Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 839: Successful treatment, conscience found?

Simon finally made up his mind, got some information about the Han family from Els and handed it over to Su Zibao, and also indicated that he had suppressed Els\'s side, and Els would not help the Han family.

Although he did not directly attack the Han family, it has already eliminated a great threat. For the past two days, Su Zibao and Gu Yian, Li Han and others have been studying this information on the Han family. The Su family plus the Li family, the Shen family, the Liang family and the Ling family can\'t believe that they can\'t kill a Han family.

And Pei Yi was directly excluded by Su Zibao. Although she knew that she really couldn\'t let him go in the spring rain that passed through Mount Yoshino, she didn\'t want to rely on him as much as before. You don\'t need meco, it\'s enough.

The germs that Su Zibao had contracted were long forgotten by her. Nangong Yu has not replied, it seems that there is no help.

let it go. Su Zibao is very open about these things. It\'s just that because the last time is approaching, her health is getting worse and worse, she can\'t find blood for surgery, and she has to start preparing other conservative treatment methods. But once it starts, there is no way to heal.

"The Han family is currently on this project..." Su Zibao pointed to a scrap paper and was explaining, when suddenly his brain became dizzy and he fell directly to the ground.

Everyone gathered around, their eyes full of worry. This is not the first time. As the final treatment deadline is getting closer, the germs in Su Zibao\'s body have spread to a terrifying level.

If the final treatment is not done, the brain and heart will be infected, and once that kind of treatment is started, it will block the last way for Su Zibao to return to normal.

"It\'s more serious than the last fainting. It can\'t be dragged on any longer." Xu Jinyao looked solemn after checking.

The expressions of the others were very heavy. All of them were Su Zibao\'s friends. It was a shame to receive such bad news.

"Jinyao, please make the worst arrangement." Gu Yian clenched his fists.

Xu Jinyao nodded, "Don\'t worry, the hospital is ready at any time, and treatment can be started at any time."

"Miss Li Han, why is your face so bad today, are you sick?" Mo Xi asked with concern. He is Li Han\'s enthusiastic suitor. Although he has been rejected all the time, he becomes more and more courageous.

And because of the cooperation with overseas, Li Han inevitably had to deal with him, so he couldn\'t ignore him, and he became a friend after going back and forth.

After Li Han came back from Su Zibao\'s house, he was in a daze in the Li\'s compound alone, with a heavy heart. Morse, as always, came to her in front of her under the guise of talking about business affairs.

"I\'m fine," Li said coldly.

Morse said, "You can tell by the look on your face that something must have happened. What\'s the matter, is there anything I can do to help?"

"No way, no one can do it." Li Han bit his lip, clenched his fists, looked at Mo Xi and said, "Isn\'t your King League very powerful? Why can\'t you find a person with the same blood type as A Bao. The Komosi royal family is even more rubbish. In such a large royal family, there are hundreds of thousands of people, but no one has the same blood type as Abao."

Morse stared blankly at the woman in front of him. She has always been cold and arrogant, and she is honest with him, but at this time, I don\'t know what kind of blow she suffered, which made her so rude in front of such an outsider.

"Miss Su, she..."

Li Han\'s eyes turned red instantly, but the tears he was holding back couldn\'t stop falling out, "

Can\'t hold on. If you can\'t do surgery, you can only give up treatment and take life-saving therapy. Let the germs live in her body for a lifetime and be tortured by pain forever. In the future, she will spend about half of her time in the hospital bed for treatment, and will no longer be able to live like a healthy person. I can\'t imagine what Po will become. Now, even if she catches a cold, her life will be in danger at any time. Even if she survives like this, it is too tortured to live. "

"Even if she is afflicted by disease, she can only live for 20 years at most. The ideal state is only 20 years, and the real situation will only be worse. Every day she lives, she has to endure the ravages of germs in her body, endure pain, and endure the devastation at any time. Get rid of the small illness in her life. Is it crueler than death to survive like this. Ah Bao has been suffering from many disasters, how can God be so cruel. "

Mo Xi felt distressed for a while, and wanted to give Li Han a hug, but knowing that she resisted him, he could only take out a square scarf from his pocket and hand it to her. He looked more helpless than usual, but more sincere. .

Li Han looked at the square in front of him, picked it up and covered his face, crying even more sadly.

Si Jinjian, who was watching this scene from a distance, pursed his lips and finally did not approach, turned around and left.

Mo Xi sighed, accompanied Li Han until she was tired from crying and fell asleep, then took out her mobile phone and dialed a very familiar number, "Do you really want to see Su Zibao\'s life ruined by disease?"

At this time, no one knew that Pei Yi, who had never appeared, was no longer in the imperial capital, but went to Western Europe to get a blood bag for Su Zibao...

Su Zibao\'s physical condition was getting worse and worse. She was mentally prepared, but it was easier than others to accept this fact.

After all, she has died once a long time ago, and the days she lives now are a gift. Even if she is ill in the future, she is still alive, and she can support her to continue doing what she wants to do. That\'s enough.

Just when Su Zibao was about to enter the hospital, Pei Yi suddenly came.

He directly took Su Zibao back to his villa, along with a medical team. Su Zibao was put under anesthesia, and he couldn\'t remember the procedure of the operation, but he could vaguely see bag after bag of blood.

Blood? He found someone with the same blood type as him!

Three days after the operation, Su Zibao gradually recovered. Looking at Pei Yi standing in front of him, his eyes were full of surprise, "Have you biological mother?"

Pei Yi was silent. He didn\'t know how to answer Su Zibao, this was his agreement with that person.

Just when Pei Yi was about to violently kidnap and draw blood, the other party suddenly found out that he had given him the blood bag. It seemed that the person was also struggling to save Su Zibao.

"Who is it?" Su Zibao asked again.

Pei Yi remained silent.

Su Zibao seemed to realize something and smiled at himself, "I see, they don\'t want to recognize me. Haha, but anyway, thank you."

"Well, I will help you convey it." Pei Yi said in a deep voice.

Su Zibao lowered her eyes, she actually had many questions in her heart, was it the blood of her own mother? Or other relatives of the same blood type, why are they unwilling to recognize her, and what happened?

However, when he realized that the other party didn\'t want to recognize him at all, Su Zibao suddenly felt that there was no need to investigate. People don\'t recognize you at all, so why post it yourself?

And this blood, she thanked. Just owe someone a favor.