Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 815: cousin and cousin

It\'s no secret that Su Zibao suffered an explosion in Nanya and entered the ward. As for the strange relationship between her and Pei Yi, not many people know the inside story, only that the couple act like strangers for some reason.

But for some people who have been staring at the meco situation, it\'s easy to find out, like Simon.

When Huangfujing, Duke of Cass, and the president of meco stopped the war, Els also began to look for allies, and soon selected Simon. Because of the dispute between Simon and Nangong Yu, Pei Yi was already on his side, and it was naturally impossible for Els to go to Nangong Yu again.

Pei Yi seems to be an outsider, but he has already intervened in the two most powerful commercial battles in Western Europe. The infighting of the Cass brothers, the feud between Nangong Yu and Simon.

The old man of the Cass family originally wanted Huangfujing to find Simon, but instead he went to Pei Yi. Els deliberately revealed it to Simon, and Simon immediately understood that Huangfujing did not like him and felt that he was inferior to Pei Yi. Pei Yi helped Nangong Yu again and became his enemy.

"Su Zibao went to Yate Kingdom to find Nangong Yu in the morning. The royal paper is related to her life experience. This is the list that Su Zibao initially drafted." Els handed a list to Simon, his eyes flashing with calculation." You, the royal family of Komosi, are impressively listed."

If Su Zibao was here, he would definitely be shocked. The list above was the one she gave to Nangong Yu, and it was not wrong.

And she only went in the morning, and in the evening these people checked her ins and outs. For people of their level, intelligence is only the most basic thing.

"Tsk, it\'s impossible for our royal family to have such relatives, but..." Simon thought deeply, and Els and Els were both scheming people. Els took out the paper and he already knew what the other party had planned.

And he could do it.

"When in Nanya, Pei Yi rescued his teacher\'s granddaughter and abandoned Su Zibao. Now Su Zibao treats him like a stranger, but Pei Yi unilaterally wants to reconcile with Su Zibao. This is an opportunity, if Su Zibao thinks that She is a member of your royal family, coupled with her hatred of Pei Yi now, it is a very clever move to use her to steal business secrets or frame Pei Yi," Els said.

There was a trace of disdain in Simon\'s eyes, "A woman like this is not qualified to befriend me at all. But whoever said that Pei Yi is so immortal has to fight against me, Pei Yi stands on Nangong Yu\'s side, thinking that I, Simon, are not as good as that one. Despicable little people. I\'m going to kill them all."

"Then Mr. Simon should try to win over Su Zibao." Els said with a smile, "and this matter needs to be done without leakage. Su Zibao is not a woman who can be fooled easily."

Simon clicked his tongue, "We have a large number of members of the royal family. We just picked a dead woman and said that she was her biological mother. Such a trivial matter must be arranged without any flaws. It is impossible for her to find her biological mother for surgery. It\'s almost as good as being a relative."

After Lei Lie and Bo Yina returned to the imperial capital, they thanked Pei Yi, and also asked him about the Sakura Organization, stating that they wanted revenge.

Pei Yi still didn\'t say anything. The preparations on the army side also took a few days, and Su Zibao had been staying in the ward to recuperate.

In the middle of the way, the two little guys came to visit on vacation. Su Zibao didn\'t tell them the truth, just said it was a cold. After a few days, finally, Bai Yina\'s

The eldest brother, Bo Ye, went to the imperial capital in person. The army has already made arrangements and took down the application. Now he will go directly to Pei Yi to inquire about the investigation.

There will be results tonight.

Su Zibao honestly stayed in the ward and waited for the result, but unexpectedly came an uninvited guest.


At the auction, Su Zibao offended him because he photographed the snow in the sky. Later, at the dinner party, it was he who wanted to drive Su Zibao out, and he was on the same level as Els.

They didn\'t tear it up directly because they, the royal family and nobles, held their own identities, and it was impossible for them to be generous enough to visit Su Zibao on purpose.

"Who are you..." Lin Xuejiao was gossiping with Su Zibao, and when she saw these strange foreigners, she asked in surprise.

Simon was in his early thirties, wearing a suit, looking good, and with that kind of long-term high-ranking breath, he had an extraordinary origin at first glance.

Simon glanced at Su Zibao, then looked at Lin Xuejiao and said, "Ms. Lin is the adoptive mother who has been taking care of Su Zibao, right? Thank you very much for raising Su Zibao. On behalf of the Komosi royal family, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you."

It seems that he did a lot of work and recognized Su Zibao\'s family at a glance, but...Thank you? Su Zibao\'s eyes were filled with suspicion, what was he doing?

"Royal family? Thank you?" Lin Xuejiao looked confused.

Simon said sincerely, "Ms. Lin, I am the Crown Prince Simon of Komosi and Su Zibao\'s cousin."

"Cousin? No, how could the baby have a cousin? How old is Lele from her uncle\'s house... Oh, you mean... Are you a relative from sister-in-law\'s side?" Lin Xuejiao finally reacted and said in shock.

Su Zibao is the daughter of the eldest of the Su family, and her biological mother is Lin Xuejiao\'s eldest sister-in-law.

Simon said, "Yes. Su Zibao\'s biological mother is my aunt."

"You... you are the person from the Western European royal family that we are looking for? Baby, have we found someone?" Lin Xuejiao was surprised and delighted, and said quickly, "Where are the people from the big brother and sister-in-law? Do they know about the baby\'s current situation, let me They come here quickly, the baby can\'t afford to delay now."

She didn\'t doubt the truth at all, she just wanted to find the right blood type to operate on Bao.

Moreover, I also felt that there was no need for such a noble royal family to tell lies. They recognized Su Zibao because of their high-ranking Su family.

"That\'s a long story." Simon sighed, and roughly said it again using the rhetoric he had made up long ago.

There are many princesses in the Komosi royal family. The princess who Simon calls his aunt is actually blood related to him for several laps. It is said that he died in an accident, and both the husband and wife died.

"The reason why I identified Su Zibao\'s identity is because my aunt also has a special hidden blood type, but my aunt has been separated from me for several generations, and only has the same great-grandfather as my father. We really don\'t have this special blood type. Simon said, "But don\'t be disappointed. After learning about Su Zibao\'s situation, I have sent people to investigate the people in my aunt\'s line. Check them one by one, maybe they will be the same."

Su Zibao already knew what he was thinking, and he didn\'t pierce it. The lip line was slightly raised, "The doctor said that if it is not an immediate family member, the possibility of heredity is almost zero, so if you look for it, you should not be able to find it."