Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 840: you want to be my girlfriend

"Block the news of my successful operation first, and don\'t leak the news until the Han family is settled." Su Zibao said, looking at Pei Yi. In fact, she had realized when she woke up that Pei Yi did take confidentiality into consideration, so he took Su Zibao directly into his private villa, using his exclusive medical team. Now what Su Zibao has done after surgery, only the people in this villa know.

Otherwise, it is more convenient to send the blood bag directly to Taihe Hospital.

"You\'re afraid that Simon won\'t be a cousin if he finds out." Pei Yi looked at her, his lips slightly raised.

Su Zibao didn\'t hide it, and said frankly, "Simon wants to get meco information from me, so he recognizes my cousin. But I also want to use him to hold Els, it\'s already very troublesome to deal with the Han family, plus The energy on Els\'s side is even more difficult. I never thought of betraying meco\'s intelligence, but it\'s not the time to tear my face with Simon."

She used to be the head of the meco sub-district. Pei Yi trusts Su Zibao very much, and some core projects of meco are not concealed. This is why Simon has to spend a lot of effort to win over Su Zibao. If Su Zibao betrays meco, Pei Yi will pay a heavy price.

Once Simon learns that Su Zibao has undergone surgery and that the real blood relative is someone else, that is, Su Zibao knows that Simon is lying to her, then the so-called cousin and cousin will become a joke. This is based on the relationship between cousins. The alliance will soon be broken. Simon might even help the Han family with Els.

This operation solved Su Zibao\'s urgent needs and disrupted her original steps. She still needs the status of Simon\'s cousin now, so that she can deal with the Han family and limit Els\' shot.

"Why should I keep it a secret from you?" A playful smile appeared on Pei Yi\'s lips. "You didn\'t take me to play against the Han family, so what does your plan for the Han family have to do with me whether it was a failure or a success."

Su Zibao stared at Pei Yi, obviously not expecting him to answer like this. This stingy Bala man, what kind of vinegar is this eating?

"Don\'t you think Gu Yian, Shen Xi, Li Han and the others are enough?" Pei Yi said lightly, with a hint of arrogance in his tone.

Being directly excluded from the plan by Su Zibao is really a very uncomfortable feeling. The future she planned did not have him. This woman is really bold, and Pei Yi has long been angry about this. If you seize the opportunity now, you will naturally not let it go easily.

Su Zibao glared at Pei Yi for a long time, thinking that business was the most important thing, and said dryly, "It was already enough."

"Since you don\'t need me, then you can deal with the Han family. Whether Simon knows the truth or not has nothing to do with me." Pei Yi said lazily, and sat down on the sofa next to him.

Su Zibao muttered, "It\'s obviously related to you, if it weren\'t for you, I would be..."

"What? It\'s wrong to save you? Well, I don\'t admit it. Anyway, the germs in your body have been resolved. Even if you think I\'m doing this unnecessary, I\'ll do it." Pei Yi said lightly.

Su Zibao said quickly, "I didn\'t mean that. I thank you very much, you save me and I think you\'re causing trouble, so I\'m too unreasonable, I\'m not so ignorant. Even if I can\'t deceive Simon, my own body And most importantly."

After speaking, he paused and said, "How do you want to keep it a secret? Put forward some conditions. I would like to thank you, so just take it as a thank you. But let me explain first, you don\'t need to think about some unreasonable demands. already."

Su Zibao knew Pei Yi very well. With such an attitude, this guy obviously wanted to take the opportunity to sign an unequal treaty with her.

Don\'t let Simon know

To threaten her with the truth, she really never misses any opportunity anytime, anywhere.

"Non-demanding?" Pei Yi raised his sharp eyebrows slightly and said eagerly, "For example?"

"For example, you asked me to be with you..." As soon as Su Zibao\'s words were out of his mouth, he immediately swallowed and glared at Pei Yi angrily, "Take my words!"

Pei Yi smiled like an old fox, "It\'s rare to threaten you, I can\'t resist such a good opportunity without making any unreasonable demands. But I\'m too upright, I can\'t think of any unreasonable demands, and I didn\'t expect the baby to know it already. Come on, I\'ll just pick two unreasonable demands."

Su Zibao looked at this guy and really wanted to pounce on him and kick him. How could this person be so shameless and rude?

"You\'re an upright girl!" Su Zibao resisted the urge to kick people and frowned, "Tell me about your conditions."

Pei Yi rubbed his chin with his index finger, with an expression that was difficult to decide, and then said, "I can\'t think of it for a while, so it\'s just the unreasonable request you just said."

"What?\'re shameless!" Su Zibao instantly changed his face.

Pei Yi looked innocent, "So what are you trying to say just now with such a shameless and unreasonable request, with such a big reaction?"

"I..." Su Zibao was a conditioned reflex, and only now did he realize that Pei Yi didn\'t know what she was saying, and he was clearly teasing her on purpose.

"Pei! Yi!" Su Zibao gritted his teeth.

Pei Yi reached out and touched her head to reassure her, and her smile was particularly hateful, "Good."

"Two conditions. The first is for the Han family\'s plan, and meco wants a share of the pie. The second is that at Han Ruoyan\'s wedding banquet three days later, you will be my female companion."

Just when Su Zibao wanted to throw him out, Pei Yi made two simple requests.

The first so-called share of the pie, does meco really want to compete with Su Zibao for the cake? In fact, it was a euphemism to help her deal with the Han family. No matter what plans Su Zibao had before, in short, from now on, meco must be included in the commercial sniping plan. The second rule is even simpler, that is, appearing as Pei Yi\'s female companion is just a wedding.

"I agreed. But I have a question, why do you want me to be your female companion?" Su Zibao asked suspiciously.

Pei Yifeng was light and calm, "I don\'t want to see you and Ye Hanjun in pairs."

"It\'s not a couple." Su Zibao didn\'t know why he was habitually not wanting to be misunderstood, and explained.

A smile appeared on Pei Yi\'s face, "Of course, you and I are a pair."

After the operation was completed, the news was temporarily blocked, and all plans for the Han family had been arranged. Many giants joined forces, Simon and Els ignored them, and there was a strong foreign aid such as meco.

Han Ruoyan\'s wedding dance will be the last feast of the Han family.

After this time, presumably the Han family will never be so brilliant again. The family that once forced Su Zibao to leave Pei Yi\'s wealthy family, and tried to kill Su Zibao\'s life several times, will be defeated by her.

If it was Su Zibao four years ago, she would not dare to be an enemy of such a behemoth, but now she already has the strength to challenge or teach them a lesson.

Growing step by step, strong.