Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 816: keepsake, insidious design

"Then don\'t give up. Su Zibao, don\'t worry, you are my aunt\'s daughter and my cousin. I will definitely try my best to find someone with the same blood type as you! I don\'t believe that we are a huge royal family, and none of us have inherited a special blood type. people." Simon\'s expression of "righteousness is thin and cloudy" made Su Zibao almost burst out laughing.

Lin Xuejiao quickly thanked, "Thank you very much, Mr. Simon, then please."

"You\'re welcome, Su Zibao and I are family." Simon sighed when he said this.

Lin Mingye next to him immediately said, "Although Her Royal Highness Princess Feiya and our Mr. Simon have a long blood relationship, for some reasons, Mr. Simon was taken care of by Princess Feiya when he was a child, and he had a deep relationship with the princess. But he passed away so early, and Mr. Simon was very sad. Now when he heard that Her Royal Highness\'s daughter appeared, he flew over from Western Europe immediately, and even went to do a blood test to help, but unfortunately the blood type was wrong."

"Hey, thank you, you really did your best." Lin Xuejiao couldn\'t help but wipe her tears when she said this. Now all over the world, I can\'t find anyone with the same blood type as Su Zibao. I just thought that if I found someone, I would be saved, but I didn\'t expect that it would not work.

Simon said, "It\'s me who should thank you for taking care of your cousin for so many years."

Su Zibao watched coldly. Last time Nangong Yu said that the Simon royal family could be excluded directly. Su Zibao didn\'t tell anyone about this trivial matter. She planned to wait until the final result was confirmed before telling her parents. Nangong Yu and Mo Xi are not talkative people, so the content of their discussions that day, no accident, only the four of them know.

Simon could know that he went to Nangong Yu to help him check his mother\'s family, and he could even find the list in his hands, but he certainly didn\'t know what Nangong Yu said.

Even if Nangong Yu hadn\'t eliminated their family, Su Zibao would never have easily believed this kind of person who came to the door. Unless Su Zibao\'s mother appears, the blood type is directly identified.

"Wait, Mr. Simon, don\'t be in a hurry to thank your cousins. You don\'t know what\'s going on. What should you do if you admit the wrong person." Su Zibao leaned on the back of the bed and said lazily, "I thought you brought If I come with my mother, then direct blood identification is the easiest. But unfortunately, there is no way to prove that we are a family now. You said it just now, even if I and you are a family, but separated by four or five generations, and If they are not immediate family members, there is no way to identify them, right?"

Lin Xuejiao was slightly stunned, "Baby, I don\'t think the royal family will admit the wrong person. It\'s such a big thing, but then again, is my sister-in-law really a princess? It\'s incredible."

"This is about the past of Princess Feiya and her husband Su Guoqing. Some important events are recorded in the archives of our royal family. Normally, outsiders are not allowed to watch, but because of this special situation, Mr. Simon specially hand-copied a share." Lin Mingye handed Lin Xuejiao a file that had been prepared for a long time.

Lin Xuejiao studied the file, but Su Zibao didn\'t even look at it. She looked at Simon and said with a half-smile, "I\'m not surprised that Mr. Simon can know that I asked Nangong Yu to find his biological parents. It is true that the Komosy Kingdom is one of the candidates. But in the first detailed discussion with Nangong Yu, he helped me to rule out a few impossible kingdoms at random, and the Komosy Kingdom was the first one he ruled out."

"Cousin do you believe me?" Simon said calmly with an attitude of Zhizhu in his hand, "Nangong Yu has a grudge against me, so he naturally wants to be the first to exclude me, otherwise, if your ally stabs him in the back, won\'t he be in trouble? If you come to me to investigate, I

It will also give priority to eliminating Nangong Yu\'s family. Does your cousin think it\'s right? "

Su Zibao\'s eyes flickered, "Mr. Simon is right."

"Baby, look at the time and date above, they are all correct." Lin Xuejiao handed the file to Su Zibao, and said excitedly, "The time that eldest brother left, recorded above, happened to be the time he brought you back. Just fit."

Su Zibao asked, "Mom, does it say why?"

If it is true as Simon said, she is the daughter of Princess Feiya and Su Guoqing, so good, why did Su Guoqing send herself back to the Su family.

Su Zibao\'s question was simple, but Lin Xuejiao immediately understood what she was asking.

"I wrote it. It records the dispute between the Komosy royal family and the Yate royal family. The eldest brother and the princess offended the Yate royal family because of business matters, and they were worried about the other party\'s retaliation. At that time, the Komosy Kingdom was no longer safe. Brother. I\'ll leave you at Su\'s house first, and plan to take you back when the crisis is over, but I didn\'t expect that the couple had an accident soon after. But there was a record of a child, but there is a file in it." Lin Xuejiao said.

Su Zibao\'s expression didn\'t change, and he looked at Simon, "I can\'t identify the blood relationship. You know I can\'t believe it with just a file. I believe in Nangong Yu more than you."

"What about this?" Simon came prepared and smiled lightly.

Lin Mingye walked forward with a brocade box and opened it. Inside the box was a very simple jade wrench.

"What is this?" Su Zibao looked at Lin Xuejiao suspiciously.

Lin Xuejiao didn\'t doubt Simon\'s intentions at first, and when she saw this wrench, she said excitedly, "I... I\'m not sure. But if I guess correctly, this is the Su family\'s patriarch ring, which should have been worn by every patriarch. , but the eldest brother was determined to be the heir back then. When he went abroad, his grandfather gave it to him. After that, the eldest brother disappeared for many years, and this jade wrench disappeared. I never saw it when I married. I just heard Guoqiang mention it. I will call him Guoqiang now, and now he is the only person who can recognize this ring."

Lin Xuejiao hurriedly called Su Guoqiang. When he didn\'t come, Lin Xuejiao had completely believed in Simon, pulling him to ask questions, and Lin Mingye answered them one by one. Su Zibao didn\'t speak, but after listening to Lin Mingye\'s narration, he found that it was logical and flawless.

After a while, Su Guoqiang arrived. Seeing that the jade finger was emotionally overwhelmed, Su Zibao also understood that the jade finger was real.

Except for Dad, no one who is still alive in the world knows that this is something of the Su family, and it is impossible to fake it.

Su Guoqiang was more rational than Lin Xuejiao, and asked a lot of questions, but the more he asked, the more he believed that Su Zibao\'s biological mother was the princess of the Simon royal family.

Su Zibao watched from the sidelines and did not immediately accept this fact. But her hesitation and wandering are also in Simon\'s calculations.

It would be strange if Su Zibao, like Lin Xuejiao, saw the files and tokens and believed it, it was a normal reaction. For Su Zibao\'s rude behavior, Su Guoqiang and Lin Xuejiao apologized to Simon again and again, and trouble him to help find someone with the same blood type in the royal family.

Simon also said that Su Zibao had a hard time accepting normality, and he would spare no effort to find it.