Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 844: It's all left to play, blame it

Liang Qianqian was quite frightened, "Su Zibao, don\'t open your eyes and talk nonsense, I didn\'t touch Han Ruoyan at all, she bumped into it herself, how can you say I bumped it? Do you have a grudge against me, so you did it on purpose? slander me!"

Nonsense, of course, I frame you like this because I have a grudge against you. Your brothers and sisters joined forces to attack Gu Yian. Liang Bulian was sent to Africa by Mr. Liang, but you were able to stay in the imperial capital because you had a marriage contract with the Xu family.

If Su Zibao doesn\'t make trouble with you, then she is not Su Zibao.

What\'s more, Doctor Yu is now whispering in Su Zibao\'s ear every day, hoping to dissolve the engagement of her cousin Xu Peisheng and Liang Qianqian. It\'s a pity that the marriage decided by the two wealthy families, if there is no special justifiable reason, just repenting of the marriage so lightly is tantamount to hitting the Liang family in the face.

If the Xu family did this, it would be at odds with the Liang family. Now the Xu family owes an excuse to regret their marriage, and Su Zibao just helped them prepare it. When she met Han Ling, Xu Jinyao blocked her for a while, and Su Zibao reciprocated for her kindness.

"Have a grudge? I have never had any friendship with Miss Liang Qianqian, what kind of grudge do you have? I just told what I saw." Su Zibao jumped out of Pei Yi\'s arms, with a calm face, "Han Ruoyan is right in front of me, Liang Qianqian is right in front of me. Right behind me, I just happened to see it in the middle, is this also wrong?"

Han Yu hurried over, "What the **** is going on! The doctor, come to the doctor."

"Father-in-law, the doctor has already gone to inform. Yan\'er\'s situation is very bad now. I\'d better wait for the doctor to come." Han Lijue said, in fact, because Han Ruoyan\'s bleeding was too **** and disgusting, he didn\'t want to come close, otherwise he should put it away. She carried her to the bed, instead of leaving people on the ground.

And Han Yu paid more attention to the Han family\'s face than Han Ruoyan\'s body. After just asking a question, he turned around and stared at Liang Qianqian coldly and said, "Liang Qianqian, our Han family has no grudge against you, so why did we bump into Yan\'er!"

"I didn\'t... I didn\'t..." Liang Qianqian was speechless.

The victim Han Ruoyan said that she hit it, and the "witness" Su Zibao also said that she hit it. There were many people on the dance floor just now, and no one paid attention to the situation here.

"Han Liyu, is it a romantic debt you caused outside?" Han Ruoyan\'s face suddenly sank, and she sneered, ignoring her body, "I didn\'t expect you to raise such a little fox outside. People are looking for revenge. , Liang Qianqian, if you really like Han Liyao, I will fulfill you, why would you deliberately bump me into miscarriage?"

Han Lichuan was stunned, what was this all about, he and Liang Qianqian didn\'t know each other at all.

"Yan\'er, you made a mistake." Han Yu hesitated.

Han Ruoyan glanced at him lightly, and said mockingly, "Otherwise, father thinks Liang Qianqian would have any reason to hit me on purpose."

This sentence gave Han Yu a wake-up call. Since Han Ruoyan was bumped by Liang Qianqian, if Liang Qianqian was careless, people would only gloat at the misfortune of the Han family. The bride was bumped into a miscarriage at the big wedding. What about Liang Qianqian?

Then the Han family lost all their faces. Others will only laugh at the unlucky Han family.

Now Han Ruoyan made this seem like an accidental misunderstanding in just a few words, and turned it into a deliberate act by Liang Qianqian, and Han Ruoyan became a real victim. Even Han Liya, who is also defined as hooking up with a lover outside, everyone laughed. In this circle, hooking up girls outside.

It has become the norm for a man to be a man, and to hook up with the eldest lady of the wealthy family of God, and let the other party be jealous at the wedding for him, has also become a kind of talk of his charm.

In this way, the Han family\'s face was saved, and the shameful one became Liang Qianqian.

"Yes, Yan\'er, you\'re right. Liyao, I\'m very optimistic about you, but I didn\'t expect you to do such a thing. It\'s really disappointing." Han Yu looked sad and stared at Han Liyao. The threat is self-evident.

Han Lichuan had no choice but to stand aside and said in cooperation, "It\'s all my fault. I made it clear to Liang Qianqian, but I didn\'t expect her to come to the wedding to make trouble. It\'s all my fault that Yan\'er suffered a miscarriage."

"You... Han Liyu, what are you talking about, I don\'t know you at all, so make it clear..." Liang Qianqian panicked.

Han Lijue said with a righteous face, "Liang Qianqian, I have already said it, what I like is Han Ruoyan, it is impossible for me to be with you, Yaner has my child, we are a family. I didn\'t expect you to know this after , to get revenge on us by bumping into Yan\'er\'s miscarriage. It\'s too much, scorpion-hearted!"

"Nonsense, Han Liyu, you are talking nonsense..." Liang Qianqian cried, but at this time, no one believed what she said.

Su Zibao watched the play quietly, she thought that Han Ruoyan would use the miscarriage to blame her, but she didn\'t expect that she would have made up this set of rhetoric long ago.

If she is not mistaken, she originally planned to deal with herself like this, saying that she colluded with Han Liyao, and she could also explain why Han Liyao had the Su Group\'s plan in her hand.

Although Han Ruoyan didn\'t know that Han Liqian had become Su Zibao\'s pawn, it didn\'t prevent her from slandering them for being a traitor.

If the person standing in Liang Qianqian\'s position is Su Zibao... Han Ruoyan\'s Jedi counterattack is really not to be underestimated.

But after experiencing Mu Yunlan, Su Zibao now avoids pregnant women. She had long known through Han Liya that Han Ruoyan was pregnant. A pregnant woman was a ticking time bomb. If the bomb appeared within one meter of Su Zibao, she would be vigilant.

"The doctor is here! The doctor is here!"

Several nurses hurriedly lifted Han Ruoyan up. When passing by Su Zibao\'s position, Han Ruoyan suddenly grabbed Su Zibao\'s hand and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "How did you know I was pregnant?"

Su Zibao raised her lips slightly, and said in a voice that only Han Ruoyan could hear, "I not only know that you are pregnant, but also that you wanted to blame me. This is what Mu Yunlan played with, your last The means, really, are nothing new.”

"You..." Han Ruoyan was swept up by Su Zibao\'s ridicule, and she fainted without mentioning it in one breath.

"Miss Han is dizzy, get out of the way! Carry out rescue!"

A wedding ended in a hurry. Han Ruoyan had a miscarriage, Liang Qianqian became the biggest black pot, and even the Liang family themselves did not believe in her character. After all, Liang Qianqian has always been arrogant and domineering. She almost killed Gu Yian before, but now she has a miscarriage against her rival, which is completely something she can do.

Xu Jinyao used this as an excuse to finally dissolve Liang Qianqian\'s marriage with her cousin.

Mr. Liang was very angry and sent Liang Qianqian to Africa to repent.

On the second day of the Han family\'s wedding, the Su Group and several major families in the imperial capital jointly strangled the Han family, setting off a new round of melee in the business world.