Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 838: I dare to marry, do you dare to marry?

the next day.

"What? Liang Bulian was thrown into Africa? No way?" Xu Jinyao looked bewildered.

Gu Yian nodded and said with a pity, "If Mr. Liang doesn\'t come to me and deal with them in my own way, I will definitely send them to the experiment. But Mr. Liang intervenes, after all, it\'s a family, and I can\'t either. It\'s the only way to do it."

"The Liang family\'s branch in Africa? For a scoundrel like Liang Bulian, it\'s worse than death. How could Mr. Liang be willing to give up that kind of place?" Su Zibao asked.

Gu Yian said lightly, "Because I told Mr. Liang that Liang Bulian\'s troublesome character must be well honed, otherwise throwing it in the imperial capital will only cause trouble for the Liang family. So Mr. Liang sent him to Africa. Originally, Liang Qianqian also wanted to go with her, but she would rather die than follow."

Su Zibao understood a lot from this understatement. Liang Qianqian can rather die than obey, but can\'t Liang Bulian do it? Therefore, the old man transferred Liang Bulian away, in addition to venting his anger to Gu Yian, another reason should be that he already wanted Gu Yian to be the next heir to the Liang family.

The Liang family is a hundred-year-old wealthy family, but it is also very feudal. Women cannot inherit the family business, so the old man thinks that Liang Qianqian will not be a threat to Gu Yian even if she stays in the imperial capital, but another Liang Bulian, who has the right to inherit, may cause trouble for him.

Taking Liang Bulian to Africa is to clear the way for Gu Yian. Now everyone in the Liang family should understand that the next heir that Mr. Liang wants to train is Gu Yian. This is the direct reason why Liang Qianqian could still stay in the imperial capital, while Liang Bulian was thrown to Africa and treated differently.

Of course, there is a third meaning, then protect Liang Bulian. Although Liang Bulian was not filial, he was the grandson of the old man. Lao Lao Liang knew very well that with Gu Yian\'s method, Liang Bulian\'s stay in the imperial capital was the target in front of him. If you just go to Africa, the bitterness is a little bit bitter, and at least it won\'t be a mess.

Su Zibao thought of this, and faintly discovered the fourth meaning of Liang Lao. That is to maintain Gu Yian. Gu Yian will be the heir to the Liang family in the future. If Liang Bu is really killed, he will suffer huge pressure from the family if he wants to inherit the family business. Although there is no blood in the battle between the giants, you are so **** and cruel, how can you make other relatives feel chills.

A seemingly ordinary decision actually contains four meanings. Su Zibao looked at Gu Yian and was about to explain it, but thinking of his intelligence, he must have already understood it.

Now that Liang Bulian has gone to Africa, it is estimated that he will never come back in his life. For the Liang family, he has been "exiled". From now on, Gu Yian is the only candidate for the next succession.

The general framework of the Liang family\'s affairs has been settled. Even if there will be a rebound on Liang Bulian\'s side, Gu Yian has enough skills to suppress it.

The beginning of provoking this incident, here, finally has a result.

"The development in Africa is difficult, and Liang Bu even deserves what he deserves. It\'s that Liang Qianqian..." Xu Jinyao\'s eyes showed a trace of worry.

Gu Yian said, "There is another reason why Grandpa left her because the Liang family had already engaged her before. If you go to Africa now, there is no way to explain the marriage."

"Haha, who is so unlucky to marry Liang Qianqian?" Xu Jinyao clicked, gloating.

Gu Yian looked at her sympathetically, "Xu Peisheng."

"You... what did you say?" Xu Jinyao said all over

Confused, how could it be cousin? Cousin, do you want so many rotten peach blossoms? Zhu Ziqi is in the front and Liang Qianqian is in the back. How did parents choose people, are they blind?

Gu Yian said, "You probably don\'t know that the Liang family and the Xu family have recently developed a military high-tech cooperation project, which is also somewhat related to meco. In order to further promote the cooperation between the two families, in order to bring the relationship between the two families closer, an oral marriage contract was made."

"Wait, I\'ll go back and find my mother. I can\'t marry Liang Qianqian. If I want to marry it, I\'ll marry Liang Mixue. Forget it, Liang Mixue, the arrogant and talented girl, will probably bully my brother if she gets married." Broken, unable to wait any longer, turned around and prepared to go home.

Su Zibao suppressed a smile and said, "If the Liang family and the Xu family really want to get married, I think you two are pretty good."

Xu Jinyao, who was about to leave, paused, his heart beating wildly, but he said, "He dares?"

Xu Jinyao, the royal elder sister doctor, has taught all the playboys in the imperial capital a lesson, and I don\'t know how many people have been pierced by a syringe in his hand. Until now, no one dared to marry her.

"I dare to marry, do you dare to marry?" Gu Yian smiled.

"You are so beautiful!" Xu Jinyao threw down these words and sped up to go home, but it meant that he was running away.

Seeing this scene, Su Zibao couldn\'t help laughing. It really is one thing.

"It seems that I can drink wedding wine?" Su Zibao looked happy, looked at Gu Yian and said, "It\'s good to go back to Liang\'s house, at least I can marry Miss Jinyao, Yian, right?"

Gu Yian smiled and handed her the big red gilded invitation card in his hand and said, "The wedding is here. The wedding banquet of Han Ruoyan and Han Lijue will be in two weeks."

"Well, then we have to watch a lively event." Su Zibao\'s lip line lifted slightly...

Hospitals, special wards.

Tang Yuqing\'s face was pale, and she struggled to say, "Brother Yi, you let me see Sister Abao, and I\'ll make it clear to her."

After she came back, she changed the name of Su Zibao to Abao\'s sister-in-law. The change was not only the title, but also recognition and respect. If it weren\'t for Su Zibao, who knows what would happen to her in the end.

"She doesn\'t want to see you now. The plane to go abroad for treatment has been arranged, so you can receive treatment. I\'ll talk about it when you come back." Pei Yi said.

Tang Yuqing said worriedly, "But... but my sister-in-law doesn\'t know that day..."

"She will know one day." Pei Yi looked at her and said, "I promised the teacher to take good care of you, but I let you get sick, which is against the teacher\'s entrustment. There is no need to say anything else, just go and heal your body first. return."

Aero said, "You don\'t have to worry about Pei Shao. According to my estimation, Miss Tang will be able to come back healthy after a month. Fortunately, it was discovered early, and the invading virus has been brought under control."

"Well." Pei Yi nodded slightly.

Tang Yuqing had more to say, Yan Xu sighed and said, "Let\'s go to recuperate first. You don\'t know how cruel Su Zibao is now, the Han family has already fallen into her calculations, and even the elusive Fei Ying will not let go. Now if she sees you, she will definitely not be soft-hearted. Hurry up and go abroad, and the boss can be relieved. "

Hearing Yan Xu say this, Tang Yuqing finally stopped talking and obeyed the arrangement honestly.