Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 817: Dare to trick their husband and wife to kill him

After Simon left, Su Guoqiang and Lin Xuejiao persuaded Su Zibao for a while.

In the end, everyone went out and asked Su Zibao to be quiet, but only Gu Yian was like a shadow and stayed by the side from beginning to end.

"Miss, do you believe in Simon?" Gu Yian asked. The evidence is in front of him, and the answer is also straight-forward, not like a simple weave plan.

In particular, Simon said a word before leaving: "If the cousin has doubts, it is better to compare those other countries and think who is more likely."

There was no news from Nangong Yu in the past few days, but Su Zibao himself was also investigating, but found that none of the royal families met his screening criteria. If it wasn\'t for the clues left by her grandfather that clearly pointed to the European royal family, she would not believe that her parents would be related to the royal family.

At least Simon actually took out the jade wrench, as well as the timeline and some details that matched the file.

Compared with other royal families, it is indeed like their home.

"Judging from the clues that have appeared so far, it is really possible that it is their royal family, and that jade wrench can\'t be faked. What Lin Mingye said is not flawed." Gu Yian said, "Miss thinks, it will be. Isn\'t that their home?"

Su Zibao\'s lip line lifted slightly, "No."

"Because of what Mr. Nangong said? However, it is reasonable for Nangong Yu to give priority to excluding Simon\'s royal family." Gu Yian analyzed.

Su Zibao stretched his waist and clicked his tongue, "I\'an, before we went to Nangong Yu, he didn\'t even know the purpose of our search for him. Everything was his subconscious reaction. I agree with the method, and he also subconsciously said this sentence when answering Morsi. Although it seems like a child\'s play to judge on a piece of paper, it looks no better than the file, token, and a water-tight answer that Simon brought today. more convincing."

"But that\'s an answer that Simon has prepared a long time ago, so naturally there\'s nothing wrong with it. If his well-prepared rhetoric may have made mistakes, it would have been cleaned up by Nangong Yu long ago, and it would not have been possible for him to jump around for so long."

Gu Yian nodded slightly, "The eldest lady believes in Mr. Nangong, and directly excludes the Komosy royal family. However, why did Simon rush to climb relatives with the eldest lady, Simon\'s status is noble, and Nangong Yu used the Junmeng to stand against him in court, And he doesn\'t have such an alliance at all, but he is not weak at all. Such a character is not like this."

"Because of Pei Yi. When I cooperated with Nangong Yu, I accidentally pulled Pei Yi in. Simon\'s goal was not me, he wanted to use me to deal with Pei Yi. After all, in his eyes, I was abandoned by Pei Yi. The woman who almost died of love and hatred for Pei Yiyin. And now he is still a cousin who wants to save me, a cousin who has a close relationship with my biological mother. , isn\'t it clear at a glance? Even if I don\'t take the initiative to seek revenge for Pei Yi, my cousin was bullied, so I can\'t just sit back and ignore it." Su Zibao said lightly, his tone mocking.

Simon didn\'t know that what Nangong Yu said to Su Zibao directly ruled out their royal family, and he didn\'t know that Su Zibao was smarter than he thought.

"It\'s so naive to want to use the eldest lady to deal with Pei Yi." Gu Yian tutted, even if Su Zibao now sees Pei Yi as a stranger

, but there is absolutely no way she could hurt him. This is Su Zibao.

A woman who clearly says she doesn\'t love and draws a line but never lets go.

"Since Simon wants to cheat me, then I\'m welcome. The person who can oppose the first king of the Junmeng League is my cousin, I have to hold the banner and play with prestige. By the way, he also I didn\'t give you a gift, right?" Su Zibao\'s eyes narrowed slightly, his eyebrows curved like a little fox.

Gu Yian forced a smile and said, "The jade wrench has been given to Uncle Su."

"Oh, that was his thank you gift to the Su family, not to me. It just so happened that I couldn\'t get used to the Han family for a long time. The Han family cooperated with Els, and Els cooperated with Simon. Ian, Do you think my cheap cousin will sell the Han family?" Su Zibao tilted his head slightly, with a smile in his eyes but a hint of cold light.

Gu Yian bowed slightly, with a graceful demeanor, "It depends on the weight of the eldest lady in his heart, whether it is more important than the Han family."

"Of course I can\'t compare to the Han family, but Pei Yi is comparable. If you want to buy me off, how can you not pay a little price. It\'s better if Els is reluctant to fall out with him, then there will be drama. But Els Si is a scheming old tortoise, and won\'t fall out with Simon over a Han family." Su Zibao tsk tsk, the line of lips raised slightly, there is no seriousness in his tone, but he is relaxed and freehand, "Yian, you said Pei Yi Why is he so hated, so many people want to kill him."

"Probably not being jealous of others is mediocre." Gu Yian smiled.

Su Zibao snorted, "If Pei Yi was here, he would definitely say it was because he was handsome. This shameless fellow..."

Having said this, Su Zibao suddenly reacted and paused, withdrew the smile on his face, and said lightly, "Don\'t tell my parents for the time being, lest they worry. Now the superpowers in Western Europe have been implicated, I don\'t want them anymore. I am worried about this matter, you know it and I know it, and God knows it."

"Yes. Since the eldest lady is going to pretend to recognize Simon as her cousin, why didn\'t she just ignore it..."

Su Zibao raised his lips slightly, "If I recognized him right away, he would suspect that I had other plans. So I would bite to death and refuse to accept it. Remember, it\'s not that I don\'t believe it, it\'s that I refuse to accept this fact. Don\'t you want to cheat me, don\'t you want me to cheat Pei Yi, then I will cheat him hard and kill him. Hmph."

Dare to design her to deal with Pei Yi, she is really courting death, if she doesn\'t vomit blood from Simon Keng, she will not be Su Zibao. Originally, Su Zibao was trying to find a way to dig out Fei Ying, and would not have time to clean up the Han family for a while.

But since this knife jumped in front of him, it would be too wasteful not to pick it up and chop it...

And just when Su Zibao was thinking about how to cheat Simon, Pei Yi also saw an uninvited guest, the person sent by the army to investigate the Sakura organization, Bo Yina\'s brother Bo Ye.

Bo Ye has a high military rank and is the direct person in charge of the investigation team. It is reasonable and reasonable for him to ask.

"Pei Yi, just tell Fei Ying\'s information, she is your old lover, don\'t say you don\'t understand. Don\'t look at me like that, I know you are the great president of meco, but you are also our military. As a soldier, you must answer directly and honestly when asked by a superior, this is not asking for your opinion, this is an order!”