs, so save us the trouble. Trouble." Xu Jinyao smiled proudly.

Gu Yian said, "The person Han Ruoyan wanted to blame was the eldest young lady, and relying on Liang Qianqian just happened to be a meeting. So this time, to deal with the Han family, we must block their last retreat, and never give them any room to breathe."

"I agree with this. With Han Yu\'s prudence, once he leaves room, he will definitely fight back." Shen Xi on the opposite side said lightly.

Ling Qingluo also nodded slightly in agreement.

Except for Xu Jinyao, the people in this circle are all representatives of the wealthy family in the business world to deal with the Han family. At this time, everyone except Li Han expressed their own views. Because of Su Zibao, Li Han had long resented the Han family and hated them the most. He was usually the most active speaker, but he didn\'t say a word today. Not like her usual style.

Su Zibao looked at Li Han next to her, she didn\'t know what she was thinking, her eyes were empty, her beautiful eyebrows were frowning, she was distracted, and didn\'t notice what everyone was talking about.

"Li Han, what\'s wrong with you?" Su Zibao asked with concern.

Xu Jinyao said, "I\'ll show you if you\'re sick. Now in spring, when the flu is spreading, isn\'t it a cold?"

"It\'s alright. I\'m thinking about some personal things, and I\'m fascinated." Li Han waved his hand, but she was so distracted that she didn\'t seem to be okay no matter what.

Li Han didn\'t want to say anything, so everyone didn\'t ask any further questions. After discussing the details about the Han family for a while, everyone withdrew, and Li Han also planned to go back. Su Zibao grabbed her hand and said with a smile, "I was overwhelmed just now. I didn\'t ask, it\'s just the two of us now. I\'m not honest, what happened?"

"Nothing..." Li Han hesitated.

Su Zibao took her by the shoulders, the two sisters hadn\'t been so affectionate for a long time, leaned on her shoulders and smiled like flowers, "Don\'t say? Then I won\'t let you go today.

Stay with me, let\'s whisper under the covers. I won\'t let you sleep. "

Li Han couldn\'t help but smile, the melancholy in his eyes melted a little, and he said a little embarrassedly, "I don\'t know how to say..."

"Then start from the beginning and speak slowly." Su Zibao thoughtfully, looked at Li Han and guessed irresponsibly, "Is it related to Si Jinjian?"

"How do you know?" Li Han was surprised.

Su Zibao laughed, "Apart from him, do you need to hide anything else from me? Come on, I\'ll analyze it for you if you have any questions. You can\'t think of it if you\'re blindfolded. The authorities are fascinated by the onlookers, you know?"

After saying this, Su Zibao was slightly startled. Father, like son. She is talking about Li Han, so why is it not her own portrayal now.

"I don\'t know since when, Si Jinjian stopped appearing. Gradually I can\'t see him, but it doesn\'t mean I can\'t find him. I can contact him by calling and texting. If I contact him before His teammates can also find where he is, but it\'s not the same as before." Li Han said with a frown.

Su Zibao poured a cup of tea and said with a smile, "Si Jinjian used to be there all day long, wasn\'t it because he wanted to check the accounts of the Li Group? Now that your Li family\'s accounts have been checked, he still has his responsibilities. It\'s normal for the world to run around. Yoyoyo, I really didn\'t expect our girl Li Han to see Si Jinjian in one day like every three autumns?"

"Who wants to see him!" Li Han retorted, and said frustratedly, "After the Li Group\'s accounts were checked, in fact, Si Jinjian stayed for a while. He helped me deal with the malicious spies of the Li family. That is to say, he has not appeared very much recently. I thought he was transferred abroad to do business, but he is obviously in the imperial capital and is dating other women, so he is so leisurely and elegant, where is he busy.

Su Zibao handed the teacup in his hand to Li Han and said, "Drink a cup to cool off."

"Who is angry?" Li Han gritted his teeth.

Su Zibao chuckled, "Isn\'t he angry because he saw Si Jinjian dating another woman?"

"I..." Li Han wanted to refute, but he didn\'t know where to start, so he silently took a sip of tea.

Su Zibao raised his lips slightly, "I have already analyzed the problem. Even after the Li family\'s official business was resolved, Si Jinjian kept it for you to help you solve the private affairs, explaining that everything he did was not just because of his responsibilities. One point, is it that Miss Li Han, who has been rejected by us thousands of miles away, falls in love? Of course, it\'s not just this, there are four years of confrontation, and love will grow over time."

Without waiting for Li Han to refute, Su Zibao continued, "In the end, you\'re just such a person, who has ignored you since recently, and instead messed up with other women, really likes the new and hates the old, empathizes and does not love, the sin is unforgivable, then we Did the whole idea ruin him, or just kill him? Or **** and then kill?"

"No! He has nothing to do with me, don\'t bully him." Li Han immediately took a protective attitude.

Su Zibao held back his laughter, but he still couldn\'t hold back his laughter. Li Han saw that Su Zibao reacted like this and she was joking with herself, stared at Su Zibao angrily and said, "A Bao, you are laughing at me!"

"No, no, I\'m just thinking, how can Si Jinjian\'s old-fashioned wooden stake, He De, get the admiration of our eldest Miss Li Han, but he still doesn\'t bow down under your pomegranate skirt, and dares to run to hook up with other women, Be sure to give him some color. Oh, by the way, do you know who your rival is?"