Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 814: Counting Pei Yi in a circle

After talking with Nangong Yu, Su Zibao returned to the imperial capital without staying in Western Europe. Her current physical condition is not enough to run around freely, so she will take this trip, and she will have to conduct multiple inspections immediately when she returns. The doctor\'s suggestion is that it is best not to get out of bed within a month, and to wait in bed to prepare for the operation.

However, it would be too insincere to ask others if they didn\'t go in person. In Nangong Yu\'s capacity, even if Su Zibao went in person, it was a matter of thought whether they would agree or not, so Su Zibao went to Western Europe.

After getting off the plane, Gu Yian immediately sent Su Zibao back to the hospital for examination. Fortunately, there was no problem. The doctor also said that Su Zibao is now not only afraid of the inconvenience of moving the wound, but he basically checks the infected area every morning and evening to see if there is any abnormality.

Originally, Su Zibao thought that he could find out about Fei Ying from Nangong Yu, but he didn\'t expect that Nangong Yu was unwilling to say it.

In this case, Su Zibao can\'t force it. It\'s just that this blocks her last path. If she wants to explore more detailed information about Fei Ying, she has only one choice, Pei Yi.

But Pei Yi was still a stuffy oil bottle. What he didn\'t want to say, Su Zibao wasn\'t sure if he could figure it out.

It was no less difficult than finding Nangong Yu before.

Su Zibao couldn\'t help but sighed. No way, I can only find him now, but I still need to think of a way. Su Zibao was sure that he just ran to ask Pei Yi directly, he wouldn\'t say a word.

This guy doesn\'t want himself to know his past at all.

A person appeared in her mind and was rejected by her again. She can form a clear line based on a few simple names, and directly calculate the probability of success in doing so.

As a result, the most probable one was selected, but I still felt that it was unlikely.

"Yian, Lei Lie and Bo Yina arrived by plane in the afternoon, right?" Su Zibao said, looking at Gu Yian next to him.

Gu Yian smiled and said, "Miss, Miss Li Han said that you are a patient now, so you don\'t need to pick up the wind. When she picks up Lei Lie and Miss Bo Yina, they will come to see you together."

Pei Yi\'s share of the detoxification solvent was delivered to Yunwu Mountain, and the troubles that plagued Lei Lie and Bo Yina were lifted.

After they heard about Su Zibao\'s condition, they were going to rush over immediately. It was Tang Laoqiang who pressed Lei Lie to let him rest for an extra week and let him go after he had thoroughly cleaned up the residual poison.

It\'s the plane this afternoon.

"I\'m welcome to pick them up or they come to see me, but it\'s inconvenient to talk in the hospital. Make arrangements, I want to go out." Su Zibao pondered for a while and said.

Gu Yian was not very happy, "Miss, you just came back, and you went out again within half an hour."

"I checked it just now and it\'s fine. I\'ll have to do this for twenty years in the future, so I can\'t just lie down all the time." Su Zibao said innocently.

Gu Yian couldn\'t bear to say more in an instant, but couldn\'t help but exhort, "But Miss, the wound on your body is easy to open, so be careful."

"Yeah, I see, Mrs. Gu." Su Zibao bent the corners of his lips...

I haven\'t seen each other for a few months, and Su Zibao has only just been separated from them, so the excitement after meeting them is self-evident.

After everyone had finished telling each other their feelings, Su Zibao started talking about his own business.

"Don\'t you ask yourself?" Lei Lie said.

Su Zibao twitched the corners of his mouth, "If you ask him, he won\'t say anything. Instead, he will startle the snake. It\'s better to go around in a circle, maybe he won\'t think about me."

"But if I ask, even if he doesn\'t know that I asked for you, knowing that I know means you know." Lei Lie spread his hands.

Su Zibao said, "It\'s not for you to ask, nor for you to ask. It\'s just that no matter what you want to ask or what you want to say to him, it\'s the same. You are also unlucky because of Fei Ying, if you suffer a loss, don\'t mention it Pei Yi should feel strange if he seeks revenge from Fei Ying. What should you do or what should you do, I\'m not talking about going around in circles."

"That\'s right, let\'s ask, isn\'t that the same as asking A Bao directly? It\'s not going around in circles. A Bao, your plan is..." Bai Yina asked.

Su Zibao said, "My method is a bit troublesome, but it\'s not tricky. First of all, you are all temporarily serving in the army, and everything has happened. The army is justifiable to deal with it. I heard that the military only dealt with the research base, and there is no special Let\'s start tracking down who\'s behind it."

"Yes. But it\'s a matter of time. The Sakura Organization has committed such a big thing on our territory, so it won\'t be the case." Bai Yina said coldly.

Su Zibao nodded, "My plan is for the military to come forward to investigate the culprit behind the scenes, but the investigation is not direct. With the energy of the Bai family, I should be able to apply for approval. I don\'t know what Pei Yi\'s military rank is, but I\'m sure he is also in the military. Temporary post. Since he is a member of the army, he must obey the management. He should be able to say when he is inquiring about business affairs. He is never perfunctory in business affairs, and there is no reason to lie. "

This approach may seem simple, but in fact it takes all aspects into account. The first is that the Bai family is the first military family in Cangxi, and the second is that both Lei Lie and Bai Yina were involved in this accident, so it is reasonable for the Bai family to want to get the Sakura Organization. But because the danger level of the Sakura Organization is too high, under normal circumstances, it is not so easy to take action against them, and there are too many preparations in all aspects.

So in the name of investigation, there is basically no big problem. And even if Su Zibao didn\'t say anything, the Bai family had already planned to investigate.

"Abao, what you said is all right. When my brother called me a few days ago, he said that he wanted to check Feiying, but I didn\'t expect that Pei Yi was still in the army. As the president of meco, he played a pivotal role in the shopping mall. , Even the military can\'t ask directly. It\'s easy to handle now, the military order is strict, he has to say." Bai Yina instantly blushed.

Su Zibao nodded, "Then I\'ll leave it to you. Don\'t let Pei Yi know that I want to ask."

"Don\'t worry, just wait, our Bai family will take action, and we will catch it!" Bai Yina agreed, and then said a little embarrassedly, "Pei Yi just saved us, so it\'s not a good idea for us to just count on him. ?"

Lei Lie laughed, "Then the thank you gift that your Bai family prepared this time is even more generous."

The two were rescued, and the Bai Lei Liang family prepared gifts to thank Pei Yi.

"Also, add my apology to it." Bai Yina is also a mother-in-law, she said, "I just found out about Fei Ying, and I won\'t let her go!"

Su Zibao is not as optimistic as Bai Yina. Even if he borrowed the army\'s hand, can he count on Pei Yi? Su Zibao was still not sure.